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Published byEstefania Champion Modified over 9 years ago
CMS Trigger System J. Varela LIP/IST-Lisbon & CERN
on behalf of the CMS collaboration HEP2005 International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics July 21st-27th 2005, Lisboa, Portugal
Physics Selection at LHC
Formidable task: Trigger Rejection 4.105 Bunch crossing rate 40MHz permanent storage rate O(102)Hz
The CMS Trigger Level 1 Trigger: Hardwired processors
High Level Triggers: Farm of processors Level-1 Trigger Requirements: Output: 100 kHz (50 kHz for initial running) Latency: 3 msec for collection, decision, propagation HLT designed to output O(102)Hz One of the more complex electronics systems ever built!
Level-1 Trigger Information from Calorimeters and Muon detectors
Electron/photon triggers Jet and missing ET triggers Muon triggers Backgrounds are huge Sophisticated trigger algorithms Steep functions of thresholds Synchronous and pipelined Bunch crossing time = 25 ns Time needed for decision (+its propagation) ≈ 3 s Highly complex Trigger primitives: ~5000 electronics boards of 7 types Regional/Global: 45 crates, 630 boards, 32 board types Large flexibility Large number of electronics programmable parameters Most algorithms implemented in re-programmable FPGAs
Level-1 Trigger Dataflow
HF HCAL ECAL RPC CSC DT Pattern Comparator Trigger Regional Calorimeter Trigger 4 m 4+4 m 4 m (with MIP/ISO bits) MIP+ ISO bits e, J, ET, HT, ETmiss Calorimeter Trigger Muon Trigger max. 100 kHz L1 Accept Global Trigger Global Muon Trigger Global Calorimeter Trigger Local DT Trigger Local CSC Trigger DT Track Finder CSC Track Finder 40 MHz pipeline, latency < 3.2 ms
Calorimeter Trigger Geometry
L1 Electron/Photon Trigger
Issue is rejection of huge jet background Electromagnetic trigger based on 3x3 trigger towers Each tower is 5x5 crystals in ECAL (barrel; varies in end-cap) Each tower is single readout tower in HCAL E + H/E Electron/Photon 2-tower T E + H/E Isolated Electron/Photon Trigger threshold on sum of two towers 2x5-crystal strips>90% energy in 5x5 (Fine Grain) Neighbor EM + Had Quiet
L1 Jet and Triggers Issues are jet energy resolution and tau identification Sliding window: granularity is 4x4 towers = trigger region jet ET summed in 3x3 regions , = 1.04 “-like” shapes identified for trigger Single, double, triple and quad thresholds possible Possible also to cut on jet multiplicities Also ETmiss, SET and SET(jets) triggers
Calorimeter Trigger Rates at 1034
Rates drop sharply with trigger Et cutoff Provides ability to tune cuts to sustain rates during operation Several cuts are available to optimize efficiency versus rate QCD background rates are within target
Calorimeter Trigger Efficiency
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 2 3 0 4 5 0 6 7 0 8 0 9 MC e/ ET Efficiency >95% at PT =35 GeV for e in top events (incl. minbias) For a 7kHz rate e/ efficy 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 5 100 150 200 250 300 Efficiency QCD CMSIM 116 ORCA 4.2.0 (With minimum bias) L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1 1-Jet E t 250 GeV 286.5 2-Jet E 200 GeV 232.5 3-Jet E 100 GeV 157.5 4-Jet E 80 GeV 106.5 QCD jet efficiency for | |<5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 5 100 150 200 250 300 MC -jet ET Efficiency >95% at Pt =180 GeV for (incl. minbias) for a 1 kHz rate efficy Calibrated Hadron Level Jet E t (GeV) >95% at PT =286, 232, 157, 106 GeV for individual 1,2,3,4 jet triggers (incl. minbias) (~0.5 kHz rate each totaling ~2 kHz)
