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Think Like a Robot Inspiring STEM in all Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Think Like a Robot Inspiring STEM in all Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think Like a Robot Inspiring STEM in all Students

2 Project Materials Purchased with Grant Money* Miscellaneous supplies from Home Depot and Michaels $200 Robotic Arms from OWI 11 at $30 each 1 at $70 each for robotic arms with teacher’s guide Robotic Hands from Yeager 3 at $150 each (better deals available online) *Estimates do not include shipping and handling fees

3 Objectives of 9-Week Curricular Unit

4 9-Week Curricular Unit with Extensions Team Building Activity Explore Engineering Design Process Design “Home Made” Robotic Arm Interview Prosthetic Expert Customize Robotic Hand for Competition Assemble Robotic Arm Think Like a Robot

5 Kick Off Activity

6 Marshmallow Challenge Tom Wujec: Build a tower, build a team twenty sticks of spaghetti, one yard of masking tape, one yard of string and one marshmallow

7 Curricular Unit: Creative Engineering Design 480 minutes of lessons on each step of the design loop


9 Engineering Design Loop Introduction Pre Test Activity available from Key Terms Constraints design loop Iterative Prosthetic Requirements Target population Youtube video titled Engineering Design Process by NASASciFiles

10 Engineering Design Process Step 1: Identifying the Need Students complete an inventory worksheet to completely identify the need of a target population who requires a prosthetic or robotic arm. Students complete a role reversal activity to put themselves in the shoes of the target population.

11 Engineering Design Process Step 2: Research the Problem Codes Patents Standards User Interviews

12 Build Your Own Robot Arm Lesson Plan, Student Worksheet, & Video

13 Engineering Design Process Step 3: Brainstorm 3" wide and approx. 22" long strips of cardboard Binder clips (different sizes) Brads Clothespins Craft sticks Fishing line Hangers Paper clips (diff. Sizes) Pencils Rubber bands (different sizes) Tape-- clear and masking Twine Various size scraps of cardboard PVC Piping Painter’s Paddles (all sizes) Various materials from Home Depot and Michaels are laid out for students to see and consider for the construction of their “Home Made” Robotic Arm Prototype.




17 Engineering Design Process Step 4: Engineering Analysis Study Famous Engineering Design Failures like Titanic and Tacoma Narrows Bridge KVc7oBKzq9U Discuss computer aided design, dynamic analysis, and static analysis Consider evaluation rubrics used to compare design alternatives

18 Inspiring video on persevering no matter how many times you have failed in life. Winston Churchill Thomas Edison U2 Lucille Ball JK Rowling Stephen King Oprah Winfrey Walt Disney Steven Spielberg RH Macy Soichiro Honda Colonel Sanders Dick Cheney Sir Isaac Newton Vera Wang Sidney Poitier

19 Engineering Design Process Step 5: Construct a Prototype Giro Sunglass Design mZdhsAx58tU

20 Rolls-Royce says it could soon use 3D printing to make parts for its passenger jet engines The new technique could allow quicker and cheaper production

21 Students Get Creative & Construct Their ‘Home Made’ Robotic Arms

22 Assessments Students are introduced to technical drawings/scale drawings as they learn to communicate their designs. After discussion of final step in Engineering Design Process which is Evaluate and Manufacture a final product, students take a post test. Students are assessed throughout the process through formal evaluations in the form of worksheets, quizzes, presentations, summaries, journal entries, etc. Informal assessments take place on a daily basis to help students stay motivated an on-task.

23 Extensions Omnitron Electronics Robotic Arm Edge kits Robotic/Bionic Hand kits from Yaeger Foundation

24 Additional Extensions Learn to Solder Kits

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