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Freshman Physical Education Curriculum
Softball and Baseball Freshman Physical Education Curriculum
Teams Each team consists of 10 Players for Softball and 9 for Baseball. Positions: INFIELD Pitcher, Catcher, 1st Base, 2nd Base, Shortstop, 3rd Base. OUTFIELD Left Field, Center Field, (Short Center in SB), Right Field.
Definition Of Terms Game is played in Innings alternates turns at bat and in the field throughout a regulation softball game of seven innings. A Baseball game consists of 9 innings. One inning consists of: Away team bats first, then Away team take the field Home team fields first, then Home team takes it at bats. Three Outs constitutes one half an Inning The Team scoring the most runs at the end of the game is considered the winner. An at Bat per batter consists of a Possible 7 Pitches or more if foul balls occur. The Possibilities that may occur are: Hit: the batter puts the ball into the playing field and gets on base. Walk: 4 Balls are thrown before a hit occurs.
More Possibilities Hit Batsmen: Pitcher hits batter with pitch in batters box. Ball is hit for an OUT. Players get on base because of an Error. Base on Balls: allowing the batter to advance to first base by the umpire calling four pitches outside the strike zone.
More terms Defensive Team: the team on the field
Double: a two base hit. Double Play: a defensive play that results in two outs as a result of continuous action. Error: a mishandling of the ball by a defensive player Fair Ball: a ball hit within the area boundaries of the field, or touching first, second, third base.
More terms Fly Ball: any ball batted into the air.
Foul Ball: a ball hit outside of the baseline. It is determined by: infield-where the ball rests. Outfield-where it hits first. Foul Tip: a foul ball which goes directly from the bat, not higher than the batter’s head, to the catcher’s hands and is legally caught.
More terms Force out: runner is forced to move may tag runner or touch base. Homerun: a ball batted into fair territory which enable the batter to touch all four bases. Infield: the portion of the field which is included within the diamond made by the baseline.
More terms Infield Fly: a fair fly ball (not including a line drive or attempted bunt) which can be caught with ordinary effort when first and second or first, second, third bases are occupied before two are out. Line Drive: an aerial ball batted sharply and directly into the field. Offensive Team: Team at Bat
More terms Overthrow: when a ball is thrown past 1st or 3rd base into foul territory the runner may advance more than one base. Single: a one base hit. Strike Zone: the area over the plate between the back shoulder and knees. Three types of Strikes are: Called strike, Swung at Strike, and Foul Strike.
More terms Tag Out: runner moving because he wants to. Runner must be tagged before (s)he get to the base. Triple: a three base hit.
Softball/Baseball Rules the Game
The choice of first or last bats in the inning shall be decided by Rock, Paper, Scissors to decides home team. The winner shall be the team that scores the most runs. One run shall be scored each time a base runner legally touches first, second, third bases and home plate before the third out of the inning.
A Strike is called when…
A batter swings at a pitched ball and misses. A pitched ball is delivered over home plate between the back shoulder and knees. A fly ball goes foul and is not caught, and the batter’s has less than two strikes. A foul tip that remains lower than the batter’s head is caught by the catcher. A batter with less than two strikes is hit by there own batted ball.
A Ball is called when… A pitched ball that does not go over the plate in the strike zone and at which the batter does not swing. A ball that touches the ground before reaching home plate. An illegally pitched ball.
Fair Ball is… Settles or is touched on fair ground in the infield.
Is on fair ground going out of the infield. Touches first, second, third base. Lands in the outfield in fair territory between the extended lines from home to first and home to third. A ground ball the lands in the outfield in foul territory but has passed over the 1st and 3rd base bag.
Foul Ball is when… It settles in foul territory between home and first base or between home and third base. It first touches an foul ground beyond first or third base. It bounds past first or third on or over foul ground.
A Batter is out when… The third strike is committed.
He bunts foul after the second strike. A foul ball is legally caught. batter hits an infield fly with base runners on first and second, and third with less than 2 outs (infield fly rule). Runners may advance at own risk. The fielder intentionally drops a fair fly or line drive with first, first and second, or first, second and third occupied before 2 are out. Runners need not retouch and may advance at their own risk.
Base running A runner must touch bases in legal order: first, second, third, Home plate. A runner may overrun first base only. If the runner turns toward second, they may be tagged out.