Calorimeter Trigger Primitives
1200 Synchronization and Link Boards: ECAL & HCAL Trigger Interface
Regional Calorimeter Trigger
SORT ASICs (w/heat sinks) EISO Bar Code Input DC-DC Converters Clock delay adjust Clock Input Oscillator Adder mezz link cards BSCAN PHASE MLUs Back Front Regional Calorimeter Trigger Receiver Card: Electron Isolation & Clock: Jet/Summary: Receiver Mezz. Card Sort Phase ASIC Clock
Full Regional Cal. Trigger Crate
18 Such Crates make up the full RCT System covering |h|<5 & 0 < f < 2p. Rear: Receiver Cards Front: Electron, Jet, Clock Cards
Global Calorimeter Trigger
Input Module Processor Module
Muons at LHC Issue is pT measurement of real muons |h| < 2.1
L = 1034 cm-2s-1 |h| < 2.1
L1 Muon trigger Level-1 m-trigger info from:
Dedicated trigger detector: RPCs (Resistive plate chambers) Excellent time resolution Muon chambers with accurate position resolution Drift Tubes (DT) in barrel Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) in end-caps
L1 Muon Trigger Overview
|| < 1.2 0.8 < || || < 2.4 || < 2.1 Cavern: UXC55 Counting Room: USC55
Drift Tube Trigger Track Finder
Phi Track Finder (Sector Processor) Track Finder Processor Pipeline logic running at 40MHz (LHC bunch crossing frequency) Implemented in programmable logic devices Based on extrapolation and pattern matching methods Drift Tubes
CSC Muon Trigger Overview
Muon Track-Finder Crate in underground counting room Muon Port Card Trig Motherboard Clock Control Board M P C D B T O N R L E Optical Link Peripheral Crate on iron disk Slow Control 1 of 5 Cathode Front-end Board Start w/ wire & strip segment combinations: Wires:25ns bunch xing Strips: precision Form “Trigger Primitives” Link into tracks Assign pT, , and Send highest quality tracks to Global L1 CSC CFEB ALCT 1 of 24 1 of 2 LVDB Anode Local Charged Track Board LV Distribution Board Anode Front-end Board
Global Muon Trigger Overview
Muon Trigger Rates vs. Pt at 1034
Muon Trigger Efficiency vs. Pt
Drift Tube Track Finder
Phi Track-Finder Eta Track Finder DCC
Drift Tube Muon Sorter Wedge Sorter Barrel Sorter
CSC Trigger Full Chain MPCCCB Track-Finder Crate: SP CCB MS 5 TMB
Fully Loaded Peripheral Crate
RPC Trigger Board
Global Muon Trigger Logic Board
Input board (4x4 m) Logic Board Logic fwd Logic brl ROP MIP/ISO fwd brl Sort 4 SCSI connectors on Logic Board 3x4 on input board
L1 Global Trigger Logic combinations of trigger objects sent by the Global Calorimeter Trigger and the Global Muon Trigger Best 4 isolated electrons/photons ET, h, f Best 4 non-isolated electrons/photons ET, h, f Best 4 jets in forward regions ET, h, f Best 4 jets in central region ET, h, f Best 4 t-Jets ET, h, f Total ET SET Total ET of all jets above threshold HT Missing ET ETmissing, f(ETmissing) 12 jet multiplicities Njets (different ET thresholds and h-regions) Best 4 muons pT, charge, f, h, quality, MIP, isolation Thresholds (pT, ET, NJets) Optional topological and other conditions (geometry, isolation, charge, quality) 128 algorithms running in parallel
Level-1 Trigger table (2x1033)
Threshold (GeV) Rate (kHz) Cumulative Rate (kHz) Isolated e/g 29 3.3 Di-e/g 17 1.3 4.3 Isolated muon 14 2.7 7.0 Di-muon 3 0.9 7.9 Single tau-jet 86 2.2 10.1 Di-tau-jet 59 1.0 10.9 1-jet, 3-jet, 4-jet 177, 86, 70 3.0 12.5 Jet*ETmiss 88*46 2.3 14.3 Electron*jet 21*45 0.8 15.1 Min-bias 16.0 TOTAL
Level-1 Trigger table (1034)
Threshold (GeV) Rate (kHz) Cumulative Rate (kHz) Isolated e/g 34 6.5 Di-e/g 19 3.3 9.4 Isolated muon 20 6.2 15.6 Di-muon 5 1.7 17.3 Single tau-jet 101 5.3 22.6 Di-tau-jet 67 3.6 25.0 1-jet, 3-jet, 4-jet 250, 110, 95 3.0 26.7 Jet*ETmiss 113*70 4.5 30.4 Electron*jet 25*52 1.3 31.7 Muon*jet 15*40 0.8 32.5 Min-bias 1.0 33.5 TOTAL
