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Many car owners depend too much on their car’s reliability. They tend to shy away from maintenance schedules. Why is that? Forgetfulness? Cost? Car Care.

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2 Many car owners depend too much on their car’s reliability. They tend to shy away from maintenance schedules. Why is that? Forgetfulness? Cost? Car Care Facts

3 Vehicles that aren’t maintained can be more costly. In the long run, maintenance adds many years of trouble free operation and increases a vehicle’s life span. Car Care Facts It is also great for saving money!

4 All moving parts are prone to wear; mechanical friction is the primary cause of wear and failure. Car Care Facts

5 Heat and corrosion are also prone to wear. Car Care Facts

6 Recent market research shows useful vehicle life has increased by 100,000 km since the 70’s, and in the coming years is expected to rise by another 50,000 km.

7 What’s the secret to proper car maintenance in Canada? 1.normal driving conditions Today’s vehicle owner manuals usually provide two maintenance schedules. 2. “severe” driving conditions

8 You should follow the schedule regardless of how you drive your vehicle. This schedule does not only apply to “aggressive” drivers. Do you live in Canada? severe conditions maintenance

9 Proper maintenance schedule depends on the environment in which they drive their vehicles NOT Car Care Canada reminds consumers On their habits behind the wheel

10 Severe conditions include the following: Cold weather Idling extensively or driving in stop-and-go traffic

11 Driving in temperatures over 32° C Severe conditions include the following: Towing a trailer, driving with a roof rack, or driving in mountains Driving on muddy, dusty, or de-iced roads

12 Most owner manuals recommend drivers to follow the maintenance schedule for severe conditions Trouble-free driving Why follow the schedule? Preserving the longevity of your vehicle Resale value enhanced

13 Contaminants, such as pollen, dust, mold spores and smog, can easily enter a vehicle's passenger compartment through the air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems, making the air in the car six times dirtier than the air outside. Are Dirty Cabin Filters Preventing you from Breathing Easily in your Car? Dirty Clean

14 Are Dirty Cabin Filters Preventing you from Breathing Easily in your Car? By replacing the vehicle's cabin air filter often in areas with heavy containments, or whenever heating or cooling efficiency is reduced. HOW MOTORISTS CAN PROTECT THEMSELVES clean the incoming air and remove allergens-especially beneficial to people who suffer from allergies. annually or more Cabin air filters

15 Are you kidding? You can’t go a full day without hearing about global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, and health problems caused by smog in our cities. Many Canadians are concerned about the environmental affects of driving. Help Your Car be Environmentally Friendly! What’s global warming? How can we teach our children to value the environment and still depend on our vehicle? Through regular vehicle maintenance.

16 Properly maintaining your vehicle is a win-win situation! Besides helping the environment, a properly maintained and operated vehicle runs more efficiently and economically, is safer, and should last up to 50% longer. Help Your Car be Environmentally Friendly!

17 HOW TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Help cut down on air pollution by replacing filters and fluids as recommended

18 Properly maintained tires last longer, meaning fewer scrap tires have to be disposed of. HOW TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Check tires for proper inflation. Under-inflated tires waste fuel because the engine has to work harder. Wheels that are not properly aligned also rob energy.

19 Dispose of used motor oil, anti-freeze/coolant, tires, and old batteries properly. HOW TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Many repair facilities accept these items, and many of these items are now recycled. Call your local government for recycling sites. Never dump used oil or anti-freeze on the ground, in your local sewage system, or in streams.

20 Keep your air conditioner in top condition and have it serviced only by an automotive service technician certified competent to handle/recycle refrigerants. HOW TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Air conditioners contain CFCs and other gases that have been implicated in the depletion of the ozone layer. These gases can escape during improper service and repair, so it is important to choose a qualified technician.

21 Remove excess items from the vehicle. Less weight means better mileage.

22 Observe speed limits. FUEL SAVING TIPS Fuel consumption rises sharply with high speed

23 Drive gently. Avoid sudden accelerations and jerky stop-and-go actions. FUEL SAVING TIPS Use cruise control on open highways to keep speed as steady as possible.

24 Avoid excessive idling. Shut off the engine while waiting for friends or family. FUEL SAVING TIPS Today’s vehicles "warm-up" fast, so you don’t have to warm-up your car on chilly mornings.

25 The Safety Triangle Car Care Canada recommends ensuring that all the safety features on your car are properly maintained and in proper working order. There are three parts of a vehicle that work all together. 1.Brakes 2. Tires 3. Shocks

26 Studies show that after tires, brakes are the leading vehicle defect reported at highway accidents. All three parts of the safety triangle must be in good working order to ensure top stopping, or braking performance. The Safety Triangle - Brakes Brakes are the most critical safety item on a vehicle.

27 Tire inflation is something very straightforward that motorists can check themselves. The Safety Triangle - Tires Low tire pressure can increase braking distance. It’s well worth a motorist’s while to keep their tires properly inflated, rotate them at least once a year, and replace them when the tread gets worn. Tires play an especially vital role in wet or snowy conditions because their adherence to the road is vital in stopping a vehicle under adverse conditions.

28 Tires can also be an early warning system for other problems: alignment or a failing suspension. The Safety Triangle - Shocks A good suspension means a smoother ride. But tests have shown that having even one worn shock will compromise vehicle safety by increasing braking distances and decreasing driver control. Car Care Canada encourages motorists to have their shocks inspected annually by a qualified technician.

29 Most shops offer a free brake and chassis inspection and consumers should take advantage of this. Book a maintenance check-up today

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