A batter becomes a base runner when…
As soon as (s)he hits a fair ball. When four balls have been called by the empire. When a catcher interferes with or prevents batter from striking at a pitched ball. When (s)he is hit by a pitched ball while in the batter’s box. It does not matter if the ball strikes the ground before hitting them.
Base runner is out when…
The catcher drops the third strike but the runner is touched with the ball by the fielder before touching first base. The ball reaches first base and is caught and held before the runner reaches the base. (S)he is tagged with the ball before reaching first base or at any time when not in contact with the base. Batter’s fly ball is caught. Batter interferes with the fielder trying to catch the ball. When running to any base, (s)he runs more than 3 feet outside the baseline.
Base runner is out when…
(S)he is forced out at a base. (S)he passes a base runner. (S)he fails to return to base before ball reaches the baseman following a fair fly that is caught. (S)he leaves base before the ball leaves pitcher’s hand. (S)he is hit in fair batted ball while off base before it touched by or passes a fielder.
A Base runner may Advance when..
On a fair ball with chance of being put out After fair or foul fly is caught. When base runner must advance to make room on base for a batter who has walked. Gets one base when fielder interferes with runner. May advance one base on an overthrown ball into foul territory. May advance any number of bases when ball is overthrown into fair territory.
Ground ball hit to infield No runners on base
Situation: No Runners on Base; ground ball hit to infield. General Strategy: All fielders play their basic position, protecting assigned territory. Adjustments in position to compensate for hitter and pitcher will be made by manager. THE PLAY IS TO FIRST BASE.
Ground Ball hit to infield Runner on First
Situation: Runner on first; ball hit to right side. General Strategy: If ball is hit sharply and there are less than two outs, TRY FOR FORCEOUT AT SECOND, starting a possible double-play. If there are two outs, the ball is hit weakly, or bunted, GO FOR THE PUTOUT AT EITHER FIRST OR SECOND, whichever is easier.
Ground Ball hit to infield Runner on First
Situation: Runner on first; ball hit to left side. General Strategy: If ball is hit sharply and there are less than two outs, TRY FOR THE FORCEOUT AT SECOND and a possible double play. If there are two outs, the ball is hit weakly, or bunted, GO FOR PUTOUT AT FIRST OF SECOND, whichever is easier.
Ground balls hit to the infield Runners on first and Second
Situation: Runners on first and second; ball hit to right side. General Strategy: If ball is hit sharply and there are less than two outs, try for the force-out at third (note: normally a very difficult play, due to lead-off runner at second). Generally, the BETTER PLAY IS TO SECOND FOR A FORCEOUT and a possible double-play throw; If there are two outs, the ball is hit weakly or bunted, THE PLAY IS TO FIRST.
Ground ball hit to the infield. Runners on first and second.
Situation: Runners on first, and second; ball hit to left side. General Strategy: If ball is hit sharply and there are less than two outs, GO FOR THE RUNNER AT SECOND for possible double-play. If there are two out or the ball is weakly, make the play at the most convenient base.
Ground balls hit to the Infield Runners on second and third or bases loaded.
Situation: runners on second and third, or bases loaded with infield in; ball hit to right side. General Strategy: If less than two outs, THE PLAY IS AT HOME PLATE. If there are two outs,, THERE ARE POSSIBLE FORCEOUTS AT ALL FOUR BASES.
Ground balls hit to the Infield Runners on second and third or bases loaded
Situation: Runners on second and third or bases loaded and infield is in; ball hit to left side. General Strategy: If less than two outs, THE PLAY IS AT HOME PLATE. If there are two outs, the easiest play is the best one-THERE ARE POSSIBLE FORCEOUTS AT ALL FOUR BASES.
Balls hit to the Outfield No Runners
Situation Ball hit into left field. General Strategy: Hold the runner at first base; THROW IS TO SECOND.
Ball hit to Outfield No runners
Situation: Extra-base hit into deep center field. General Strategy: Contain the runner; THROW IS TO THIRD BASE.
Ball hit to Outfield No runners
Situation: Ball hit into center field. General Strategy: Hold the runner at first; THROW IS TO SECOND BASE.
Ball hit to Outfield No runners
Situation: Ball hit into right field. General Strategy: Hold the runner at first; THROW IS TO SECOND.
