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Colonization Vocabulary 2nd Period. Vocabulary Development: Frayer Model WORD Definition: own words Examples Characteristics Non-examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonization Vocabulary 2nd Period. Vocabulary Development: Frayer Model WORD Definition: own words Examples Characteristics Non-examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonization Vocabulary 2nd Period

2 Vocabulary Development: Frayer Model WORD Definition: own words Examples Characteristics Non-examples

3 Group: Isaac and Noemi Definition: a spanish official who served as a mayor, sheriff, and judge Characteristics: gov’t official, decision makers Examples: military leaders, school principal, teacher Non-Examples: student, citizen alcalde

4 Group: Randi and Justin Definition: a founded settlement to spread Christianity for the people Characteristics: (picture of cross or church) Examples: church camp, mission trip Non-Examples: vacation, neighborhood mission

5 Group: Victoria and Halayna Definition: a Spanish military base somewhere under military control Characteristics: protect, defend Examples: military camp, fort, army base Non-Examples: house, school, neighborhood presidio

6 Group: Alex and Paige Definition: a person who makes arrangements to bring people to a colony Characteristics: land agent Examples: Real estate agent Stephen F. Austin Non-Examples: Foreclosure agent creditor empresario

7 Group: Nancy and Mason Definition: a person who raises cows and animals Characteristics: livestock, Spanish Examples: Cowboy/cowhand Livestock herder Non-Examples: Farmer (crops) vaquero

8 Group: Caroline and Brenden Definition: an adventurer in a private rebellious activity (foreign) Characteristics: rule-breaker Examples: thief Rebel Cortes Columbus Non-Examples: Police Soldiers Law abiding citizen filibuster

9 Group: Haley and Erika Definition: a person who comes to a country to settle from another Characteristics: country to country Examples: Colonists/pilgrims explorers Non-Examples: Person moving city to city or state to state immigrant

10 Group: Makayla and Elijah Definition: a person of Mexican descent living in Texas Characteristics: from Mexico to TX, often Spanish speakers Examples: Nancy, Ricardo, Bianca, Noemi Selena Non-Examples: Miss T. Barack Obama Tejano

11 Group: Bianca and Ricardo Definition: a land claimed for and controlled by a distant nation Characteristics: settlement Examples: 13 Original colonies Fort St. Louis Non-Examples: State Texas colony

12 Group: Chelsey, Leigh Beth, Jordyn Definition: a nation or state in which people choose their own gov’t Characteristics: vote/voice Examples: USA and Canada Texas Non-Examples: England Cuba Republic

13 Group: Chelsey, Leigh Beth, Jordyn Definition: the act to surrender or reach agreement Characteristics: legal action Examples: White flag Compromise Giving something up Non-Examples: Steal withholding cede

14 Group: Randi and Justin Definition: a formal written requestCharacteristics: written legal document/signatures Examples: To vote When you want something to change Dec. of Independence Non-Examples: An informal request Petition

15 Group: Noemi and Isaac Definition: proof of ownershipCharacteristics: document (legal) Examples: -Ballpark -home Non-Examples: -renter Land title

16 Group: Miss T. Definition: to leave home to settle elsewhere Characteristics: action Examples: -leaving home for college -move Non-Examples: -permanent dweller emigrate

17 Group: Miss T. Definition: a military force that is not professional Characteristics: untrained, volunteers Examples: -men in the Alamo Non-Examples: -Army, Marines, Navy militia

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