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Special Services Department Meeting Pre In-Service Meeting August 2010 “To Build Knowledge and Skills for Success Today and Tomorrow”

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Presentation on theme: "Special Services Department Meeting Pre In-Service Meeting August 2010 “To Build Knowledge and Skills for Success Today and Tomorrow”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Services Department Meeting Pre In-Service Meeting August 2010 “To Build Knowledge and Skills for Success Today and Tomorrow”

2 AGENDA  Greetings from Chrissy  RELATIONSHIPS-SIMPLY ESSENTIAL  Introductions of new staff and changes  News from Staff  Job Satisfaction Survey  Evaluations  Housekeeping items  Chantal Ligtenberg – Forms on-line  Jill Meirose

3 Introductions of New Staff and Changes NEWCHANGES  Heather Noziska Stephanie Dyck  Tara CantuJanine Catlett  Danelle JohnsonStagebarn Changes  Carolyn Prince  Renee Callahan

4 News from Staff  Marcia Potts and Laura Schultes attended a national school nurse conference in Chicago  Marcia, Randi and Laura attended the state school nurse conference where Marcia is the new President!  Carolyn Schuldies and Cindy Lax attended FASD workshop in Rapid  12 of 13 students who took DSTEP-A, scored in proficient or advance range!!!!

5 News Continued  Don and Rita McVay celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary, July 25  Randi Oviatt and Marilyn Potter have new grandbabies  Other news??

6 Job Satisfaction Results  39 certified staff completed survey  The average satisfaction index (ASI) for 2010 is 92.11% compared to an ASI of 79.4 % in 2009  Full results will be emailed to you

7 Evaluations Pre-conference worksheets for all levels of evaluations will be emailed to you. Focus areas are:  Technology  Facilities  Highly Effective and Committed Staff  Implementation of Pass Training practices

8 Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting  This is a personal and professional reflection that must be at its highest level  Formal evaluation is a snapshot of your performance  Self-evaluation and goal setting is about your growth professionally

9 District teaching staff have the option of a 3 credit online course during the 2010 ‐ 11 school year. Teachers will pay approximately $45 per credit for a total of $135 out-of-pocket expense. Upon completion of the three credits, teachers will receive a $300 stipend. The course will help them work toward earning the new K ‐ 12 Educational Technology Endorsement.

10  You are encouraged to complete this course for your goal setting or self evaluation.  Your class project would be presented a staff meeting  Registration deadline is August 30

11 Housekeeping Items  Kris Hubbard  Parent Conference and other workshops  SPLASH News  All teacher and para schedules are due by September 10 VIA email using form mailed to you by Jill Meirose  Homecoming is September 24  Title I will go through state review this year; be kind to us!  Cell phone numbers: Chrissy:347-1476 and Chantal: 347-1210

12 Housekeeping Items  No Facebook at school  Monthly Staffings  Pre-planning for vouchers  Slush Fund

13 Forms Online  Forms are to be pulled from the Meade School District website each time you complete a document.  Forms are constantly being updated to meet the needs of our district and the requirements of the SDDOE.  We are getting close to perfecting forms, but are not 100% there. When you see an issue, email Chantal.

14 Prior Notice  Now 2 different documents: 1. Meeting Notice 2. Permission to Evaluate Notice

15 IEP Document  Front page of the IEP; please indicate last evaluation date on top right hand side.

16 IEP Reminders  If an IEP is held in May and will change placement in Fall, we must still document both placements on the front page and indicate dates for these placements  No nicknames or “last names” of choice on the IEP. These are official legal documents and must match Infinite Campus.  Eligibility date is date you are going over testing results. Reeval. is + 3 years

17 Title 19 Forms  2 forms have now been made into 1! * the Title 19 form completed by parents will be the form that Jill faxes for Dr. approval. * Please ensure we have a Dr. name and when possible the facility * Complete the amount of time and frequency of the specific related services being provided as well as the “school box”.

18 MDT Forms  Overall, forms are looking good!  More room has been given to page 1 and 2 at the end of the document.  Page 4 of MDT document: When a student is qualifying SLD, specific curriculum based measurement on the individual must be recorded. This could be NCA assessments, Dakota STEP results, progress in Title programs, DIBELS, etc!

19 Initial Evaluations  Reminder: When an initial evaluation is occurring, parental rights must be mailed home with the consent to test. This date should be documented on the front page of the IEP.

20 Extension of Testing  When getting an extension on the current 25 school days, permission must be received prior to the 25 school days ending. On the prior notice, a specific date must be recorded to which both parties agree to having the extension go to. Parents must initial next to the date indicated.  Best practice on the side of the form to document the date the parents are spoken to.

21 Cumulative Files  All cumulative files of students being served by special education, 504, or gifted and talented will now have a cover sheet in the file indicating where to find additional information.  Administrative assistants will take care of current list of students. All case managers will be responsible in giving the admin. assist. a cover letter for any new students identified during the year. 

22 Cumulative Files Continued  Any information received from outside agencies on students not identified as needed additional services should be filed in the Special Services office. This is also for those students who do not qualify. A cover letter must be placed in these cumulative files as well.


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