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Jfkdlsafjkdljflkajfklasjfkldsjflkjflksdjflkdsjfldsjfl kjflkjflkdsajflkdsjflkdsjflkdsjflksjfdlksjfdkslfjkl dsjfkldsjfldksjdsklfjkdlsfjdklsjaflkdjskdjfkdlsjk.

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Presentation on theme: "Jfkdlsafjkdljflkajfklasjfkldsjflkjflksdjflkdsjfldsjfl kjflkjflkdsajflkdsjflkdsjflkdsjflksjfdlksjfdkslfjkl dsjfkldsjfldksjdsklfjkdlsfjdklsjaflkdjskdjfkdlsjk."— Presentation transcript:

1 jfkdlsafjkdljflkajfklasjfkldsjflkjflksdjflkdsjfldsjfl kjflkjflkdsajflkdsjflkdsjflkdsjflksjfdlksjfdkslfjkl dsjfkldsjfldksjdsklfjkdlsfjdklsjaflkdjskdjfkdlsjk Landfill Gas Mitigation Program and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Support (WRARS) Program SWANA/CPWA Conference Winnipeg, MB May 14, 2009 Jim Ferguson Manager, Municipal and Business Programs

2 Waste Statistics (2006)  Waste Disposed: 1,024,272 T (+10%) Per Capita: 869 Kgs National Average: 835 Kgs  Waste Diverted: 152,799 Per Capita: 130 Kgs National Average: 237 Kgs Reduction Rate: 13%  Landfills: 256 12 Class 1 73 Class 2 160 Class 3 11 private industry  56 transfer stations  Composting Systems: + 40 21,000 Tonnes 20%-30% of waste stream

3 National Statistics  High tipping fees are direct drivers in high diversion rate provinces – up to $100 per tonne

4 MANITOBA TARGET  6% below 1990 levels by 2012  Equivalent to 3 Megatonnes (20 Mts – 17 Mts) Manitoba’s GHG Emissions

5 Landfill GHG Emissions  Landfills account for 3% of the national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions  In 2006, Manitoba’s GHG emissions were up by 13% (2.4 Mt) with respect to 1990  Manitoba’s GHGs from landfills increased by 37.3% from 670 kt CO 2 equivalents to 920 kt CO 2 equivalents between 1990 and 2006.  Of the 920 kt, approximately 150 kt CO 2 equivalents (16%) of the landfill emissions can be captured annually from 2-3 major MB landfills.  Contributing approximately 5% of GHG reduction towards the 3 MT reduction target.

6 Climate Change Act  Manitoba Climate Change and Emissions Reduction Act (CCERA) enacted June 2008  CCERA Landfill GHG requirements: every owner of a prescribed landfill must submit an assessment of the potential for mitigating emissions that may be generated at the landfill; and a proposed plan for the monitoring, controlling, collecting, or using emissions before they are released into the atmosphere during operation and post closure of the landfill  An approved plan must be implemented by December 31, 2010  A Regulation defining a prescribed landfill is required

7 Prescribed Landfill  Consultant review of provincial and state landfill gas management requirements  Preliminary recommendations to be used to establish criteria to identify Manitoba landfills that will be required to implement a landfill GHG recovery system  Consistent with Western Climate Initiative (WCI) requirement for all facilities that emit 25,000 Tonnes of CO 2 e to implement GHG reduction plans  To be completed May 2009

8 Provincial Review  BC Landfill Gas Management Regulation (2008) Trigger for review:  100,000 T of waste in place and/or 10,000 T of waste received Emission limit for controls: 21,000 T of CO 2 e  Alberta Specified Gas Emitters Regulation (2007) Emission limit for controls: 100,000 T of CO 2 E (1-2 million T of waste in place) Development of a Technical Guide to Quantify the Gas Emissions from Landfill  Ontario Environmental Protection Act Regulation (2008) Waste limit for controls: 1.5 million m 3 in place (1.2 million Tonnes) Exceeds 25,000 T CO 2 e emission threshold

9 MB Landfill Projects  Brandon Site specific GHG evaluation Issued RFP Evaluating project development options  Brady Road (Winnipeg) Site specific GHG evaluation completed Environment Act Proposal submitted for project development

10 Next Steps  Complete consultant review  Finalize recommendations on “prescribed” landfill  Develop Regulations Regulatory requirements to be established under Climate Change Act and the Environment Act (WDG Regulation)  Work with/support Brandon / Winnipeg to implement projects

11 Waste Reduction and Recycling Support (WRARS) Levy  Announced 2009 provincial Budget (March)  $10 per tonne WRARS Levy on waste to landfill  Up to $7 million in revenue generated  Purpose: improve Manitoba’s waste diversion rate extend the life of landfills encourage sustainable waste management practices improve waste diversion activities such as recycling and composting

12 Overview  Amendments to the Waste Reduction and Prevention Act proceeding  Disincentive for waste disposal - increase waste disposal costs  Reward municipal recycling efforts through fund sharing formula  Support for E-waste and HHW programming  Reduce waste bill through diversion – increase $ reward through enhanced residential recycling  Three (3) phase introduction approach

13 Phase I – Class 1  Major Class 1 landfills  Levy introduced July 1, 2009 on landfills receiving more than 30,000 tonnes of waste City of Winnipeg Brady Road City of Brandon Mid-Canada (RM of Ritchot) BFI – Evergreen (RM of Rosser)  Levy remittance due January 31, 2010 and every 6 months after  Recycling Rebate issued to participating municipalities March 1, 2010

14 Phase II – Class 1  Levy introduced on all Class 1 landfills January 1, 2010  Affects 8 additional Class 1 landfills  WRARS Levy payments due July 31, 2010 (6 months)  Recycling Rebate issued September 1, 2010

15 Phase III – Class 2 & 3  January 1, 2011 levy applied to all Class 2 and 3 landfills  Affects 73 Class 2 sites and 160 Class 3 sites  Phase III WRARS Levy Payments Due July 31, 2011 (6 months)

16 Program Details  Private industrial sites exempt (single generator use)  Applies to residential and ICI waste  Thermal Destruction (burning) is not diversion  Transfer Stations exempt  Eligible diversion activities include: recycling, composting, wood chipping

17 WRARS Fund  Dedicated Fund established in WRAP Act  All WRARS Levy Revenue deposited in Fund  Annual Report and Audit requirements  Disbursements 80% municipal recycling support 20% administration, e-waste and HHW program support  Green Manitoba to administer Fund

18 Municipal Recycling Support  MPSC / MMSM Stewardship program maintained  Rebate based on MPSC reported tonnage  Municipal share of WRARS Fund based on % of recycling contribution 20% for E-waste and HHW Programs 80% Municipal Recycling Rebate

19 Revenue Projections REVENUE PROJECTIONS MUNICIPAL REBATE (80%) HHW/E- WASTE (20%) 2009/10 (6 MONTHS) $3,000,000$2,400,000$600,000 2010/11 (12 MONTHS) $6,300,000$5,040,000$1,260,000

20 Next Steps  Communication with landfill operators  WRARS Guide  Municipal Waste Survey  Landfill Registration Process  Waste and Recycling Tonnage Reporting System Established  Volume based waste measurement requirements (non-scaled waste reporting process)  WDG Regulation Review Process (2009)

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