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Recycling Programs That Work Amy Donovan Program Director Franklin County Solid Waste Management District Greenfield, MA.

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Presentation on theme: "Recycling Programs That Work Amy Donovan Program Director Franklin County Solid Waste Management District Greenfield, MA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recycling Programs That Work Amy Donovan Program Director Franklin County Solid Waste Management District Greenfield, MA

2 Overview of presentation About my organization Recycling in Western Mass About Commercial Composting (CC): the climate change and farm connection CC programs that work: schools, transfer stations, businesses Waste Diversion: Fairs, Festivals, Races Hazardous Waste and EE Next steps = more sustainable in 2012

3 Franklin County Solid Waste Management District Bernardston Buckland Charlemont Colrain Conway Deerfield Erving Gill Hawley Heath Leverett Leyden Montague New Salem (CC since 2009) Northfield (CC since 2008) Orange (CC 2011 pilot) Rowe Shelburne Sunderland Warwick Wendell Whately (CC since 2003) 22 member towns: 30 schools, 17 transfer stations, 4 municipal compost programs

4 Solid Waste District Highlights: Recycling coordinator for Franklin County Annual Household Hazardous Waste Day Twice annual Bulky Waste Day (+ e-waste) Sharps Disposal Program What Do I Do With…? 350 items listed MassRecycle’s Recycler of the Year: Solid Waste District, Municipal Program, 1996 Jan Ameen, Executive Director, 2005 Amy Donovan, Program Director, 2011

5 Springfield Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) Solid Waste District on MRF Advisory Board Board = annual Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Guide MRF pays 74 western Mass municipalities $15- $45/ton for recyclables

6 Commercial Composting “Commercial Composting”= “Organics Recycling”= “On-Farm”= “Food Waste” …goes way beyond the backyard bin!

7 Commercial Composting accepts materials previously destined for trash = less trash Generally accepts: All food including items not composted at home: Meat, chicken, fish, bones, dairy, fats, oils (+ bread, veggies, fruits) All paper including non recyclable: Paper cups, paper plates, napkins, paper towels, waxed cardboard, waxed paper, soiled pizza boxes, soiled paper, soiled paper bags, flour/ sugar bags, egg cartons Wood: skewers, chopsticks, coffee stirrers, sporks “Compostable plastic:” PLA cups, certain bags NO plastic, metal, glass, foil, etc.!


9 CC’s benefits to participating organizations and planet: Save money on tipping fees: MSW (trash): $75/ ton Compostables: $45/ ton Reduce trash p/u or dumpster size and save on trash disposal /hauling costs Consumers/ costumers appreciate green action Supports local commercial composting facilities/ farms = local business Saves space in landfills Creates valuable soil out of waste Mitigates climate change!

10 Composting helps slow Climate Change Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Greenhouse Gases: Carbon Dioxide Methane Nitrous Oxide (School slides)

11 The Climate Change Connection When food waste (and paper) decay in a landfill, methane is released (due to anaerobic conditions). Methane is a greenhouse gas 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Landfill Gas Recovery not always a solution. Methane pipe at a landfill

12 Why doesn’t composting release methane? Because oxygen is part of the composting process (aerobic). There is no oxygen in a landfill. More info:

13 Windrows Bear Path Farm, Whately, MA

14 Martin’s Farm in Greenfield accepts compost fromschools: Pioneer HS, Turners Falls HS Northfield ES, Bernardston ES, Deerfield ES, Erving ES, Sunderland ES, Amherst, more.. transfer stations: Northampton, Northfield, markets: Big Y stores, Greenfield Stop & Shop, McCusker’s, Greenfields Market, plus restaurants… Windrow turner at Martin’s Farm, Greenfield, MA

15 Windrows at Martin’s Farm

16 Whately Transfer Station: first municipal program in the state

17 Northfield Transfer Station: 2 yd dumpster Saves town $1,384/ year

18 School composting Gill Elementary: food, milk cartons, paper in green compostable bag Bag= “Comp-lete” from Fortune Plastics 2 yard compost dumpster

19 Schools Free resources: MA DEP Green Team: free recycling/ composting equipment, activities, contests ACE Climate Assembly: free assembly

20 Shared compost dumpster Cost is shared according to each B’s volume SFABA and FCSWMD manage program Shredded paper: Mirick Insurance, Trailside Health

21 Organics Haulers Triple T Trucking, Brattleboro: dumpsters Services Pioneer valley Pricing: $70/ 2 yd., $130/ 4 yd., p/u weekly Tips @ Martin’s Farm, Greenfield; Shadow Brook Farm, Hampden (802) 254-5388, Alternative Recycling: toters 413-587-4005, Allied Waste: dumpsters 413-592-9411

22 Waste Diversion/ Reduction: Fairs, Festivals, Races

23 Pictured: Recycling Volunteers at Conway Festival of the Hills Solid Waste District’s Special Event Bin Loaner Program

24 Franklin County Fair 25,000 attendees, 4 day Fair 2011 Fair: 29% diversion rate 50% savings: disposal costs

25 Hazardous Waste and EE Please help educate!

26 Mercury Thermostats & Thermometers: … can be brought to the The Franklin County Solid Waste Management District office at 50 Miles St. in Greenfield and be properly disposed of for no charge. (413-772-2438) …call your municipality to see if accepted. Also, CFLs, batteries, cell phones, e-waste…. … should never be thrown in the trash. They contain mercury, which is toxic.

27 Next Steps: Increasing Sustainability in 2012 57 western Mass towns/ waste districts sell low cost compost bins! ($25-$50) Reduce, Reuse Recycle Guide Recycle rechargeable batteries, HHW Organizations: ID waste destinations, plenty of bins/ signage, educate users Reduce disposables Emerging (local) technologies- food waste If all else fails, ask me how to green your organization!

28 Questions? Amy Donovan Program Director Franklin County Solid Waste Management District 50 Miles Street Greenfield, MA 01301 Tel: (413) 772-2438

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