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Waste Classification and Waste Management System STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP Purpose of meeting and proceedings 30 th JULY 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Waste Classification and Waste Management System STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP Purpose of meeting and proceedings 30 th JULY 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waste Classification and Waste Management System STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP Purpose of meeting and proceedings 30 th JULY 2010

2 2 Purpose of Meeting Revision of the Waste Classification and Management project was initiated in May 2009 Project aims to provide mechanisms which could implement the waste hierarchy to move away from landfill to treatment, reuse and recovery and to put in place measures to monitor this progress The outputs of the project will be as follows: –Waste Classification and Management regulations –Standards for Leach tests and risk profiling of waste –Standards for disposal of waste to landfill Project has developed system for categorisation of waste which will be implemented through the WIS Regulations DWA have used this opportunity to amend the current landfill containment barriers – these barriers will be included in the regulations

3 3 Purpose of Meeting Since the inception, 6 stakeholder meeting have been held in Pretoria In June the Institute of Waste Management organized a workshop of stakeholders at which the outputs of the project were presented The final stakeholder meeting is scheduled to take place in September in Gauteng The draft regulations and standards will be gazetted after the September workshop A workshop has been organised to take place at Wastecon - the draft regulations and standards to be discussed The regulations will then be finalised and gazetted for promulgation in November 2010 Consultation process is wrapping up

4 4 Purpose of Meeting KZN stakeholders requested a workshop as many are unaware of the project Provincial Department offered to facilitate a stakeholder workshop to allow KZN stakeholders the opportunity to engage directly Purpose of the meeting is to present the work to date, to discuss the implications and take comments

5 5 Proceedings for day Background & elements of the WC& MS –Waste Classification –Waste Categoristiaon –Leach tests and risk profiling of waste –Criteria for the disposal of waste to landfill Tea –Waste Classification & Management regulations Implications and responsibilities Lunch Elements for an implementation guideline Commenting and timeframes

6 6 Background NEM:WA has as it main objective the implementation of the waste hierarchy – disposal as a last resort Current waste management system –Majority of waste in SA disposed to landfill –Does not promote reuse of waste – licencing for disposal or storage the only option –Landfill bias – classify waste for landfill - Minimum Requirements for the Handling, Classification and disposal of hazardous waste –System is overly conservative – yet promotes delisting allowing haz waste on landfills designed for general waste –Total load - encourage dilute and disperse –Landfill bias will not promote the development of alternative technologies

7 7 Background –Allow co-disposal of waste which renders it sterile for reuse or recycling – inert waste disposed with municipal waste, increases risk of leaching –Blending of wastes to reduce risk – increases waste stream and complicates treatment or reuse –Waste reporting limited to reporting on waste to landfill –Leach test caters for mismanagement scenario – overly conservative –MR – scientific basis questioned –Test methods are not specified –Onus for classification on landfill operator; generator has little understanding of waste generated and makes no interventions for waste volume or risk reduction

8 8 Methodology Research –Issues and Needs assessment –International literature review –Local literature review Draft papers on key aspects –Framework for waste classification and management –Waste Categorization system for WIS reporting –Manifest document –Leach test criteria –Landfill acceptance criteria –Containment barrier designs

9 9 Methodology Consultation –Stakeholder workshops –Technical Reference group meeting –Focus group meetings Testing –GHS study through waste company –GHS workshop –Slag pilot project –SOP for drum recycling

10 10 Methodology Regulations and standards –Waste Classification and Management Regulation –National standard for leach tests and risk profiling of waste –National standard for disposal of waste to landfill Implementation Manual –Background to regulations –Overview of system and implementation –Key requirements and responsibilities –Overview and basic guidance on GHS system –Waste categorization requirements –Guidance and information on process for beneficial use –Guidance on risk profiling and leach test requirements –Landfill disposal criteria including containment designs –Landfill management –Guidance on manifest

11 11 Elements of the new waste classification and management system Classification of waste –Delink classification from management –Classification of waste consistent with classification of chemical products - GHS –Classification system will be legislated –Waste generator required to ensure classification of waste –Classification based on analysis, then SDS Categorization –Reporting compulsory to determine successes and priorities –Identify registering and reporting parties, reporting codes and waste types to be reported on

12 12 Elements of the new waste classification and management system Management of waste –Provides for beneficial use of waste – procedure for consideration –Identifies waste not suitable for landfill –Move to separate disposal of industrial and municipal waste –Revise leaching methodology and set test methods –Revise landfill containment barriers –Move toward concentration and containment when disposing to landfill –Provides for legislation – Waste classification and management regulations –Provides for standard for waste management – National standard for leach tests and risk profiling of waste –National standard for disposal of waste to landfill

13 13 Thank you

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