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Early on, Sparta was like many other Greek city-states War in and out of the city changed everything Changes turned Sparta into a war machine Thought.

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Presentation on theme: "Early on, Sparta was like many other Greek city-states War in and out of the city changed everything Changes turned Sparta into a war machine Thought."— Presentation transcript:


2 Early on, Sparta was like many other Greek city-states War in and out of the city changed everything Changes turned Sparta into a war machine Thought was to put the city’s needs above your own

3 Did not often interact with other city-states Looked down on those desiring wealth Lacked interest in the arts Became known for their skill in battle and bravery

4 Conquered land around their city Turned conquered people into slaves (helots) Helots did all the farm work…left Spartans available for wage war Helots were treated very poorly Helots far outnumbered Spartans…city was turned into an armed camp

5 Spartan girls were allowed to remain with their parents, but they were also subjected to a rigorous education and training program Allowed to own land and take part in business Often took on larger responsibilities with their husbands involved with the military Had to obey their husbands

6 All Spartan infants were brought before a council of inspectors and examined for physical defects, and those who weren’t up to standards were left to die They were also frequently ignored when they cried and commanded never to fear darkness or solitude

7 At the age of 7, Spartan boys were removed from their parents’ homes and began the “agoge”. This was meant to mold them into warriors and strong citizens The young soldiers-in-waiting were instructed in scholastics, warfare, stealth, hunting and athletics

8 At age 12, initiates were deprived of all clothing save for a red cloak and forced to sleep outside and make their own beds from reeds The boy soldiers were also encouraged to scavenge and even steal their food, though if detected they were beaten

9 One of Sparta’s most brutal practices involved a so- called “contest of endurance” Teenagers were whipped severely The ones who withstood this event, without moans and cries, they crowned with wreathes

10 At around the age of twenty, when the Agoge ended, the military service of the Spartan begun To prepare soldiers for the strain of war and discourage poor fitness, the rations doled out at these communal dining halls were always bland and slightly insufficient.

11 Spartan soldiers were expected to fight without fear and to the last man Surrender was viewed as extreme cowardice If a Spartan trooper died in battle, he was viewed as having completed his duty as a citizen

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