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Presentation on theme: "BLIND CROSSTALK CANCELLATION FOR DMT SYSTEMS"— Presentation transcript:

Nadeem Ahmed Nirmal Warke ECE Dept DSPS R&D Center Rice University Texas Instruments

2 Motivation New multimedia and networking applications => increasing demand for bandwidth DSL is cost effective broadband solution 100 MHz 10 MHz 1 MHz 100 kHz 10 kHz POTS ADSL VDSL ISDN HDSL

3 Motivation Increasing density of DSL deployment => Increased crosstalk Crosstalk typically increases with frequency => significant impairment for high speed DSL Binder ADSL lines HDSL lines POTS

4 Types of Crosstalk Near-End Crosstalk (NEXT):
Interference that arises when signals are transmitted in opposite directions Far-End Crosstalk (FEXT): Interference that arises when signals are transmitted in the same direction

5 DSL System Model FEXT signals travel the entire length of the channel
FDD modems virtually eliminate self-NEXT. Main source of crosstalk comes from other services (i.e. HDSL, T1, etc), which are much stronger than self-FEXT.

6 Crosstalk Power on Line

7 Combating Crosstalk Crosstalk Avoidance Crosstalk Cancellation
Varying transmit spectra Modified bit-loading algorithm Block coding across modems at CO Crosstalk Cancellation Treat as multiuser detection problem Using DFE’s Exploit symbol rate differences

8 Varying Transmit Spectra
Design optimal transmit spectra which vary with channel, noise and interference Designed to reject self-NEXT in a manner which maximizes overall data rate Maintains spectral compatibility with other services

9 Modified Bit-Loading Algorithm
Modify the bit-loading algorithm Change order of placing power in bins Factor NEXT into algorithm Minimizes NEXT within cable binder and extend reach of service

10 Block Coding Across COs
Block coding to eliminate NEXT If code blocks are greater than a minimum length, NEXT can be completely eliminated Need control of a service i.e., all DSL modems only useful for self-NEXT rejection

11 Multi-User Detection Use multiuser detection techniques to cancel crosstalk Jointly detect desired and crosstalk signals Published results for Home LAN interference cancellation from VDSL

Use DFE to remove cyclo-stationary crosstalk Assumes crosstalk has same sampling rate as source Useful for self-NEXT and self-FEXT cancellation

13 Excess Band Crosstalk Cancellation
Crosstalkers like ISDN, HDSL, T1 have large excess band Algorithm Exploits lower symbol rate of crosstalker relative to the sampling rate of DSL Crosstalker estimated in excess band and cancelled in main band

14 Practical Issues Most methods require knowledge of crosstalk coupling function How do you reliably estimate the coupling function- Use models? Based on training data? Very difficult problem

15 Excess Band Crosstalk Cancellation
Paper by Zeng et al on Crosstalk Cancellation for DMT Systems

16 Excess Band Crosstalk Cancellation
Brick wall filters cannot be realized After D/A conversion, filter cannot remove all of image energy If crosstalk signal is oversampled with respect to xDSL, excess band can be observed Estimate crosstalk signal in excess band and predict crosstalk in main band

17 Mathematical Formulation
DMT Modulation System Impaiments- crosstalk and noise DMT Demodulation

18 Mathematical Formulation
Partition into 2 freq. Bands: 2 => main band 1 => excess band Demodulate DMT signal in excess band and subtract to estimate crosstalk signal

19 Cancellation Algorithm
Let x = M.r be a linear estimate of crosstalk signal component x MMSE Estimate: Hence crosstalk signal in main band is, Project onto main band M

20 Blind Cancellation If = .C and x = b, channel is assumed to be known => Zeng’s solution Instead, let = and x = C.b => Blind Approach Solution uses crosstalk statistics i.e. autocorrelation information Estimate coupling function and crosstalk data simultaneously

21 Dependence on crosstalk symbol delay
Relative crosstalk symbol delay varies with DMT frame => varies with DMT frame where,

22 Blind Cancellation- Practical Solution
Autocorrelation can be easily estimated during training and/or quiet periods Crosstalk cancellation matrix can be pre-computed and stored Steady state operation involves product of cancellation matrix with vector r Practical to implement

23 Crosstalk Simulations
Consider an ADSL system: Transmission bandwidth: (25.875, 1104) kHz 256 tones over 1104 kHz bandwidth AWGN at –140 dBm/Hz Crosstalk: 1 HDSL (f_N=192kHz) and 1 T1 (f_N=772kHz) Assumption Assume crosstalk symbol delay is known to within some finite precision

24 Crosstalk Measurements
Used vector signal analyzer 12 wire twisted pair cable binder (4000 ft) Used periodic chirp as input signal Captured magnitude and phase of transfer function

25 Channel Measurements 4000 ft, 24AWG, 21 pair wire binder

26 NEXT Coupling Functions
From 1 into 2 From 11 into 5 4000 ft, 24AWG, 21 pair wire binder

27 HDSL Crosstalk Cancellation
15/12dB average crosstalk energy reduction for Q(T/4)/Q(T/2)

28 HDSL Crosstalk Cancellation
1500/1000ft average reach improvement at 1Mbps for Q(T/4)/Q(T/2)

29 HDSL+T1 Crosstalk Cancellation
require 2x oversampled receiver 12/7dB average crosstalk energy reduction for Q(T/4)/Q(T/2)

30 HDSL+T1 Crosstalk Cancellation
2000/1500ft average reach improvement at 1Mbps for Q(T/4)/Q(T/2)

31 Conclusions Blind crosstalk cancellation method uses statistical properties of received signal Signal cancellation matrix can be pre-computed (steady state operation involves inner products) Simulations show significant gain for realistic ADSL system Performance is robust to jitter in crosstalk symbol timing estimate

32 Future Work Investigate methods for estimating crosstalk symbol timing
Study effect of incorrect DMT decisions in excess band on cancellation performance (multiple crosstalkers) Investigate alternative crosstalk cancellation methods


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