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CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Welcome to the Scoring Training of Trainers Workshop 2009–10.

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Presentation on theme: "CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Welcome to the Scoring Training of Trainers Workshop 2009–10."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Welcome to the Scoring Training of Trainers Workshop 2009–10 Administration California English Language Development Test

2 Workshop Objectives The purposes of this workshop are to train participants to: 1.Demonstrate an understanding of the scoring process for the one-on-one portions of the CELDT 2.Demonstrate an understanding of how to organize and utilize assessment materials appropriately

3 CELDT Binder  What’s New  Section 1 - Introduction to CELDT  Section 2 - Test Administration  Section 3 - K-1 Reading and Writing  Section 4 - Speech Functions  Section 5 - Choose and Give Reasons  Section 6 - 4-Picture Narrative  Section 7 - Practice Video Samples  CDE Questions and Answers  Section 8 - Writing – Sentences  Section 9 - Writing – Short Compositions  Local Scoring and Placement  Section 10 - Trainer Resources

4 What’s New  K-1 Reading and Writing  New Federal Race and Ethnicity Data Collection  Local Scoring Tool (formerly e-TIP)

5 Who to Contact? CELDT Assessors –Amber Jacobo, 457-3813, –Bon Vang, 457-3895, Administering the CELDT Assessment (Look at Roles and Responsibilities page to determine appropriate person) –Cin Rogers, 457-3828, –Amber Jacobo

6 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Section 2 – Test Administration California English Language Development Test

7 CELDT Domains

8 CELDT Test Purposes Initial Identification (II)  Students with a primary language other than English on the Home Language Survey who have not been previously assessed for English proficiency  Determine if they are English learners  Year round Annual Assessment (AA)  All previously identified English learners who have not been redesignated  Assess progress in acquiring English proficiency  July 1 through October 31

9 Materials for 2009-10 CELDT Administration – Binder, pg 2-5

10 Materials for 2009-10 CELDT Administration Multiple Forms (previously called “versions”) :  Grades K-1: Forms 1-5  Grades 2-12:Forms 1-11

11 Filling in the CELDT Bio Page  What’s New  Box 13 – Most Recent Previous CELDT Administration  Box 14 – Most Recent Previous Scale Scores  Box 15 – Ethnicity  Examiners must be trained to fill in information that is not captured during Pre-ID.

12 Demographics Examiners Must Bubble When Applicable  Braille (Box B on front)

13 Demographics Examiners Must Always Bubble  Form (Box F on front)

14 Demographics Examiners Must Always Bubble  Date Testing Completed (Box 11 on back)

15 Demographics Examiners Must Bubble When Applicable  Test Variations (Box 22 on back)  Accommodations  Modifications  Alternate Assessment

16 Administer the Test  Test administration procedures are provided for each of the domains.  Practice questions (if present, use for modeling)  Administration (individual or group)  How to mark the answer (student or examiner)  Repeating a question (when allowed)  When to stop the test (stopping markers)  Prompting (when allowed)

17 Quick Reference for Scoring DVD: Administration

18 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Section 3 – K-1 Reading and Writing California English Language Development Test

19 Background  Education Code Section 60810(b)  Initial item development  Field test of K-1 reading and writing test questions

20 Results Reporting  Standard setting - Performance level descriptors - Cut scores  Use of results - Initial Identification and reclassification - Raw scores only in 2009-10 - Scale scores in 2010-11

21 Sample K-1 Student Report

22 California Educator Participation  Item development  Content reviews  Bias and sensitivity reviews  Field-test administration  Written field-test survey feedback  Oral feedback from field-test focus group DVD: Administration K-1 Reading and Writing

23 2009-10 K-1 Materials Two Student Books  Listening and Speaking  Reading and Writing Two Examiner’s Manuals  K-2 Listening and Speaking  K-1 Reading and Writing

24 How are K-1 Reading and Writing Sections Presented  20 Reading Items  20 Writing Items  One to two items per page  Item Types: - Multiple-choice (selected response) - Correct / Incorrect / No response - Constructed response

25 How are K-1 Reading and Writing Items Administered?  One-on-one administration  Warm-up information included in the Reading and Writing Examiner’s Manual  Estimated administration time: 15-30 minutes for each domain  Complete the administration of one domain before moving to the next  Administer reading before writing  Take breaks when appropriate

26 How are the K-1 Reading And Writing Items Presented? Sample Items Presented in Binder 3-7, 3-15 to end of section

27 Which ELD Reading Standards Are Tested?  Recognize English phonemes corresponding to those students hear and produce in primary language  Recognize English phonemes not corresponding to sounds students already hear and produce  Recognize and name letters of the alphabet  Recognize sound/symbol relationships  Read simple vocabulary, phrases, and sentences  Use decoding skills to read more complex words  While reading aloud, point out features such as title, table of contents, and chapter headings You can find the standards at:

28 Which ELD Writing Standards Are Tested?  Copy the English alphabet legibly  Copy words posted and commonly used in the classroom  Write a few words or phrases about an event or character from a story read aloud  Use capitalization to begin sentences or for proper nouns  Use a period or a question mark at the end of a sentence You can find the standards at: DVD: Administration Listening and Reading

29 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Section 4 – Speech Functions California English Language Development Test

30 Speech Functions Administration Procedures

31 Speech Functions Prompts K-2 Sample Items in Binder on 4-11

32 Speech Functions Prompts by Grade Level – Binder pg 4-9 DVD: Administration Speaking through Speech Functions

33 Scoring Rubric Score Point 0  Student does not perform the language function required.  No response [NR].  Response is entirely in another language [AL].

