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YOU & HEALTH INSURANCE: THE WHY, WHAT AND HOW FOR MAKING A SMART CHOICE University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens and will not.

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Presentation on theme: "YOU & HEALTH INSURANCE: THE WHY, WHAT AND HOW FOR MAKING A SMART CHOICE University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens and will not."— Presentation transcript:

1 YOU & HEALTH INSURANCE: THE WHY, WHAT AND HOW FOR MAKING A SMART CHOICE University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.

2 What is your favorite football team? 1. Redskins (the right answer) 2. Ravens (the wrong answer) 3. Eagles (Blah!) 4. Giants (the other Manning) 5. Other This is the statement to say to the participants:

3 Will You Help Us? Research Consent Form This research has been reviewed according to the University of Maryland, College Park, Institutional Review Board procedures for research involving human subjects. University of Maryland College Park Institutional Review Board Office, 1204 Marie Mount Hall, College Park, Maryland, 20742 E-mail: Telephone:

4 Agree to Participate? 1) I agree to participate in this research 2) I do not wish to participate in this research

5 Your Questions about Health Insurance

6 Our Plan for Today is…  To explore the information you need to make the best health insurance decision for you and your family based on your needs and how much you can afford.

7 Key Questions I Need to Answer Why? Why do I need health insurance? Why is it important? What? What do I need and want? What are my choices? How? How much will it cost? How much can I afford? My Smart Choice

8 1) How many currently have health insurance? 1. I currently have health insurance 2. I do not currently have health insurance

9 2) For those who currently have health insurance, how do you get your insurance? 1. Employer 2. Purchase it yourself 3. Spouse or partner 4. Medicare/Medicaid 5. Parent 6. Other source 7. Not currently insured

10 3) Have you heard of the health insurance marketplace/exchange? 1. Yes 2. No

11 Why? Why do I need health insurance? Why is it important? My Smart Choice

12 Why Health Insurance?  Provides peace of mind  Protects your family’s financial future  Health and wellness services and programs  Better health outcomes

13 New Protections and Benefits  Expanded coverage for young adults  Free preventive care and annual checkups  No lifetime maximums  Coverage for those with preexisting conditions beginning January 2014

14 4) How familiar are you with health insurance terms (such as coinsurance, copayment, deductible, or coinsurance)? 1. Not at all familiar 2. Slightly familiar 3. Moderately familiar 4. Very familiar 5. Extremely familiar

15 5) If you had to choose health insurance right now, how confident are you in making this selection? 1. Not at all confident 2. Slightly confident 3. Moderately confident 4. Very Confident 5. Extremely confident

16 Choosing Health Insurance  Using the health insurance plans in front of you, chose the one that best fits you and your family.

17 6) How confident are you in your decision? 1. Not at all confident 2. Slightly confident 3. Moderately confident 4. Very Confident 5. Extremely confident

18 What? What do I need and want? What are my choices? My Smart Choice

19 My Health Insurance Needs Worksheet

20 Sources of Health Insurance  Medicaid/Medicare  Employer-funded health care  Self-purchased

21 Health Insurance Plan Options EPO (Exclusive Provider Services) POS (Point of Service) PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)

22 How? How much can I afford? How much will it cost? My Smart Choice

23 My Health Insurance Policy Comparison Worksheet

24 Choosing Health Insurance (Again)

25 7) Did you choose the same plan? 1. Yes 2. No

26 8) What caused you to change your decision (if you changed it)? 1. I wanted to pay less 2. I wanted more coverage 3. I chose the same plan

27 9) How confident are you that you made the right decision? 1. Not at all confident 2. Slightly confident 3. Moderately confident 4. Very Confident 5. Extremely confident

28 10) In which category is your current age? 1. 18-29 2. 30-49 3. 50-64 4. 65-75 5. Over 75

29 11) What is your gender? 1. Male 2. Female

30 12) Which of these categories best describes your race? 1. Asian/Pacific Islander 2. Black/African American 3. Hispanic or Latino 4. Native American or American Indian 5. White/Non-Hispanic 6. Other

31 13) What is the highest level of education you have completed? 1. Less than high school 2. High school graduate/GED 3. Some college or associate’s degree 4. Bachelor’s degree 5. Graduate or professional degree

32 14) What is your total income from all sources? 1. Less than $10,000 2. $10,000 to $14,999 3. $15,000 to $24,999 4. $25,000 to $34,999 5. $35,000 to $49,999 6. $50,000 to $74,999 7. $75,000 to $99,999 8. $100,000 to $149,999 9. $150,000 to $199,999 10. $200,000 or more

33 15) In which county do you live? 1. Enter Answer Text

34 Final Questions 1. What was most beneficial or useful? 2. What needs to be included? 3. Is there anything we should know about this as we continue to develop the program?

35 Lingering Questions?

36 Acknowledgements This pilot project was developed with funding from the University of Maryland Extension Program Development team: University of Maryland Extension: Bonnie Braun, Virginia Brown, Shannon Dill, Nicole Finkbeiner, Christine Garcia, Jinhee Kim, Lynn Little, Teresa McCoy, Mia Russell, Crystal Terhune, & Andrew Williams University of Delaware Extension: Maria Pippidis

37 Extension Educator Contact Information

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