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Binder Set Up Galaxy Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Binder Set Up Galaxy Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Binder Set Up Galaxy Middle School

2 Step 1: Supplies Get out materials needed Binder (2-3 inch)
Tabs/dividers (5) Schedule Supply pouch/pens/pencils/glue stick etc. Sheet protector Loose Leaf paper

3 Step 2: Subject Tabs Open tabs and label each one for each of your classes periods 1-7 For example if your first period class is History, label the first tab History Put them all in your binder 

4 Step 3: Filler Paper Add your filler paper to the binder adding pages in each section

5 Step 4: Sheet Protector Add a clear plastic sheet protector to the front This is for homework or important papers that need to go home

6 Step 5: Supply Pouch Put all supplies in supply pouch and put pouch in the front 4 Pens/4 pencils Colored pencils Scissors Erasers 1 Glue stick Highlighter Pencil sharpener

7 Step 6: Possible Extras Some teachers may ask you to add extras, or you may want to…such as: One subject notebook (math requirement) Ruler Calculator Composition book

8 Step 7: Personalize it! Feel free to decorate it and make it yours!! You will have this all year, so OWN it 

9 You’re Ready to GO!! All set to stay organized this year at Galaxy!

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