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The Counter-Reformation Jared Peet. Warm Up – Class 7 – The Counter-Reformation Instructions Go to Google Drive and open your document “Draft Intro Causes”

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Presentation on theme: "The Counter-Reformation Jared Peet. Warm Up – Class 7 – The Counter-Reformation Instructions Go to Google Drive and open your document “Draft Intro Causes”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Counter-Reformation Jared Peet

2 Warm Up – Class 7 – The Counter-Reformation Instructions Go to Google Drive and open your document “Draft Intro Causes” Use my feedback to revise your intro paragraph Use the tips on the right side of the board for help as well Tips Historical Context: 1-2 sentences, includes dates and defines key terms Road Map – 3 sentences total, 1 for each point in thesis. Directly answers essay prompt and explains how point answers question Thesis – Last sentence; directly answers question and clearly lays out 3 points of argumentation

3 Objectives and Essential Question Objectives Identify the Council of Trent and the specific reforms it enacted Identify the specific changes made during the Counter- Reformation and then analyze the effectiveness of these reforms in stopping the Protestant Reformation by writing a paragraph response Essential Question How effective was the Counter-Reformation in counteracting the Protestant Reformation?

4 The Counter- Reformation Aka The Catholic Reformation

5 Pope Paul III (r. 1534-1549) Led the reform of the Catholic Church -appointed scholars and reformers to high church offices -summoned the Council of Trent

6 The Council of Trent – Historical Context Who: called for by Pope Paul III (1534-1549), and Pope Paul IV (1555-1559) When: 1545-1563 Where: Trent, Italy (modern day Trento) Why: To combat the growing popularity of the protestant faiths, and to reform the problems within the Church.

7 What happened at the Council of Trent? Carefully read and annotate the selected excerpts from the decisions made by the Council of Trent With your partner, answer the questions below If you finish early, respond to the following prompt: Do you think the Council of Trent strengthened or weakened the Catholic Church?

8 Council of Trent Re-Cap The council had the task of reforming the following aspects: – To condemn the principles and doctrines of Protestantism, and to define the doctrines of the Catholic Church on all disputed points. – To rid the Church administrations (from local priest to the Pope) of corruption in the areas of: Sale of Indulgences Morals of Convents Education of Clergy Dueling between Clergy Excessive Land “gifts” for Bishops – The Church’s interpretation of the Bible (their take on the Protestants’ openness to new interpretations of the Bible). – The relationship of faith and works in salvation was defined, following controversy over Martin Luther's doctrine of "justification by faith alone". – The Bible and Church Tradition (not mere customs but the ancient Tradition that made up part of the Catholic faith) were equally authoritative. – Indulgences.

9 Mentimeter Check

10 What Changes Were Made During the Counter-Reformation? Task Use the textbook excerpt to make a LIST of all of the changes made by the Counter-Reformation. – For each change, identify what problem you think the Church was trying to address Extension If you finish early, think about Luther’s problems with the Church – which issues did the Church address and which issues did the Church stand firm on?

11 Brainstorm Problems in the Catholic Church Reforms to Address Problems Do you think the Counter-Reformation was effective in addressing the problems raised by the Protestant Reformation?

12 Impact of the Counter-Reformation

13 The lines between Protestant and Catholic areas were sharply drawn by 1600. Protestant: England Scotland Scandinavia northern Germany Catholic: Italy France Spain Ireland southern Germany

14 The Catholic Church tried to prevent the spread of Protestant ideas by reviving the Inquisition. The Church also published the Index, a list of books Catholics were forbidden to read.

15 In sum... The Counter-Reformation did not stop the spread of Protestantism, nor re-claim any lost followers It did reform, reorganize and re-energize the Church – Catholicism would continue to grow with the Spanish exploration of the Americas and the missionary work of the Jesuits

16 Exit Ticket Create a document in Google Drive entitled: “Last Name – Counter-Reformation Thesis” Write a thesis that answers the essential question: “How effective was the Counter- Reformation in counteracting the Protestant Reformation?” Hint: Assess the effectiveness, then give 3 reasons for your conclusion.

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