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Academy of Sciences Climate Change Exhibition: Evaluation and re-evaluation Aaron Pope Manager of Sustainability Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Academy of Sciences Climate Change Exhibition: Evaluation and re-evaluation Aaron Pope Manager of Sustainability Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academy of Sciences Climate Change Exhibition: Evaluation and re-evaluation Aaron Pope Manager of Sustainability Programs

2 2 The exhibition The exhibition represents a long-term Academy commitment to exploring climate change. Budget: $1.8 million Size: 10,000 square feet Floor Plan: Multiple entrances, flexible flow Opened: September, 2008

3 3 Focus The exhibition explores: The science of climate change The impacts, globally and in California mitigation and adaptation steps

4 4 Research study Phone survey: 4,000 people Respondents were asked about: Environmental stewardship Climate change education Scientific consensus Trusted sources

5 5 Survey results – the good news The science of climate change was clear, and it was an important issue:

6 6 Survey results – the good news Individuals can have a big impact on climate change:

7 7 Survey results – the good news Respondents trusted the Academy build an accurate exhibit about climate change

8 8 Survey results – the bad news Climate change was only impacting far away places

9 9 Survey results – more bad news Respondents said we have plenty of time to solve climate change That it would be considered a less important topic in 5 years Respondents were willing to make small changes in their own lives to respond to climate change… but they believed their neighbors should take much stronger measures

10 10 Survey impact on exhibition Focus less on the causes of climate change Focus more on impacts – Hit hard and home 1.Changing oceans 2.Melting snow & ice 3.Hotter and dryer areas 4.Extinctions Interactives: Share inspiring stories Give visitors tools be part of the solution Designed to be empowering

11 11 Interactives: “Share Your Ideas” User generated content Between 5,000 and 10,000 per month

12 12 “Carbon Counter” Categories: Home energy use Miles travelled Carbon offsets Main message: You can change your footprint

13 13 “Carbon Café” Carbon footprint & food interactive Main messages: What you eat matters Reduce your meat consumption

14 14 “Your Two Cents” Polling station – visitors vote with $ Questions gauge visitor opinion Questions written by Academy Careers in Science interns Changed every few months

15 Summative evaluation 15 Conducted by Randi Korn & Associates Tracking data Exit interviews

16 Evaluation results – the good 16 The exhibition generates discussion about climate change Overall tone of the exhibition was seen as balanced Visitors understood that there was a problem, but felt they could be part of the solution People loved the interactives

17 Evaluation results – the bad 17 The lack of an intro section failed to provide context Exhibition is too porous and lacks clear organization Not enough seating for videos Visitors did not understand impacts

18 Second survey 18

19 Second survey 19

20 Second survey 20

21 Major changes 21

22 Major changes 22 Intro area Intro area Changing to home, California, global sections Changing to home, California, global sections Updated modules on emerging technologies, Community action, Redwood habitat, Farallon Islands Updated modules on emerging technologies, Community action, Redwood habitat, Farallon Islands Considered: future module on scientific consensus Considered: future module on scientific consensus

23 Climate change exhibitions in the future 23 Don’t always “lead” with climate change More of an emphasis on adaptation and resilience Distributed model – layering sustainability throughout the building More partnerships and programs focused on measurable, scalable, behavior change

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