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WELCOME MIGHTY TIGERS! Mrs. Mortimer Mr. Kremmel Mrs. Goodman Mr. Koziatek.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME MIGHTY TIGERS! Mrs. Mortimer Mr. Kremmel Mrs. Goodman Mr. Koziatek."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME MIGHTY TIGERS! Mrs. Mortimer Mr. Kremmel Mrs. Goodman Mr. Koziatek

2 COMMUNICATION The Link Between School and Home

3 MIGHTY TIGERS TEAM LETTER Team goals Team homework policy Team expectations The Mighty Tigers Grade 6

4 ASSIGNMENT BOOK Communication about your child’s day Brief information for you Quick response to your questions

5 EMAIL Links on Carson’s web site Up to 24 hours to respond to your question(s)

6 PHONE CALLS Share information Answer questions Discuss concerns

7 CARSON’S WEB SITE Daily announcements Overview of courses General information Daily homework Calendar of events

8 CONFERENCES l Discuss academic difficulties l Discuss behavioral difficulties l Develop a plan for success

9 INTERIM REPORTS AND REPORT CARDS l Interims l Report cards Percentage Grade Comments

10 Supplies Needed 3 ring binder Subject dividers Pencils Pens (red, black, blue) Erasers Hole reinforcements Highlighter Whiteout Colored pencils Calculator Pencil pouch for binder Customary metric ruler

11 Assignment Notebook Copy as written on the board Time given in each class Never blank! No HW = NONE You know your child! Reference homework pages

12 Vacation Forms Known absence must obtain form (to be considered legal absence) Completed/Signed by parent first Teachers complete portion Signed by parent again and submitted to office Most work given ahead of time/Must be completed by return date

13 Homework Guidelines Purpose Requires organization & responsibility Part of grade Expect approximately 60 minutes per night

14 Homework Guidelines Subjects: Math – nightly English, Reading, SS, Science – varies If absent or missing – time given Homework Hotline – absent 2+ days (412) 369-5454 Call before 8:30 a.m. Pick up by 4:00 in office/After 4:00 in bins outside of office Website: www.


16 Homework Guidelines Full credit available when done on time ½ credit available 1 day after due date for the first semester No credit available afterwards Required to complete all homework

17 Textbooks Textbooks accessible online Watch for codes coming home English, reading, math stay at home Social studies and science go back and forth

18 Team Activities Someplace Special Day Learn about CMS Make new friends Team Days STAR student Selected monthly Meet 5 Criteria – Positive attitude, courteous, respectful, trustworthy, good role model

19 Thanks for attending the Mighty Tigers Coffee!

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