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Mrs. Krista Cannatelli Welcome to Integrated Science.

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1 Mrs. Krista Cannatelli Welcome to Integrated Science

2 Index Cards PLEASE PRINT NEATLY 1. Name you go by. 2. Parents/guardians name. 3. School you came from 4. Tell me one interesting thing about you, that I would only know if you told me.

3 Respond to the following in at least 3 sentences. What do you think it means? How does this convey my expectations of you in this course? “No one can make a real masterpiece of life until he/she sees something indefinitely greater in his/her vocation other than bread, butter, and shelter.”

4 Integrated Science This course is designed to allow you to apply scientific principles to practical solutions. You will be given the opportunity to gain understanding of how the world around you works. Major topics covered: Scientific Inquiry and Nuclear Forces Scientific Inquiry and Nuclear Forces Waves and Energy Transfer Waves and Energy Transfer Astronomy Astronomy Ecology Ecology

5 Class Materials:  3 ring binder (1 ½ inches or larger)  A MUST!  Loose notebook paper  Blue or black pen & several pencils  Highlighters  Scientific calculator (YOU MUST HAVE A CALCULATOR!)  Index cards  Colored Pencils  Recommended- An agenda to write down assignments

6 Binders  You will be required to keep a binder to hold all notes handouts, tests, quizzes, labs and bell work.  Your binder will be separated into 4 sections (notes, formative assessments, summative assessments, and bell work.)  Each section of your binder will contain an assignment sheet, which I will provide, to keep all your papers organized.  I only give out handouts once!  Your binder will be graded periodically throughout the semester by binder quizzes.  You will need your binder in class EVERYDAY!  If you do not have your binder when it is graded you will receive a 0 on that binder grade…no late binders accepted!  Your binder will be collected and graded at the end of the semester, so don’t lose it! No binder = No grade!

7 Grading System  You will be graded on a point system (classwork, homework, labs, quizzes & tests)  Formative Assessments~quizzes, classwork & homework~40%  Summative Assessments~labs & tests~60%  The Final Exam is 20% of Final Grade. Each Marking period is worth 40%, making up 80% of final grade.

8 Grading Scale 98-100 = A+83-84 = C+ 98-100 = A+83-84 = C+ 95-97 = A 77-82 = C 93-94 = A- 75-76 = C- 93-94 = A- 75-76 = C- 91-92 = B+ 73-74 = D+ 91-92 = B+ 73-74 = D+ 87-90 = B 71-72 = D 85-86 = B- 70 = D 69 or below = F 69 or below = F

9 Attendance Policy: We are preparing you for the workforce therefore…  you are expected to be in class & on time everyday!  block scheduling ~ everyday missed is counted as 2 days  written documentation required upon returning to school after an absence is to be given to Mrs. Bailock in the high school office within three days of your absence.  A letter to parents/guardians will be sent at ten (10) and fifteen (15) cumulative daily absences per semester.

10 Make-up Work  you are required to make up work within the amount of days absent (Example – 1 missed day = 1 day to make up work)  If you miss a test, quiz or lab you are responsible for scheduling a time to make it up within the number of days absent  If a student is absent it is the student’s responsibility to get the work missed from their study buddy that was assigned in the beginning of the year. The study buddy collects all papers and takes notes for their buddy. They should also look at the class website for information they missed.  Any missed work due to cutting class or failure to make up work will result in a grade of O for each assignment missed!

11 Always be…  prompt- 3 lates = detention  prepared- physically and mentally (everyone has bad days so…)  polite & respectful

12 Always Follow Directions!

13 Class Website

14 Daily Agenda Daily Agenda Notes Notes Handouts you missed Handouts you missed Helpful Websites and Games Helpful Websites and Games Upcoming quizzes and tests announcements Upcoming quizzes and tests announcements

15 Food and Drinks No food allowed in the room-EVER!!! No food allowed in the room-EVER!!! You may bring a water bottle. You may bring a water bottle. No glass or sodas allowed! No glass or sodas allowed! Gum is allowed as long as… Gum is allowed as long as… I don’t hear it or see it! If I find it underneath my desks, on my lab tables etc. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED to chew gum. I don’t hear it or see it! If I find it underneath my desks, on my lab tables etc. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED to chew gum.

16 Cell Phones They are cracking down on cell phone use. Teachers are supposed to present a united front. They are cracking down on cell phone use. Teachers are supposed to present a united front. Please do not have cell phones on in my classroom. Cell phones are to be silent and put away. If I see them or hear them I will take them and give them to the Student Advisor’s office. This is a district policy and no warnings will be given. Please do not have cell phones on in my classroom. Cell phones are to be silent and put away. If I see them or hear them I will take them and give them to the Student Advisor’s office. This is a district policy and no warnings will be given.

17 Bathroom  Students will receive 5 bathroom passes per marking period. Once they are gone they may not go to the bathroom during my class period.  Students will receive 5 bathroom passes per marking period. Once they are gone they may not go to the bathroom during my class period. The goal of this is to avoid students who are loitering in the hallways. Please go to the bathroom in between classes. The goal of this is to avoid students who are loitering in the hallways. Please go to the bathroom in between classes.

18 In the Classroom Do not enter through back door of classroom. Do not enter through back door of classroom. Do not touch anything in classroom. Ask first! Do not touch anything in classroom. Ask first! DO NOT enter the Chemical Supply room, my office, or my nook in the front of the room. DO NOT enter the Chemical Supply room, my office, or my nook in the front of the room. Only blue or black pens are acceptable. If work is written in a different color it will not be accepted. If work written in pen is sloppy you will be asked to only write in pencil. Only blue or black pens are acceptable. If work is written in a different color it will not be accepted. If work written in pen is sloppy you will be asked to only write in pencil.

19 In The Classroom No electronic devices are allowed to be used to listen to music while in school. This is a district policy. No electronic devices are allowed to be used to listen to music while in school. This is a district policy. Do not congregate by the classroom door at the end of the period. I will tell you when instruction is completed and when to pack up. Do not congregate by the classroom door at the end of the period. I will tell you when instruction is completed and when to pack up. Do not get out of seat unless permitted to do so. Do not get out of seat unless permitted to do so.

20 Homework  Hand in ALL work on time  Incomplete work is unacceptable…at least try every question!  Late work will not be accepted.

21 Activity Points and Extra Credit Periodically activity points will be given for answering questions, behavior, and completing assignments on time. On Friday’s the student/s with the most activity points earned each week receive a prize. Periodically activity points will be given for answering questions, behavior, and completing assignments on time. On Friday’s the student/s with the most activity points earned each week receive a prize. Activity points are extra credit points given to students at the end of each marking period. Activity points are extra credit points given to students at the end of each marking period. Most importantly enjoy your time in our class and do not hesitate to come to me for any reason with any questions, concerns, or if you just need to talk! Most importantly enjoy your time in our class and do not hesitate to come to me for any reason with any questions, concerns, or if you just need to talk!

22 We will have fun this year! I look forward to working with you!

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