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2009 Workforce Audit – key findings and recommendations Presentation for hub leads 5 th November 2009 Maureen Murfin Lindsay Mitchell On behalf of TWD.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 Workforce Audit – key findings and recommendations Presentation for hub leads 5 th November 2009 Maureen Murfin Lindsay Mitchell On behalf of TWD."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 Workforce Audit – key findings and recommendations Presentation for hub leads 5 th November 2009 Maureen Murfin Lindsay Mitchell On behalf of TWD Subgroup

2 Purpose of Audit – to produce a snapshot of current workforce as of 31 st March 2009  Build on early findings from EYR 2008  Workforce not service focus  Health Trainers and related roles  Management and support arrangements  Recruitment & retention  Demographics  Training  Regulation  Sustainability  Conclusions

3 Process so far  Workforce consultant commissioned for  Questionnaire developed  Distributed to Hub Leads June 1 st 09  91% returned  Data analysed and draft report delivered  Further analysis and revisions by TWD and DH team (special thanks to Louise King (DH) and George Boak – Prime R&D for their work on getting the report thus far and to all hub leads and organisational leads for the tremendous response rate)

4 Key Findings – some facts and figures Services - Ref Pg 7 for numbers -151 organisations host a HT service - 137 returned questionnaires = 91% response -96 ‘active’ services responded and a further 5 are known but didn't respond = 101 active services -41 inactive services but 14 had advanced plans Workforce – Ref Pg 8 for numbers -2,212 HTs, HTCs and related roles -1,285 Paid = 58% -927 Voluntary = 42%


6 Employment  88% HTs are paid – 57% part time  79% THTs are paid – 69% part time  HTCs predominantly unpaid  Of the 36 services who use unpaid roles 21 did not provide wte figures (data incomplete)  Majority HTs paid at NHS Agenda for Change Band 3, smaller number Band 4 (14 services)  Small number of services employ ‘senior HTs’ on Band 5 (4 services) or Band 6 (1 service)  10 services pay HTs on other pay scales  THTs are mainly paid on Band 3 (25 services) with others paying Band 2 whilst training (11 services)

7 Roles and responsibilities  Majority of responses made reference to HT competences  Some indication that HTs are specialising  Most common condition mentioned = CVD but also mental health and disability  Responsibilities for THTs mainly signposting and raising awareness of HT service  Senior HTs – data not complete but.... -Managerial, supervisory roles -Building relationships with communities/groups -Providing added knowledge and skills

8 Management and Support  More work being done on this (very useful information)  No obvious common pattern but.... -Strategic Lead -Programme Lead – Band 7 (may be part time or full time) -Managers/Coordinators (depending on service model may be in host organisation Band 5/6) -Administration support (variable)

9 Recruitment & Retention  781 HTs/THTs recruited 08/09  483 HTC/THTCs recruited 08/09  Regional data available in appendix  4 Common characteristics for Recruitment plus other valuable insights  Communication also key criteria for HTCs  Responses indicate satisfaction that workforce as representative of local communities  Less satisfaction regarding gender split  Workless population actively targeted by some  Barriers and successes to recruitment quoted Ref Pg 18

10 Recruitment and Retention cont....  Audit has provided valuable information on turnover rates - slightly higher for HTs nationally (13.9%) than for comparable groups (HCAs 10.4%)  Reasons for leaving – (although some caution needs to be used in interpretation)  Vacancies & long-term sickness  Demographics (information incomplete) - but where exists looks slightly better than for other comparable groups in the NHS

11 Core Training  Information on training providers and costs will be provided in appendix  Split between taught and practice-based learning  C&G Certificate for HTs standard for HTs/THTs - different delivery models (100% taught to 20%/80% taught/practice-based  RSPH standard for HTCs  Useful section on additional training & funding  Progression routes and regulation sections Final section in report is sustainability that shows detail of fixed and longer term funding per service/per region

12 Conclusions and recommendations  We now have a wealth of information on various areas of HT workforce activities  We know how well our training pathway is being used and how recruitment principles are underpinning the programme  We understand more about HT support models,pay structures and turnover rates And Having undertaken this process we are in a position to develop a targeted tool for future use!

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