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Professional Educator Competence (PEC) Overview
Lake County Schools Academic Services Dr. Cele Oldham Elizabeth Feld Melonee Ferguson Val Pumariega Inducting and Developing New Teachers to Impact Greater Student Achievement New Beginnings
Lake County Schools Vision Statement
A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. Lake County Schools is committed to excellence in all curricular opportunities and instructional best practices. This focus area addresses closing the achievement gap, increased graduation rate, decreased dropout rate, increase in Level 3 and above scores on the FCAT, achieving an increase in the number of students enrolled in advanced placement and dual enrollment opportunities and implementing the best practices in instructional methodology. Teacher Induction Program
Lake County Schools College and Career Readiness Instructional Framework
Key Performance Indicators School Improvement Plan Florida Standards Professional Learning Community FCIM MTSS LESSON STUDY Personalized Learning Desired Student Outcomes Statement of Work Content Cultural Behavior Process Interventions Capacity Building Autonomy of Learning 1.Increase proficiency rates on FLKRS/ECHOES & FAIR (PreK - 2nd grade) 2.Increase proficiency rates on ELA and Math FL Standards Assessment 3.Increase proficiency rates on FCAT 2.0 Science 4. Increase proficiency rates on EOC’s Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, Civics and US History 5. Increase participation and performance in rigorous course work (Honors, Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment and Industry Certification) 6. Increase participation and performance on PERT, SAT and ACT 7. Increase AMO percentages for all subgroups (Achievement Gap) 8. Increase the graduation rate 9. Increase attendance rate 10. Decrease disciplinary infractions The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is the written plan of how we will reach our goals each year. The critical elements include: Organize: Stakeholders plan and assess needs based on data. Plan: Stakeholders set goals and objectives, identify strategies and measures of success. Implement: Implement activities and monitor progress. Sustain: Identify success of current plan, evaluate and adjust to sustain growth. Florida Standards are a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). These standards outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade. 6 Key Elements for Instruction: 1. Knowledge and Use of Florida Standards 2. Common and Collaborative Planning Time 3. Interdisciplinary Content Integration 4. Frequency of Project-Based Learning 5. Student Collaboration 6. Integrated Technology The guiding principles of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) govern the behavior of our school professionals. The big ideas are: Focus on Learning: All students can learn and we are responsible to ensure learning occurs. Focus on Collaborative Culture: Time is specifically reserved for collaboration on teaching and learning. Focus on Results: Effectiveness is measured by results, not intent. The Florida’s Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM) is a systematic process for planning, teaching, assessing and re-evaluating results. It is the road map that directs our actions. Plan Do Check Act Multi-Tiered System of Supports is a problem solving model that represents the integration of MTSS for academics and MTSS for behavior into a unified model of service. The basic problem-solving components include: 1. Problem Identification 2. Problem Analysis 3. Intervention Design 4. Response to Instruction/ Intervention Lesson Study provides a structure for teachers to collaboratively plan lessons share, observe, record and analyze data to improve instruction. The key concepts are: 1. Collaborative Planning 2. Lesson Observation by Teachers 3. Data Collection and Analysis Guided by Student Thinking, Learning, Engagement and Behavior 4. Reflection, Refinement and Re-teaching as Necessary Personalized Learning (PL) is a system that cultivates independence and self-governance of learning expectations through the expansion of choice and inclusion of voice in a flexible learning environment. PL Key Elements: 1. Student-directed Learning 2.Learner Profiles and Paths 3. Competency-based Learning 4. Flexible Learning Environments 5. Structures of Accountability, Continuous Improvement and Innovation
21st Century Skills Tony Wagner, The Global Achievement Gap
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration and Leadership Agility and Adaptability Initiative and Entrepreneurialism Effective Oral and Written Communication Accessing and Analyzing Information Curiosity and Imagination Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: To compete in the new global economy, companies need their workers to think about how to continuously improve their products, processes, or services. “The challenge is this: How do you do things that haven't been done before, where you have to rethink or think anew? It's not incremental improvement any more. The markets are changing too fast.” Collaboration and Leadership: Teamwork is no longer just about working with others in your building. “Technology has allowed for virtual teams. We have teams working on major infrastructure projects that are all over the U.S. On other projects, you're working with people all around the world on solving a software problem. Every week they're on a variety of conference calls; they're doing Web casts; they're doing net meetings.” Agility and Adaptability: Ability to think, be flexible, change, and use a variety of tools to solve new problems. “We change what we do all the time. I can guarantee the job I hire someone to do will change or may not exist in the future, so this is why adaptability and learning skills are more