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Welcome Tangerine Tigers! English Mr. Wong Room 1132.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Tangerine Tigers! English Mr. Wong Room 1132."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Tangerine Tigers! English Mr. Wong Room 1132


3 1 st Rule of Wong’s Class


5 2 nd Rule of Wong’s Class


7 3 rd Rule of Wong’s Class

8 Have some faith in yourself, your brain, and your ability to succeed.

9 3 rd Rule of Wong’s Class Have some faith in yourself, your brain, and your ability to succeed. You are smarter than you look.

10 Do your best.

11 My Requests Be polite. Be respectful. Try to be kind. Maybe be friendly.

12 Required for Success

13 Your Brain

14 Food = Energy

15 Sleep

16 1½ inch “D-Ring” binder

17 8½ x 11 College Ruled Paper

18 Writing Materials Blue or black pens (2) Pencil(s) Highlighter Colored pens or pencils White out tape Eraser Small ruler

19 Binder Reminder

20 Bring this every day. Write your name, core and homeroom. Leave other spaces blank. Enter the classroom, sit down & take this out. Write down the homework Prioritize using the “  ” System.   = Due tomorrow (important & urgent)  = Due in 2 or 3 days (important)  = Due in about a week (important, not urgent) Highlight when work completed.

21 Agenda 1)Introduction 2)Name Tags 3)Pictures a)Individual b)Class 4)Hand outs: a)InterActive Readers b)Book order forms Homework 1)Get & bring required materials. 2)Read “7 th Grade” by Gary Soto. 3)Due Thursday, Sept 10: a)Book orders b)Tiger T-Shirt form c)Tiger Sports form 9/3/09 Today’s Standards: 1.2 - Determine the speaker’s attitude 1.8 - Identify & analyze techniques used to achieve effects on viewer

22 Agenda 1)English Packet 2)Name Tags 3)Pictures a)Individual b)Class 4)Write Paragraph: Explain, in an 8 sentence paragraph, how your first day was similar to Victor's. Homework 1)English Packet Parent Signature  2)Write paragraph on “7 th Grade” by Gary Soto.   3)Get & bring required materials.  4)Thursday, Sept 10  a)Book orders b)Tiger T-Shirt form c)Tiger Sports form 9/4/09 Today’s Standards: Writing - 2.2 Write responses to literature.

23 My first day of school was similar to Victor's first day. The first thing that was similar was the teachers. Victor's English teacher was boring because he only talked about grammar all day. My English teacher was also very boring because he only talked about his classroom rules. The second thing that was similar was how my friend has changed. Victor's friend, Michael Torres, was trying to be cool by acting like the people in the magazines. My friend, Jason, was trying to be cool by using stupid phrases like, "Wassup?" Victor's first day of school was very similar to my first day of school.


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