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Kenan DİKİLİTAŞ GEDİZ University İzmir Guided Peer Observation.

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Presentation on theme: "Kenan DİKİLİTAŞ GEDİZ University İzmir Guided Peer Observation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kenan DİKİLİTAŞ GEDİZ University İzmir Guided Peer Observation

2  Therefore “guided” peer observation (GPO) can be interpreted and defined in two ways.  The peer observers can be given a list of procedures as a guide to follow in a post-observation session.  A supervisor, a trainer, or a mentor moderates or guides post-observation discussion between the peer observers. Possible Definitions

3  Peers who give feedback to each other may be untrained to this end.  Ensuring constructive rather than judgmental feedback  Guiding the discussions based on the focus  Integrating knowledge from a mentor  Deepening the content of the discussion  Providing a collaborative rather than competitive environment More about GPO

4  Teacher 1:  Native English  CELTA background  3 years experience  Initial grammar teaching tendency is inductive  Teacher 2:  Non-native  English Literature background  12 Years of experience  Initial grammar teaching tendency is deductive Participants

5  Three mutual observations over 2 months  C1 students  Teaching conditional, parallel structures and relative clauses  Three post observation guided discussions  They chose to observe each other instructing grammar  Learn from each other different ways of teaching grammar  Experiment different these different ways in their own classroom  Developing teaching skills Context

6 Procedures followed in the current case 1.The colleagues decided on a general focus, which was teacher change and development. 2.No pre-observation meeting was held in order to get a natural and objective view of the lesson 3.They observed each other in a grammar teaching classroom in the form of non-participant observation. 4.After the observation, they met the supervisor and provided feedback for each other. 5.While they were discussing, the supervisor took notes of the key aspects of the issues and provided his ideas where needed The case as a “Guided” Peer Observation

7  The following purposes of each post-observation discussion were identified:  to find out the key issue to be observed  to keep the focus on the key issue that emerged from the first post-observation meeting  to clarify the conflicts between the peers and tie things up  To help deepen reflection Purpose

8  mentoring for our project ;  First and foremost factor was, «he has always been a second eye to see the neglected areas»  «Due to his experience, he covered the gaps where needed to be filled with the absolute information»  «He has been a re-router for the mistaken direction»  «Assisted with the ideas which sharply shaped the format of our project» Teacher 1-2 Mentor helped motivate us throughout the project, with weekly meeting to discuss any problems and advise us on the possible solutions, as opposed to telling us what to do Supportive role as a mentor Guided us in uncovering the main themes for our following observations, and to narrow down these themes down to inductive / deductive teaching approaches He steered us towards the various theories behind peer observation His role became more evident during the discussions in the 2nd and 3rd meetings Mediator role during the following post observations as teacher 2 was sometimes overly critical in a non constructive way

9 1.mentoring 2.a second eye to see the neglected areas 3.covered the gaps for the mistaken direction 5.Provided absolute information 6.Assisted with the ideas 7.sharply shaped the format Teacher 1-2 1.Mentor 2.motivate us throughout the project, 3.advise us on the possible solutions, 4.not telling us what to do 5.Supportive role as a mentor 6.uncovering the main themes for our following observations, and narrow down these themes down 8.Theoretical knowledge behind peer observation 9.Mediator role due to over criticism and nonconstructiveness

10 Supervisory role 1.mentoring 2.second eye 3.problem solver 5.absolute information 6.assisted 7.sharply shaped Teacher 1-2 Mentoring role 1.mentor 2.motivate 3.advise 4.not telling 5.theoretical knowledge 6.supportive 7.uncovering narrow down 9.mediator

11  Mentor “Going through the jungle and hacking through trees, the mentor is the map; not giving directions but allowing you to make your own [informed] choice”. (Teacher 1)  Provider - Supervisor Source of information: “Direct access to theoretical background” (Teacher 2) metaphors

12 For Teacher 1:  a guide  Self-development/Self-dependency  Trainer is a collaborator For Teacher 2:  a provider  trainer dependency  Trainer is a authority who can teach us Teachers’ beliefs

13 Minimum guidance Maximum guidance Passive role Active Role Lesson prep. stage Observational stage Instructional stage Analysis Stage Reflection Stage Guidance Continuum for one cycle

14  Minimize dependency & maximize autonomy  Ask critical questions for them to consider and reflect on  Be descriptive rather than prescriptive when discussing with them  Be aware of the teachers’ personality  Pay constant attention to the whole process Tips from this lived experience

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