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Ethics and Professional Practice Lisa & Matt. Session Starters Please silence your cell phones When asking questions please clearly state your name and.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics and Professional Practice Lisa & Matt. Session Starters Please silence your cell phones When asking questions please clearly state your name and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics and Professional Practice Lisa & Matt

2 Session Starters Please silence your cell phones When asking questions please clearly state your name and where you are from Try to hold questions for Question Breaks A link where you can download the PowerPoints will be available after the conference for review, but take notes! Sit back, relax and let’s have some fun

3 Agenda Overview of NACE Principles/Precepts Review NACE Principles Resources NACE Problem Solving Procedures Mini Case Studies Database Access Internships Social Media Reneging on an Offer General Q & A

4 The NACE Principles for Professional Practice A Universal Framework/Foundation for Professional Practice

5 The NACE Principles: Resources for those Unavoidable Awkward Conversations

6 Career Services & Recruiting Precepts Open and free selectionOpen and free selection of employment opportunities fair and equitableA recruitment process that is fair and equitable Informed and responsible decision makingInformed and responsible decision making by candidates

7 Principles Training Resources

8 Problem Solving Procedures 1.Discuss the incident with all parties involved 2.Determine the specifics 3.Attempt to resolve 4.Refer unresolved concerns

9 Advisory Opinions from NACE A NACE member may request an advisory opinion regarding an interpretation of the Principles document at any time –Prepare and submit to NACE a written statement detailing the conduct in question –Statements should include the section(s) of the Principles to be interpreted relative to the conduct in question The request and information will be reviewed by the NACE Principles for Professional Conduct Committee and a response given to the member

10 Unresolved Problems/Complaints Present to the NACE Principles Committee for ultimate determination by the NACE Board. Remedies include written warning, probation, suspension, and expulsion from NACE membership.

11 Mini Case Study #1: Database Access Your Vice President for Development has requested access to your employer database to market university events not connected to recruiting/career services. In the past, similar requests had been channeled through you, but now this Vice President wants employer names, along with the individual contacts and their email addresses and phone numbers in order to contact them directly. –How will you respond to this request? –What standards/precedents will you apply in your response? –How will your decision impact your employer relationships?

12 Mini Case Study #2: Internship Standards The Dean of your College of Liberal Arts has asked for your advice and recommendations regarding establishing college-wide standards for internships for academic credit. She is particularly concerned about what is allowable in unpaid internships, but is most interested in creating general standards that will apply to all internships for credit (paid and unpaid). –How will you advise the Dean? –What advice will you give regarding unpaid internships? –What advice will you give regarding general standards for internship for academic credit? –What tools, resources will your reference in crafting your advice and recommendations?

13 Mini Case Study #3: Social Media Jim, a current student, has requested to connect with you (an employer or career service representative) through LinkedIn and Facebook. –How will you respond to the Facebook request? –How will you respond to the LinkedIn request? –What standards are you applying in making these decisions? –Are you applying these standards equitably? –How will your decision (yes or no) impact your relationship with the student?

14 Mini Case Study #4: Reneging on a Job Offer Jane is a graduating senior. She has applied for several positions and has had a few interviews. She had not heard from any employers, until one morning last week. On her way to class she received a call on her cell phone from HIHO Company who says: “Jane, you would be a great fit for our organization, you have all the skills and qualifications we are seeking in a candidate. If I offer you the job will you take it?” Jane is surprised and says “yes”. The employer congratulates her on accepting the position and indicates the official offer letter will be sent via FedEx the same day and to “please sign and return it”. Jane politely says “thank you”, hangs up and realizes she has just accepted a job; but she is still waiting to hear from a couple of organizations higher on her list. Two days later she receives an offer for her dream job. She calls HIHO and reneges on the offer. –What do you do? –How would you advise Jane? –How would you respond to HIHO Company? –What standards/policies do you communicate?

15 Questions

16 Thanks for Attending! If you have any questions please contact the Support Team or your CRM! Safe travels back home!


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