important than technical skills.” Initiative and Entrepreneurialism: Taking chances and being a risk-taker. “I say to my employees, if you try five things and get all five of them right, you may be failing. If you try 10 things, and get eight of them right, you're a hero.” Effective Oral and Written Communication: The ability to be clear, concise, focused, energetic and passionate around the points they want to make. “We are routinely surprised at the difficulty some young people have in communicating: verbal skills, written skills, presentation skills. They have difficulty being clear and concise; it's hard for them to create focus, energy, and passion around the points they want to make. If you're talking to an exec, the first thing you'll get asked if you haven't made it perfectly clear in the first 60 seconds of your presentation is, ‘What do you want me to take away from this meeting?’ They don't know how to answer that question.” Accessing and Analyzing Information: The ability to know how to access and analyze large quantities of information. “There is so much information available that it is almost too much, and if people aren't prepared to process the information effectively it almost freezes them in their steps.” Curiosity and Imagination: The development of young people's capacities for imagination, creativity, and empathy will be increasingly important for maintaining the United States' competitive advantage in the future. “People who've learned to ask great questions and have learned to be inquisitive are the ones who move the fastest in our environment because they solve the biggest problems in ways that have the most impact on innovation.” Teacher Induction Program
Marzano/TEAM Framework
Communicating Learning Goals and Feedback Establishing Rules and Procedures Helping Students Interact with New Knowledge Helping Students Practice/Deepen Knowledge Helping Students Generate/Test Hypotheses Engaging Students Planning/Preparing for Lessons and Units Planning/Preparing for Resources & Technology Planning/Preparing for Special Student Needs Developing/Monitoring a Professional Growth Plan Which Marzano/TEAM indicators are addressed through your presentation? How will your presentation enhance instructional practices in these key indicators? New Beginnings
Bell Ringer: Getting To Know You.
Shifting Gears Professional Education Competencies Overview Bell Ringer: Getting To Know You. I DO Define the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) and PEC Portfolio requirements. WE DO Organize and interact with the FEAPs to create artifacts to satisfy the PEC elements requirements. YOU DO Demonstrate and compile artifacts/ evidence into your PEC binder. Learning Goal: Learners will be able to identify and unwrap the Florida Educational Accomplished Practices(FEAPs) which supports successful completion of the PEC portfolio. August 6, 2014 Benchmarks: TEAM Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism , Learners will demonstrate an understanding of the FEAPS common language, and develop artifacts that satisfy the PEC Portfolio requirements. Objectives NEXT STEPS: Read Unit C, Classroom Management in The First Days of School. Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21st century success? Common Language: FEAP (Florida Educator Accomplished Practices) PEC (Professional Education Competencies)
Community Builder Customize your name tent with your name, school, teaching assignment and previous career. Be prepared to share.
Teacher with a FL Temporary Certificate
Teachers may seek EPI, DACP or ABCTE Or must complete a district PEC program Successfully complete exams (FCTE, SAE, GK) complete coursework as determined on SOE Refer teachers to HR, Certification Dept. for latest certification information Please refer to pg of your teacher induction guidelines If you are in this session you should have a temporary certificate, and just as we individualize plans for our students and their success we should all have a growth plan that is individualized to our professional needs. There are various ways in which a teacher may work towards professional certification. There are a total of 9 different pathways, and we are going to discuss a few options that may be of interest. As an educator you may seek either an EPI program which is an Educator Prep Institute ( 28 state of Florida, and now part of most state colleges, a DACP which is a District Acclerated Certification program. We used to have something of this, however we no longer have this pathway, or the ABCTE program which is a website for on the job training fromt eh American Board Certification for Teaching Excellence. Our district offers a PEC program which is a Professional Educator Competency program, and we’ll speak more about this in the coming presentation. It’s imperative that you understand you must successfully complete all exams and coursework listed upon the SOE (statement of eligibilty). If you have further questions as it relates to certification you should seek out the mentorship from our HR department for clarification.
Sample of Letter of Eligibility
This is a sample letter of eligibility. This is a component of your PEC and you should make a copy of this document to put in your binder. It is very important for you to pay close attention to the top right corner as this is where you will see the expiration date. These requirements must be satisfied within the time period specified on the document which is a typical 3 year period. Florida is a 2-tiered certificate state, and our temporary certificate is a valid teaching. You are considered highly qualified granted you are teaching in the area in which your SOE states. If you are teaching out of this area, you are considered out of field. For a professional certificate it is important to remember that every five years you need 120 MIP to renew your certification.