VME interface PSB GTL6U GTL_CONV Global Trigger Crate
Trigger Control System Board
High-Level Trigger Runs on large CPU farm
Code as close as possible to offline reconstruction Selection must meet CMS physics goals Output rate to permanent storage limited to O(102)Hz Reconstruction on demand Reject as soon as possible Trigger “Levels”: Level-2: use calorimeter and muon detectors Level-2.5: also use tracker pixel detectors Level-3: includes use of full information, including tracker “Regional reconstruction”: e.g. tracks in a given road or region
HLT selection: , , jets and ETmiss
Muons Successive refinement of momentum measurement; + isolation Level-2: reconstructed in muon system; must have valid extrapolation to collision vertex; + calorimeter isolation Level-3: reconstructed in inner tracker; + tracker isolation -leptons Level-2: calorimetric reconstruction and isolation Level-3: tracker isolation Jets and Etmiss Jet reconstruction with iterative cone algorithm ETmiss reconstruction (vector sum of towers above threshold)
HLT selection: electrons and photons
Issue is electron reconstruction and rejection Higher ET threshold on photons Level-2 Level-3 Level-1 Level-2.5 Photons Threshold cut Isolation Electrons Track reconstruction E/p, matching (Dh) cut ECAL reconstruction Pixel matching Electron reconstruction key is recovery of radiated energy Electron rejection key tool is pixel detector
HLT Summary: 2x1033 cm-2s-1 TOTAL Trigger Threshold (GeV) Rate (Hz)
Cuml. rate (Hz) Inclusive electron 29 33 Di-electron 17 1 34 Inclusive photon 80 4 38 Di-photon 40, 25 5 43 Inclusive muon 19 25 68 Di-muon 7 72 Inclusive tau-jet 86 3 75 Di-tau-jet 59 76 1-jet * ETmiss 180 * 123 81 1-jet OR 3-jet OR 4-jet 657, 247, 113 9 89 Electron * jet 19 * 45 2 90 Inclusive b-jet 237 95 Calibration etc 10 105 TOTAL
HLT performance — signal efficiency
With previous selection cuts Channel Efficiency (for fiducial objects) H(115 GeV)gg 77% H(160 GeV)WW* 2m 92% H(150 GeV)ZZ4m 98% A/H(200 GeV)2t 45% SUSY (~0.5 TeV sparticles) ~60% With RP-violation ~20% Wen 67% (fid: 60%) Wmn 69% (fid: 50%) Topm X 72%
DAQ and Filter Farm Preserie
Summary The CMS Trigger System is close to become reality after a long period of simulation studies, hardware prototyping and system construction The CMS trigger design meets the challenging LHC requirements: Large rate reduction High efficiency for signal events Wide inclusive selection (open to the unexpected) Huge flexibility allowing future adaptation to the unknown
Drift Tube local-trigger
trigger boards TRB server board SB to Sector Collector 8 cm Synchronous pipelined system (40 MHz) 16 cm 2 metres
Global Muon Trigger Efficiencies
Optimal combination high efficiency, small rate 2.0 87.4 AND 2.9 97.3 SMART 5.4 98.1 OR Rate kHz for 14 GeV e % |h|<2.1 GMT Option Rates for L=2x1033 cm-2s-1 DT CSC RPC GMT smart Muon Trigger Efficiency GMT OR GMT AND GMT smart GMT Efficiency
RPC Trigger Algorithm Pattern of hit strips is compared
to predefined patterns corresponding to various pT Implemented in FPGAs
Global Trigger Algorithms
An algorithm is a logical combination of trigger objects satisfying defined threshold, topology and quality criteria There are 128 algorithms running in parallel. Example: Two leptons back-to-back in , opposite charge, with missing Et above threshold + - .AND. E T to t Th re sh e/ .OR. > Particle condition for muons for Et miss for e/
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