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What Every Post Award Administrator Needs to Know, But Was Afraid to Ask Felicia Mayes and Randi Wasik.

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Presentation on theme: "What Every Post Award Administrator Needs to Know, But Was Afraid to Ask Felicia Mayes and Randi Wasik."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Every Post Award Administrator Needs to Know, But Was Afraid to Ask Felicia Mayes and Randi Wasik

2  A-21, A-110, A-133 – No these are not courses offered at your institution, but rather your new bible  What is effort reporting  What is cost sharing  How do you handle a subagreement as a prime or a recipient  Sponsor guidelines – where to find them  Institutional guidelines – where to find them  Reporting

3  Tracking/Document/Procedures  The Core: Allowable – Allocable – Reasonable  Understand ISSO  Understand HR  Build bridges – who is your support – i.e. who carries the bigger stick  NCURA Neighborhood  All for one and one for all – central/department/PI  Allowable/Allocable/Reasonable - ALWAYS

4  Get a mentor/be a mentor  Ask for feedback and/or advice  Give feedback and/or advice  Communicate, communicate, communicate  Get up and move around – do not stay in your office  Team

5  Never stop educating yourself  Go to training, meetings, conferences – put yourself out there  Volunteer – get involved  Know your environment  Combine all to persuade/influence:  Persuade your staff  Persuade your central support  Persuade your faculty

6  Practice thoughtful listening – get to know everyone around you  Adjust your delivery for the person or group you are addressing  Know your stuff – guidelines, rules, regulations, etc. – you can stand your ground, but make sure it is solid  Be the bridge, not the dynamite  We are in this together and as a team – work to the end – you cannot know it all

7  Find out what motivates you  Motivate your staff  What motivates your faculty – how can you get them to respond to you  Set goals and deadlines  Be the change you seek – i.e. be the force to move forward, get the job done, achieve the goal

8  Oh so important – it takes many of us to ensure what needs to get done is done and is compliant – no one wants to be on the front page  Build your team – inside your primary group, then the next level  Reach out to your peers at other institutions  A team can function in many ways and does not need to be physically present  Understand the goals and objectives, communicate them and work together

9  There are many (many) deadlines – your boss, your organization, your faculty, your sponsors, etc. - map them out  Set goals and understand your deadlines  Communicate, communicate, communicate  Share the vision – use calendars, whiteboards, etc.  Check in, follow-up and assess when the task is done  Stay flexible and organized  Delegate

10  Understand the guidelines  Know your auditors – make them part of your team  Know your business  Don’t react  When you are given “bad” news – move with it, involve your team and set new policies  Document everything  Use your systems

11  Communicate clearly, consistently and often  Communication should be a 360 process – involving whomever is appropriate  Be careful, lose lips sink ships  Use written and verbal  Make sure everyone understands  Ask for help  Sing your successes

12  Understand how things have to flow to get done – who does reporting, who holds receipts, retention policies, etc.  Understand the sponsors supporting you and how you can reach out to them  What is the work flow path in your group and beyond  “Insider knowledge” of your organization and sponsors is the key to effectively getting what you need to accomplished

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