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Published bySabastian Mullennix Modified over 10 years ago
Science Mission Directorate NASA: Earth Science Initiatives and Plans AMS Public-Private Partnership Forum April 22, 2008 Jack A. Kaye, Ph.D. Associate Director for Research Earth Science Division
2 Overview of Talk Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Overview Earth Science Division (ESD) Overview NRC Decadal Survey and ESD Actions Reserch Program Summary
3 NASA’s Science Goals Study Earth from space to advance scientific understanding and meet societal needs. (Earth Science) Understand the Sun and its effects on Earth and the solar system. (Heliophysics) Advance scientific knowledge of the origin and history of the solar system, the potential for life elsewhere, and the hazards and resources present as humans explore space. (Planetary Science) Discover the origin, structure, evolution, and destiny of the universe, and search for Earth-like planets. (Astrophysics)
4 SMD and ESD Leadership Changes Ed Weiler returns to HQ as Interim Associate Administrator for SMD (4/7/08) following departure of S. Alan Stern Chuck Gay returns to HQ from GSFC as Deputy Associate Administrator for SMD (Colleen Hartman departs for GWU on IPA) Mike Luther returns to position as Deputy AA for Programs within SMD (Todd May returns to MSFC) Roy Maizel named Deputy AA for Management John Mather steps down as Chief Scientist to return to GSFC Randy Friedl arrived at HQ (from JPL) as Deputy Chief Scientist for Earth Science Steve Volz selected for position of ESD Associate Director for Flight Programs
Science Mission Directorate SMD’S Flight Program: January 2008
6 SMD FY09 Budget Highlights Increased commitment to Earth Science. 7 new mission starts (at least one per SMD science area) Earth Science: SMAP and IceSat II (2012, 2015 launches) Astrophysics: JDEM (launch in 2014/2015) Heliophysics: Solar Probe Plus (launch in 2015) Planetary: Outer Planets Flagship (launch by 2017) small lunar science orbiter (launch by 2011), and lunar mini-landers (launch by 2014). Substantially increased astrophysics, heliophysics, and planetary science R&A/MO&DA. Sharply increased budgets for suborbital rockets and balloons.
7 NASA and SMD President’s Budgets: FY09-FY13
8 SMD Budget by Science Theme
9 ESD Broader Governmental Context NASA Earth Science Supports Multiple Presidential Initiatives - Climate Change Science Program - Earth Observations - Ocean Action Plan Congressional Direction Addresses Several Aspects, most notably linkage between NASA and NOAA, but also other areas (ozone, land cover) NASA is part of NPOESS program, in particular through the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) mission NASA supports several other CENR activities (Air Quality, Water Availability and Quality, Disaster Reduction, …)
10 FY09 ESD Budget Summary (proposed) ($M) Budget LineFY09FY10FY11FY12FY13 Earth Sci. Res.*380.6388.2390.6400.7409.3 Earth Sys. Miss.677.9661.5583.2563.6589.6 ESSP 88.6 58.8 37.4 50.0 54.9 Earth Sci. MMO140.5159.0157.9166.5170.9 Earth Sci. Tech. 46.1 49.3 50.6 51.6 52.8 Appl. Sci. 33.8 33.8 31.3 32.1 32.8 TOTAL 1367.5 1350.7 1250.9 1264.4 1290.3 *Includes Directorate Support
11 FY09 President’s Earth Science Budget Request
Science Mission Directorate Earth Science Operating Missions
13 Senior Review Process Second Earth Science Sr. Review conducted 4/07 to evaluate operating missions that are beyond their baseline mission - Continuation of core missions - (Re)Allocation of resources between missions to optimize benefits - Identify and fund enhanced science - Based on Space Science Sr. Review, 2006 NRC Mission Extension report Changes from 2005 Earth Science Sr. Review -CoMRP panel explicitly evaluated contributions of NASA research missions to national operational objectives -Explicit emphasis on core vs. enhanced mission elements Summary of conclusions -All missions extended through FY08-09 -All but ACRIMSAT recommended for extension through FY11 (ACRIMSAT pending comparative analyses with SORCE) -All basic mission proposals accepted approximately as-is -Few (~2) enhanced mission proposals accepted
14 Missions in Formulation and Implementation OSTM 6/2008 OCO 12/2008 GLORY 3-6/09 NPP 6/2010 AQUARIUS 5/2010 LDCM 7/2011 GPM 6/2013, 11/2014 SMAP 2012 ICESat-II 2015
