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Foundations of Team Leadership Course Synthesis & Action Planning Disciplined Reflection.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of Team Leadership Course Synthesis & Action Planning Disciplined Reflection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Team Leadership Course Synthesis & Action Planning Disciplined Reflection

2 Foundations of Team Leadership Personal Competence MBTI Mental Models Left-Hand Column Ladder of Inference Video Feedback Major Topics Covered Foundations of Team Leadership Social Competence Interpersonal Communication Active Listening Genuine Inquiry & Open Advocacy Challenging Conversations Art of Moving Conversations Forward Team & Leader Competence Situational Team Leadership Designing Teams & Managing Team Stages Virtual Teaming Peer Feedback & Coaching Effective Meetings

3 Foundations of Team Leadership Participant Binder Organization Section 1 Logistics Section 2 Opening Section 3 Learning Section 6 C ommunications Critical Thinking Section 5 Welcome Charters Section 4

4 Foundations of Team Leadership Participant Binder Organization Leadership Section 9Section 7 FeedbackTEAMS Section 8 Styles & Behaviors Section 10Section 12 Action Plans & Reflections Section 11 M B T I Sections 13-15 Wrap UP

5 In this Later Part of the Week: What have you learnt about the challenge of working in groups as a team member and as a Team Leader? End of Course Reflections




9 In this Later Part of the Week: Which elements of your Learning Goal are you going to put in practice moving forward?

10 What Have You Been Working with Since the Mid Course Review That You Plan to Continue Doing ? What to Keep Moving Forward P L U S What to Keep Moving Forward P L U S Tasks Task Processes 1.. 2.. People People Processes 1.. 2.. 1.. 2.. Attained RESULTS

11 What, if anything, from what was covered in class since the Mid Course Review, do you want to work to change? What to Change Moving Forward DELTA Tasks Task Processes 1.. 2.. People People Processes 1.. 2.. 1.. 2.. Desired RESULTS

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