This is Lake County form that we ask to be completed as a part of the intake process, and keep in mind that the information is self-reported. If you are here today you should be a Group 1-Temporary Certificate.
PEC Goal To provide for the development, demonstration and documentation of the Professional Education Competencies (PEC) while providing a comprehensive support system for new teachers that directly impacts student achievement. The state has defined certain competencies for our educators. Every district must have an approved Professional Educator Competency program. Our support team consists of the District Instructional Coaches, School based Administrators, and School based mentors. Our program is designed to best help you as you continue to grow professionally and best support our students.
PEC Program Requirements
Targeted for teachers on temporary teaching certificate Provides support for development of new teacher’s professional growth Demonstrates mastery of professional education competency based on portfolio assessment Documentation of desirable effective qualities for teachers based on classroom application and instructional performance The PEC program is targeted to teachers on a temporary certificate. The overall goal of the program is to provide support for the new teacher within their professional growth as it relates to our Florida Educator Standards. The binder/portifolio is where the educator is able to demonstrate their success and understanding of these competencies. This binder is an overall documentation of the effective qualities for teachers based on classroom application and instructional performance.
Professional Educator Competency (PEC)Portfolio
A PEC Portfolio is a teacher’s collection of evidence demonstrating competency of the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs). PEC verification card Yellow Card must be completed, dated, signed, and returned to PD by May 1st. *Highly recommend completion during first year of employment Portfolio must be kept by teacher for five years. Provide participants handouts ( the binders on the desks) Go over these binders.
PEC Portfolio Organization Set up binder…
Cover: name, school, year, and teaching assignment Statement of Eligibility State of Florida Educator Temporary Certificate Highly Qualified Teacher Compliance Agreement (pink) Six sections of documentation/evidence organized around the Professional Educator Competency & FEAPS Put binders together and speak of the school based guide for locating material on campus. As you work throughout your first year remember that you should ask and reach out for assistance from your school based mentor and district coach for assistance. It again is highly recommended that you complete this within your first year of employment. You may ask why do I need to do this during the first year as my SOE doesn’t specify that I have to complete during year one. Let me give you a quick scenario. At the end of the school year I have 2 teachers in my Math department. Each are on a temporary certificate, and my budget is cut, both teachers were excellent and scored effective as instructors. One has the Professional Ed. Test left to complete, and the other has the Professional Ed. and PEC binder to finish up on. As a hiring manager of the school, I will lean towards the instructor that has completed all the requirements moving quicker towards obtaining their full professional certification, as this leaves me one less obstacle to still work on as it related to our school improvement plan. Again, it is highly recommended and doable that you complete the PEC binder program within the first year of employment.
Florida Educator Accomplished Practices
Instructional Design and Lesson Planning The Learning Environment Instructional Delivery and Facilitation Assessment Continuous Professional Improvement Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct
Florida Educator Accomplished Practices, 2010.
*Identifies for Florida teachers state standards for effective instructional practices. * Forms the foundation of the PEC program for Lake County Schools. (FLDOE State Board Rule 6A-5.065,p.1).
DID YOU KNOW…. An effective teacher:
Manages a safe learning environment Establishes routines and rules Possesses smooth transitions Create physical space that facilitates learning Implements learning activities that assist all students.
FEAP #2: The Learning Environment
This accomplished practice helps to maintain a student-centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative. See chart for indicators for effective implementation.
The Learning Environment Vocabulary
Classroom Management Learning-oriented classroom Procedures Rules Withitness
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW…. Management Of Student Conduct:
Effective Teachers… Explain and monitor class rules and procedures Be aware of everything occurring in the classroom(“Withitness”) Have smooth transitions between activities, Use praise to encourage appropriate behavior.
Student Characteristics for K-12
Teachers should consider common characteristics for their specific grade level when establishing the learning environment for their classroom. (Demonstrating the New Florida Educator Accomplished Practices, pages 84-86).
LET IT SHOW…. Activity (FEAP #2)
PART 1: Create three rules with consequences, for your class. Identify positive reinforcements you will provide for each rule. PART 2: Create three procedures related to tasks that will help you run your class efficiently. Be prepared to share.
Florida Educators Accomplished Practices
Great Resource for Florida Teacher Standards.
The First Days Of Schools
Great Resource for Classroom Management.
Framework of Support District Instructional Coach
School-based Administrator School Mentor New Teacher
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