15 NPOESS Preparatory Project^ Strategic mission - Systematic measurement Required for continuity of several key climate measurements between EOS and NPOESS Landsat Data Continuity Mission Strategic mission - Systematic measurement Required for continuity of long-term global land cover change data; plan for post-LDCM acquisition operational agency in work Ocean Surface Topography Mission*^ Strategic mission - Systematic measurement Required for continuity ocean altimetry; planned as part of a transition to operational agencies Glory Strategic mission - Initiate New Measurement and Continue Systematic Measurement Addresses high priority objective of the US Climate Change Science Program and provide continuity for total solar irradiance Orbiting Carbon Observatory Competed mission - Earth System Science Pathfinder First dedicated global measurement of CO 2 from space Aquarius* Competed mission - Earth System Science Pathfinder First dedicated global measurement of sea surface salinity from space Global Precipitation Measurement* Initializes a systematic measurement Extend spatial coverage to global and temporal coverage to every 3 hours with constellation * Represents International Partnership ^ Represents Interagency Partnership Earth Science Missions in Development and Formulation
16 Decadal Survey Recommendations Overarching Recommendation -The U.S. government, working in concert with the private sector, academe, the public, and its international partners, should renew its investment in Earth observing systems and restore its leadership in Earth science and applications. NOAA and NASA should undertake a set of 17 recommended missions, phased over the next decade NOAA research to operations - Vector ocean winds - GPS radio occultation temperature, water vapor and electron density profiles - Total solar irradiance/and Earth Radiation (NPP) and restored to NPOESS NASA - 15 missions in small, medium and large categories - Also need to invest in R&A, applied sciences, technology, ground networks, airborne science (including UASs)
17 Decadal Survey MissionMission DescriptionOrbitInstruments CLARREO (NASA portion) Solar and Earth radiation: spectrally resolved forcing and response of the climate system LEO, Precessing Absolute, spectrally- resolved interferometer SMAPSoil moisture and freeze/thaw for weather and water cycle processes LEO, SSOL-band radar L-band radiometer ICESat-IIIce sheet height changes for climate change diagnosis LEO, Non- SSO Laser altimeter DESDynISurface and ice sheet deformation for understanding natural hazards and climate; vegetation structure for ecosystem health LEO, SSOL-band InSAR Laser altimeter NASA Near-Term Missions (4/15 total)
18 Decadal Survey MissionMission DescriptionOrbitInstruments HyspIRILand surface composition for agriculture and mineral characterization; vegetation types for ecosystem health LEO, SSOHyperspectral spectrometer ASCENDSDay/night, all-latitude, all-season CO 2 column integrals for climate emissions LEO, SSOMultifrequency laser SWOTOcean, lake, and river water levels for ocean and inland water dynamics LEO, SSOKa-band wide swath radar C-band radar GEO-CAPEAtmospheric gas columns for air quality forecasts; ocean color for coastal ecosystem health and climate emissions GEOHigh and low spatial resolution hyperspectral imagers ACEAerosol and cloud profiles for climate and water cycle; ocean color for open ocean biogeochemistry LEO, SSOBackscatter lidar Multiangle polarimeter Doppler radar NASA Mid-Term Missions (5/15 total)
19 *Cloud-independent, high temporal resolution, lower accuracy SST to complement, not replace, global operational high-accuracy SST measurement Decadal Survey MissionMission DescriptionOrbitInstruments LISTLand surface topography for landslide hazards and water runoff LEO, SSOLaser altimeter PATHHigh frequency, all-weather temperature and humidity soundings for weather forecasting and SST* GEOMW array spectrometer GRACE-IIHigh temporal resolution gravity fields for tracking large-scale water movement LEO, SSOMicrowave or laser ranging system SCLPSnow accumulation for fresh water availability LEO, SSOKu and X-band radars K and Ka-band radiometers GACMOzone and related gases for intercontinental air quality and stratospheric ozone layer prediction LEO, SSOUV spectrometer IR spectrometer Microwave limb sounder 3D-Winds (Demo) Tropospheric winds for weather forecasting and pollution transport LEO, SSODoppler lidar NASA Far-Term Missions (6/15 total)
