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Alternatives Categorical Exclusion Training Class.

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1 Alternatives Categorical Exclusion Training Class

2 CEQ Regulations 40 CFR 1502.14 “This section is the heart of the environmental impact statement…it should present the environmental impacts of the proposal and the alternatives in comparative form, thus sharply defining the issues and providing a clear basis for choice among options by the decisionmaker and the public.” 2 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

3 CEQ Regulations Agencies shall: (a)…explore and objectively evaluate all reasonable alternatives and …briefly discuss the reasons for their having been eliminated (b) Devote substantial treatment to each alternative considered…including the proposed action so that reviewers may evaluate their comparative merits (d)Include the No-Build alternative (e) Identify the agency’s preferred alternative or alternatives, if one or more exists… 3 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

4 Alternatives Analysis  Critical element of the environmental document  Part of the decision-making process  Must be clear and concise  Justifies selection of the preferred alternative and the elimination of other alternatives  23 CFR 771.125(a)(1)  Critical to illustrate how the preferred was selected over other alternatives  Someone unfamiliar with the project should be able to read this section and follow the process 4 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

5 No-Build Alternative  Considered and discussed as part of analysis  Carried forward as part of the environmental process and project planning and development  Illustrates existing conditions  Sets the stage for developing alternatives Baseline to compare with other alternatives  Documented in the CE 5 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

6 Remarks  Discuss how each alternative was developed  Be candid about rationale for developing, evaluating, and eliminating alternatives  Explain how and why an alternative was eliminated:  Criteria used  Who was involved in establishing criteria  Who was involved in the decision-making  At what point were alternative(s) eliminated  If an alternative is eliminated because it does not meet the P&N, explain accordingly 6 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

7 Online CE 7 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

8 Online CE 8 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

9 Online Project File/Part of CE  All decision-making must be documented  E-mails  AER/FS review comments  Impacts Matrix  Used to evaluate alternatives under consideration  Illustrates impacts and benefits for each  Include mapping  Designate as Part of CE 9 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

10 Points to Remember  Discussion must clearly and concisely demonstrate the decision-making process  Why No-Build is not feasible  How and why each alternative eliminated  Why the Preferred Alternative was selected  Alternatives Analysis tied to P&N  Preferred Alternative must meet P&N  Focus on environmental impacts  Other considerations can be included 10 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

11 Points to Remember  Depending upon a project’s type and complexity, more detailed analysis may be needed to explain the rationale for selecting the preferred alternative  Consider agency and public views  Justify completed studies  Utilize impacts matrix  Very important if proposed undertaking and subsequent alternatives are controversial 11 Categorical Exclusion Training Class

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