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Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science & 7th grade Life Science with Mrs. Fischer Room F-2 Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science & 7th grade Life Science with.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science & 7th grade Life Science with Mrs. Fischer Room F-2 Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science & 7th grade Life Science with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science & 7th grade Life Science with Mrs. Fischer Room F-2 Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science & 7th grade Life Science with Mrs. Fischer Room F-2

2 When Students Quietly Enter Take out materials & homework for stamping Write homework into Planner Sit in seat before bell rings Do the Daily “Sponge” activity Begin class! Take out materials & homework for stamping Write homework into Planner Sit in seat before bell rings Do the Daily “Sponge” activity Begin class!

3 Green Sheet A Green Sheet went home outlining the essential course information. Your student is required to keep it in their science binder - in front of Sponge section. Access it on the classroom webpage or in your student’s binder.

4 Textbooks we will use … 6th grade - Prentice Hall Focus on Earth Science 7th grade - Prentice Hall Focus on Life Science Possibly using other state adopted materials (we may be testing the various state approved adoptions to see which is the best fit for students in SJUSD).

5 Topics of Study 7th grade: Cells &Genetics History of Life on Earth & Evolution Classification Human Body Systems Investigation/ Experimentation Safety in Laboratory (Guest Speaker: Volunteers needed) Based on the California State Standards for each grade. 6th grade: Changes in the Surface of the Earth Natural Resources Weather, Oceans & Energy Investigation/ Experimentation Safety in Laboratory & Natural Disasters (Guest Speaker: Volunteers needed) 6th grade: Changes in the Surface of the Earth Natural Resources Weather, Oceans & Energy Investigation/ Experimentation Safety in Laboratory & Natural Disasters (Guest Speaker: Volunteers needed)

6 Grading Follows typical A-F grading scale Late work receives 70% of points it would have earned, until the end of the 5th week of the grading period. No late projects accepted. Surprise Quizzes are given. Academic Honesty is expected. Extra Credit options will be available look at grade checks and classroom website for more information. Extra credit does not make up for missed information, it only boosts a grade. Grade checks go home every 4 to 6 weeks, Check student progress online with PIV, password will be available. See school website for updates on availability.

7 Make-Up Work, Extra Help Friday after school 2:30-3:00 p.m. (advanced notice appreciated) If absent, students have one week* to make up labs Parents/Guardians are welcome to come too! Friday after school 2:30-3:00 p.m. (advanced notice appreciated) If absent, students have one week* to make up labs Parents/Guardians are welcome to come too! * Unless other arrangements are made.

8 Homework Homework is given most nights Check your student’s Planner and/or online! Is posted in the classroom. Homework is given most nights Check your student’s Planner and/or online! Is posted in the classroom.

9 2 sharpened pencils (EVERY day) 1 black or dark blue ink pen 1 red pen Six science sections in Binder with organized papers (a separate binder is needed when collecting the Notebook) Binder paper 2 sharpened pencils (EVERY day) 1 black or dark blue ink pen 1 red pen Six science sections in Binder with organized papers (a separate binder is needed when collecting the Notebook) Binder paper So, what else does my child need in class?

10 Website Website for the class is: Homework is updated frequently. Website for the class is: Homework is updated frequently.

11 Have a great evening!! I look forward to a rewarding and enriching year with your student!

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