20 Decadal Survey Ongoing Activities Completed “building block” calibrations of NRC missions -Ensure consistent, rational basis for costs -Full (LCC) mission cost (including NASA science teams/analyses, mission extension) -2 additional independent cost-estimation efforts (Aerospace, LaRC IPAO) Developed joint (with NOAA) mitigation strategies for NPOESS climate sensors -NASA-NOAA study for OSTP -NRC/SSB Workshop (science impacts, priorities, approaches) -Limb Sensor restored to OMPS on NPP; CERES being restored to NPP Discussions with International Partners -Determine common interests, complementary capabilities -JAXA/METI, CNES, CSA, ESA, CEOS, WMO/SP, DLR meetings held -Bilateral new mission working groups initiating (CNES, JAXA, DLR) Implemented “Early Mission” workshops -Confirm/refine match between science objective and notional mission -Determine necessary “context” measurements for science objective -Community involvement, HQ led -Workshops comleted Summer 2007 for SMAP, CLARREO, ICESat-II, DESDynI - reports available online Targeted Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) solicitation to Decadal Survey missions (all 3 tiers) Beginning to Move Out on SMAP and ICESat II with progressively smaller amounts for remainder of Tier I (CLARREO, DESDynI) and Tier 2 missions
21 NEW vs. PREVIOUS (hatched) MISSION PROFILE Earth Science New Initiative
22 Earth Science Research - FY08-FY13 * * From current data base - 2/11/08; does not include Directorate Support
23 ROSES 08 Summary
24 ROSES 07 New Elements Airborne Instrument Technology Transition - bridge gap between ESTO/IIP and availability of “hardened” instruments to support regular field work ($2.6M in FY08) - Proposals involve significant intercenter and community (industry/academia/other government agency) partnerships Accelerating Operational Use of Research Data - provide opportunities for community participation of transition science (R-to-O) that complements Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation and Short-Term Regional Prediction Center, and introduces focused oceanic component (~$1.3M in FY08) Space Archaeology - provide opportunities for community participation that complements work at centers (esp. MSFC) (~$0.7M in FY08) EarthScope - provide opportunity for NASA community to apply InSAR and geodetic imaging to interagency EarthScope initiative (~$1.5M/yr by FY09)
25 ROSES 08 New and Enhanced Elements Biodiversity - first NASA solicitation focused exclusively on biodiversity studies using remote sensing data - addresses terrestrial, marine, and aquatic species (~$1.75M) NEWS/Water Quality - develop/demonstrate feasibility of remote sensing for water quality, including algorithms to remotely sense inland and coastal water quality and provide the scientific basis for next-generation water quality remote sensing (~$1.5M) Ocean Salinity Research Team - prepare for availability of Aquarius data (~$2M) Dynamical Ice Sheet Modeling - enhanced, focused effort as part of Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction element (~$1M)
26 Statistics of Recent Selections: Selection Rates
27 NRC Study: Earth Observations from Space - The First 50 Years of Scientific Achievement Report Conclusions (summarized) - Daily synoptic view of Earth from space has revolutionized Earth studies and helped society manage environment and resources - Long time series are required and the value of data sets increases with time - Scientific advances result from science-technology synergy, and societal benefit of measurements increases with increasing accuracy - Have indisputable benefit of multiple synergistic observations (satellite and non-satellite) linked with models - To achieve full benefit of observations, need infrastructure (models, computing, ground networks, personnel) - Full and open access to global data capitalizes on investment - Space observations have catalyzed interdisciplinary science and can be expected to lead to remarkable discoveries in the future Summary Statement : ”The decadal survey and this committee both recommend that the nation’s commitment to continue Earth observations from space be renewed.”
28 Summary SMD has vibrant program and has increased planned launch rates in all four science divisions ESD addresses fundamental scientific questions and important societal objectives in support of Administration initiatives ESD is moving forward with missions in formulation and development and beginning to move out on NRC decadal survey thanks to FY09 budget initiative (and FY08 funding from Congress) ESD Research program (and related programs in Applied Science, Technology, and Data) provide numerous opportunities for community participation to advance science, work with missions, and utilize data Partnerships are critical to success of ESD -International -Interagency -Cross-center -Government/Academia/Industry
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