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New Frontiers for the ESA

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Presentation on theme: "New Frontiers for the ESA"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Frontiers for the ESA
Sue Silver, PhD Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Ecological Society of America New Frontiers for the ESA

2 Greening ESA Introduction to ESA Publishing activities
Annual Meeting and other conferences ESA offices What I will talk about can be put under 4 headings

3 Introduction to the ESA
Not-for-profit Founded in 1915 ~35 staff, in Washington DC and Ithaca, NY 10,000 members in over 90 countries The world’s largest professional organization of ecologists

4 Members Ecologists, environmental and other scientists, resource managers, teachers, policy makers 66% academic 13% federal scientists 6% consultants 5% non-profit 10% other ESA organizational structure Administration, membership and finances Science Program Office Public Affairs Office Education Office Publications Careers and certification

5 ESA mission To promote the responsible application of ecological principles to the solution of environmental problems through ESA journals, reports, meetings, research, and expert testimony to Congress. So, given our mission, acting responsibly ourselves = something of a no-brainer Why is being environmentally responsible important to the Society? Is it important to the members? Yes! Do they notice? Yes! Get plenty of letters from members asking why we send the journal in a polybag, etc Much grumbling when we served shrimp at an annual meeting lunch (shrimp = one of the most environmentally destructive things you can eat)

6 ESA publications Four printed journals – All in the top 15 in the ISI Journal Citation Report Here are 3 of them + electronic members news – ESA Bulletin + Ecological Archives – electronic data repository (material accompanying the articles in E, EA, EM) These switched to high recycled content paper in early in the year 2000 Ecology First published in 1920 12 issues/year (print and online) Impact factor: (Ranked 7/114 in Ecology) Ecological Monographs First published in 1931 6 issues/year (print and online) Impact factor: (Ranked 4/114 in Ecology) Ecological Applications First published in 1991 8 issues/year (print and online) Impact factor: (Ranked 14/114 in Ecology)

7 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
The latest ESA journal - Launched in February 2003 The vision for this journal, was not only International Interdisciplinary Timely etc etc But also Accessible to those reading outside their area of expertise So you get scientists reading across the specialties Cross-fertilization of ideas between different specialties/sub-specialties

8 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Reviews and research communications International news section Columnists Editorials, letters Multi-author debates Student section Lots of color! Central peer-reviewed scientific core + Lots of fun stuff to get people to leaf through the journal and browse Full color throughout When first launched no obvious choice in terms of an affordable, eco-friendly paper Went with one of APs stock papers (possibly 10% recycled content if you ordered it specially) So, no statement in journal about the paper in early issues – The main problem was that Frontiers needed just under 56,000 lb/year and the paper mills and paper merchants would only sell by the truckload (42,000 lb) This would have meant buying paper for almost the whole year + large outlay for us + storage charges from AP The other ESA journals were already using a high recycled content paper (New Leaf - EcoMatte) but only printed in B&W – put any color on different paper EcoMatte was very speckly and yellowish and not good for colorwork So, set out to find a more ecologically acceptable alternative Long road – took a long time – lots of problems along the way

9 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
2003 – Formed the DCGPBG ‘Better paper cheaper’ 2005 – Switch to Eagle 1 2006 – Switch to ST Generations 2008 – Switch to Opus PB at CI invited all the environment-oriented non-profits in the DC area to a meeting Conservation International World Wildlife Fund National Wildlife Federation Defenders of Wildlife The Nature Conservancy And The Ecological Society of America Others joined later Sept Formed the DC Green paper buyers group – Slogan: Better Paper Cheaper! To buy eco-friendly paper in bulk and so leverage better prices All had different needs so set out to educate ourselves instead recycled content/post-consumer waste elemental chlorine free/processed chlorine free/totally chlorine free was it better to wrap journals in paper or plastic Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) certification Aug 2005 – Switched to 100% recycled paper 10% pcw [Eagle 1 from American Eagle Mill – only recycled] Test runs (changes to colors – took 6 months to get it right) June 2006 Stopped making Eagle 1 Frantic search More test runs Aug 2006 Switched to ST Generations (50% recycled; 30% pcw) [Cascades Mill] Feb 2008 Noticed change in the ST Gen paper [paper mill hadn’t informed AP of changes – were not going to change back] April 2008 Will switch to Opus Matte [Sappi Mill – only 30% recycled but ALL FSC certified] – is that better or worse???? March 2007 – ESA becomes a signatory on the Magazine PAPER project, an initiative run by Co-op America, pledging to use the most environmentally paper that we can, within the constraints of our budget, in both journal printing and office uses.