34  Student performs the language function required.  Errors in grammar, vocabulary, and/or pronunciation are significant enough to interfere with communication. Scoring Rubric Score Point 1

35 Scoring Rubric Score Point 2  Student performs the language function required.  Speech is accurate enough not to interfere with communication (i.e., minor grammatical, vocabulary, and/or pronunciation errors may occur, but they do not affect communication.)

36 Speech Functions Scoring Anchors Anchor Items listed in Binder, pg 4-7

37 Scoring Practice Procedure

38  Group Practice Group Practice  Rodolfo, Grade 3  Cecilia, Grade 2  Isabel, Grade 7  Table Practice Table Practice  Marco, Grade 6  Susan, Grade 9  Sania, Grade K  Karen, Grade 7  Muhammad, Grade 9  Neha, Grade 10  Javier, Grade 2  Rajdeep, Grade 9 Speech Functions – Scoring Practice

39  Final Five Final Five  Allan, Grade K  Rodolfo, Grade 3  Licea, Grade  Prashneet, Grade 5  Alejandro, Grade 7 Speech Functions – Scoring Practice

40 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Section 5 – Choose and Give Reasons California English Language Development Test

41 Choose and Give Reasons Administration Procedures

42 Choose and Give Reasons Prompts for 3-12 Sample Items, Binder 5-9 DVD: Administration Speaking C&GR, 6-41:16

43 Scoring Rubric Score Point 0  Student does not make choice or does not support choice with a relevant reason.  No response [NR].  Response is entirely in another language [AL].

44 Scoring Rubric Score Point 1  Student makes choice and supports choice with at least one relevant reason.  Errors in grammar, vocabulary, and/or pronunciation are significant enough to interfere with communication.

45 Scoring Rubric Score Point 2  Student makes choice and supports it with at least two relevant reasons.  Speech is generally accurate (i.e., minor grammatical, vocabulary, and/or pronunciation errors may occur, but they do not affect communication).

46 Choose and Give Reasons Anchor Items Anchor Items, Binder 5-7 DVD: Administration Speaking C&GR, 6-41:16

47 Scoring Practice Procedure

48  Group Practice Group Practice  Cecilia, Grade 2  Denise, Grade 6  Louis, Grade K  Moncerrat, Grade 2  Table Practice Table Practice  Lilyanna, Grade K  Susan, Grade 9  Galilea, Grade 4  Gerson, Grade K  Abigail, Grade 1  Alexa, Grade K  Brian, Grade 7  Nestor, Grade 8 Choose and Give Reasons – Scoring Practice (K-5)

49  Final Five Final Five  Vivian, Grade 3  Neha, Grade 10  Carmen, Grade 7  Fabian, Grade K  Natalie, Grade 11 Choose and Give Reasons – Scoring Practice (K-5)

50 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Section 6 – 4-Picture Narrative California English Language Development Test

51 4-Picture Narrative Administration Procedures

52 Sample Items, Binder 6-11 to 6-14 DVD: Administration Speaking 4 Pic Narrative, 6-43:40

53 Scoring Rubric Score Point 0  No response [NR].  Spoken in another language [AL].  Response is unintelligible.  Response consists entirely of “I don’t know” or “I forget.”

54 Scoring Rubric Score Point 1  Student attempts to tell a story based on the pictures, but does not construct a coherent narrative.  Response displays a very limited range of vocabulary. The student’s speech is often halting or impeded.  Response includes numerous grammatical errors that interfere with communication.  Student’s speech is generally difficult to understand. Pronunciation often interferes with communication.

55 Scoring Rubric Score Point 2  Story is based on pictures but does not clearly express some major event.  Response displays some of the necessary vocabulary, but the student often cannot find the right word.  Response shows control of basic grammatical structures, but includes numerous errors, some of which interfere with communication.  Student’s speech is sometimes difficult to understand. Pronunciation sometimes interferes with communication.

56 Scoring Rubric Score Point 3  Story is coherent and includes explanation of major events, but does not provide much elaboration (e.g., explanations of details and context).  Vocabulary resources are generally adequate to perform the task. The student sometimes cannot find the right word.  Response is generally adequate grammatically. Errors rarely interfere with communication.  Student may have an accent and/or make some errors in pronunciation, but pronunciation is generally accurate and usually does not interfere with communication.

57 Scoring Rubric Score Point 4  Story is coherent and effective, including explanation of major events, with appropriate elaboration (e.g., explanations of details and context). Contains more complex sentence structure.  Vocabulary resources are well developed. The student can almost always find the appropriate word. Uses precise word choice.  Response displays few grammatical errors and contains varied grammatical and syntactical structures. Any errors are minor (e.g., difficulty with articles or prepositions) and do not interfere with communication.  Student may have an accent, but both pronunciation and intonation are generally accurate and do not interfere with communication.

58 4-Picture Narrative Administration Procedures Anchor Items, Binder 6-7 to 6-8

59 Scoring Practice Procedure

60  Group Practice Group Practice  Lilyanna, Grade K  Vivian, Grade 3  Cecilia, Grade 2  Table Practice Table Practice  Carlos, Grade 1  Samikshya, Grade 1  Jayline, Grade 4  Prashneet, Grade 5  Adriana, Grade 12 Four Picture Narrative Scoring Practice

61  Final Five Final Five  Cristobal, Grade 12  Angel, Grade 9  Hannah, Grade 3  Ana, Grade 4  Jarold, Grade 4 Four Picture Narrative Scoring Practice

62 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Section 7 – Video Scoring Practice of Oral Vocabulary California English Language Development Test

63 Oral Vocabulary  Administered individually like the rest of the Speaking test  Cue pictures in the Examiner’s Manual  Scoring:  Correct (C)  Incorrect (I)  No Response (NR)  Target responses in Student Book or Answer Book where examiner records score

64 Video Samples Sample Items, Binder 7-7 K-1 Sample 9-12 Sample DVD: Administration Speaking Scoring Practice

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