Ball hit to Outfield No runners
Situation: Extra-base hit to deep right center field. General Strategy: Contain the runner at second; THROW IS TO THIRD.
Balls Hit to the Outfield Runner on First
Situation: Runner on First; ball hit into left field. General Strategy: Hold the base runner on second, hitter on first; THROW IS TO THIRD BASE.
Balls Hit to the Outfield Runner on First
Situation: Runner on First; ball hit into center field. General Strategy: Hold the runner at second, hitter at first; THROW IS TO THIRD BASE.
Balls Hit to the Outfield Runner on First
Situation: Runner on First; ball hit to right field. General Strategy: Hold runners on second and first; THROW IS TO THIRD BASE.
Balls Hit to the Outfield Runner on First
Situation: Runner on first; extra-base hit to deep left center field. General Strategy: Stop the run; THROW IS TO HOME PLATE.
Balls Hit to the Outfield Runner on First
Situation: Runner on First; extra-base hit down left field line. General Strategy: Prevent the run; THE THROW IS TO HOME PLATE.
Balls Hit to the Outfield Runner on First
Situation: Runner on first; extra-base hit down right field line. Right Fielder: Fields ball, throws to relay player. Center Fielder: Calls the throw, backs up right fielder. Left Fielder: Moves in to back up third base. 1st Baseman: Becomes the cut-off player 2nd Baseman: Moves into right field as relay player. Shortstop: Backs up relay player. 3rd Baseman: Covers third base. Catcher: Covers home plate. Pitcher: Moves past third base line ready to back up either home or third, depending on fielder’s throw.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runner on Second, runners on second and third, or bases full; fly ball to left field. General Strategy: Stop the run from scoring; THE THROW IS TO HOME.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runner on second, runners on second and third; ball hit to left between shortstop and third base. General Strategy: Cut off the run at home; THROW IS TO HOME.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runners on second or third; extra-base hit to deep center field. General Strategy: Concede the run to the player on third; stop others from scoring; THE THROW IS TO THIRD.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runners on first and second, or bases loaded; extra-base hit to deep left center field. General Strategy: Cut off as many runs as possible; THROW IS TO HOME.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runner on second, or runners on second and third; ball hit to center field. General Strategy: Cut off the run; THROW IS TO HOME.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runners on first and second, or bases loaded; ball hit to center field. General Strategy: Cut off the run at home, IF POSSIBLE. If not, THROW IS TO THIRD.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runners on first and third, or bases loaded; fly ball to center or right field. General Strategy: Concede the score to runner on third; THROW IS TO SECOND.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runner on Second, or runners on second and third; base hit to right field. General Strategy: Cut off runners at home; THROW IS TO HOME.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runner on Second, or runners on second and third; ball hit between first and second. General Strategy: Cut off the runs; THROW IS TO HOME.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runners on first and second, or bases loaded; ball hit to right field. General Strategy: Try to stop run from scoring, IF POSSIBLE. Don’t waste a throw home. If it can’t catch the lead runner, GO TO THIRD.
Balls hit to the Outfield Runners on Base
Situation: Runner on first, or runners on first and second, or bases loaded; extra-base hit to deep right center field. General Strategy: Cut off as many runs as possible; THROW IS TO HOME.
Defense against the Bunt Runner on First
Situation: Runner on first; bunt situation. General Strategy: Force the player at second, IF POSSIBLE; be sure to get the player at first; THROW IS TO SECOND.
Rundown Plays General Rules
1. Always force the runner back to the base they cam from. 2. Always throw the ball ahead of the runner to force them back. 3.Throw the ball chest high, with moderate speed. Don’t throw too hard. 4.All infielders begin the lay by protecting their bases. Those involved in the rundown will gradually move in and narrow the distance between themselves and the runner. As this happens, other infielders move in to cover their bases, backing up the fielders involved in the rundown.
Rundown Plays continued
5. Outfielders will move in toward the infield in back up positions. 6. The infielder ahead of the runner will run toward the base runner to force him back before throwing. 7.As the ball is thrown, the fielder behind the runner will begin to move forward, thus trapping the runner between two converging players.
Thanks to… Louisville slugger playmaking guide. Created by Rob DeFano
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