10 ESA annual meetings Changes venue every year 3000 to 4500 attendees
Choose ‘green’ cities/convention centers Look for ‘green’ hotels Some cities doing a lot - more likely to use. (eg Like Portland, OR -green convention center: Hotel compost their food leftover, use energy saving light bulbs, Don’t recycle soaps every day, Use sustainably harvested food Other cities do little or nothing (like Kansas City) - we would not use them. Here are some of the green items we now ask for when we ask for a proposal from a city to host our annual meeting.

11 ESA annual meetings Re-use tote bags + patches No bottled water
No styrofoam packaging Recycling bins Paper bathroom supplies (min 35% recycled/pcw) Environmentally friendly cleaning products Providing drinking water in large containers rather than individual bottles—NO bottled water No Styrofoam to be used for any food/beverage functions or outlets Provide collections bins for the recycling of glass, aluminum, steel cans, plastic bottles, table coverings, pallets, paper (newspaper, cardboard, and other office paper) and grease Providing all paper bathroom supplies with a minimum of 35% post-consumer recycled content paper Using environmentally responsible cleaning products for carpets, floors, kitchens, and bathrooms

12 ESA annual meetings China service or biodegradable disposable plates, etc No polystyrene #6 plastic Serve condiments in bulk Cloth or high recycled content paper napkins Donate left-over food to food bank/compost table scraps Using china service or biodegradable disposable service at no additional cost to ESA No polystyrene #6 plastic Serve condiments in bulk, not individual little packets Use cloth napkins or post-consumer recycled paper napkins Donate left over food to food bank Compost all table scrapes Use sustainably harvested food

13 ESA annual meetings Replace abstract book with CD
Donate $5/head as carbon offset Ask the members: what else should we be doing? Used to have a huge abstract book ( 700+ pages) About 3 years ago, members could choose: paper or CD This year, CD bound in to each program + online (ESA website) Next year, will ask if they want CD (can just go online) – to further cut down on numbers Half to a local renewable energy program, half to a national one After annual meeting, members asked to fill in questionnaire New question: What else should we be doing?

14 ESA offices Green Tags Double-sided photocopying and B&W printing
Photocopying/office printing papers with high-recycled content Recycle bins in each office Electronic faxes Replacing office printers with duplex machines as/when they are at end of useful life Currently just B&W double-sided printing

15 ESA offices Environmentally friendly movers Office décor
Plastic, reusable bins Nothing to the landfill Office décor Low VOC paint Recycled carpet Bamboo flooring AP has calculated our carbon offset 74,000 kilowatt hours of electricity = represents 96,200 pounds of CO2 Environmental offset equivalent of planting 13.3 acres of trees in a year Or not driving one car 9.25 years or 116,550 miles Goes towards renewable energy generation (wind, solar power, hydropower) Chose movers who used re-usable crates, everything left over was recycled (nothing into landfill) New wood floor in reception is bamboo Paint and carpet also eco-friendly

16 Why we all need to be ‘green’
Sustainability: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. World Commission on Environment and Development Sustainability: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The World Commission on Environment and Development - too human-centric No matter - Not what we are doing at the moment! We are using the earth’s resources unsustainably. We are polluting the very things our lives depend on: the air, the water, and the soil, (news story about high levels of pharmas and personal care products in earthworms!) – and the food we eat Cannot go on doing whatever we want, in the hope that someone else (next generation?) will make the necessary sacrifices to make it all OK in the end – an end which you and I likely won’t be around to witness The actions YOU take can make a huge difference

17 Why we all need to be ‘green’
“Will we be the generation that leaves our children a planet in decline, or a world that is clean, and safe, and thriving?” Senator Barack Obama Lansing, Michigan, August 2008

18 Why we all need to be ‘green’
Printing Aveda magazine for one year on 100% recycled paper saved: 4,116 trees 372,820 pounds of solid waste 410,205 gallons of water 535,050 Kilowatts of electricity 1,029 Cubic yards of landfill space The Aveda magazine Also 57 years of electric power required by one average American home 548,770 miles travelled in the average American car

19 Why we all need to be ‘green’
Do it for the sake of the planet Do it for your children Do it for your grandchildren Do it for your own sake Please do it! Doesn’t matter what your motivation is Do it for all the animals and plants we are driving to extinction (which in the end we will pay the price for) Do it for the sake of future generations You are already risking your own health – can’t eat certain fish (mercury), respiratory diseases and asthma rising due to air pollution and we now hear that the water we drink is contaminated with pharmaceuticals The main thing is to look at your own contribution to all this and do your part to do things better

20 Thank you

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