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Report to the AdCom Dong Tan, President PELS AdCom Meetings June 3, 2013.

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1 Report to the AdCom Dong Tan, President PELS AdCom Meetings June 3, 2013

2 Challenges / Opportunities Industry participation is vitally important Sustained and stronger membership growth demands more focused efforts Strong and stable conference financial returns require more outreach for coordination / cultivation To bring PELS to the next level, we need more broader quality participation to cope with the growing field and to respond to increasing competition from other societies

3 Take PELS to the Next Level PELS to be an organization that is well run by our volunteers and staff, well supported by our members, and well respected by the technical community we serve 1.Champion system approach to enhance values to electronic power system designers  Industry game-changing with standards 2.Grow membership by 33% to ~10,000 by 2015  PELS will be a large society within IEEE 3.Improve effectiveness / enhance participation  Operation Manuals for Society, VPs and TCs 4.Double the umber of achievable publications: 2  4  Launch JESTPE in 2013 & PELS Magazine in 2014 5.Establish more prevalent e-presence  More values to people who are on social media

4 1. Establish Industry Advisory Board One of the recommendations from the long range planning committee Ira Pitel is leading an ad-hoc group –Bill Peterson, Chuck Mullet, Bob Guenther –Had a very first telecon with many specific suggestions  Next telecon on the third week of June

5 2. Grow the Membership: - Move PELS from #13 to the Top 10 Society, 2013HG Members Society Total 1Computer 49,26553,610 2Communications 37,62142,393 3Power & Energy 27,85230,060 4Signal Processing 15,71416,148 5Microwaves T&T 11,25211.596 6Industry Applications 9,92310,024 7Robotic & Automation 9,86011,472 8Solid-State Circuits 9,8189,967 9Electronic Devices 9,87310,242 10Circuits & Systems 9,3609,808 11Engineering Med & Bio 8,2688,955 12Antenna & Propagations 7,9998,280 13Power Electronics 7,2257,480 Need to grow 3,000 more members to be in the top 10

6 2. Grow the Membership (cont’d) Constituted a membership development committee –National Society Agreement: IEEE/CES –Sister Society Agreement: PELS/CES –Signed the agreement Friday, May 31  More in membership chair report –Established more contact with industry organization in China Need Motion: To approve the two agreements with CES

7 3. Improve Organizational Effectiveness / Participation Develop operation manuals / procedures –Top-level policies, with clear definition of roles and responsibilities, leadership succession –Further refine society organization –First telecon set the goal of having the first draft to be presented in Denver AdCom More agile volunteering –Retain long-time volunteers, develop younger generation of leaders, and commitment to serve and be proactive

8 3. Improve Organizational Effectiveness / Participation (cont’d) –Society Staffing –After a series of interviews, we have selected Mike Markowizcy to replace Tom Monaco, Welcome, Mike. –In consultation with Randi, Mary, Jerry and Dushan, we are actively working on a plan to hire a part-time executive director to enhance PELS office in strategic issues, to provide better service to volunteers, and to represent PELS more effectively within IEEE Need Motion: To approve the amount of $80k in society 2014 budget for a part time executive director

9 4. Launch JESTPE Don attended the POE meeting in Dallas –Talked with IEEE Media about the new magazine –Talked with Nancy, Bill, and Kristin JESTPE pub schedule –First issue in May, Part 1 of inaugural issue (late by two months) –Second issue in June, Part 2 of the inaugural special issue (on time) –Third issue in Sep, special issue on wind apps (on time) –Third issue in Dec, special issue on miniaturization or motor apps (on time)

10 4. Launch PELS Magazine Obtain the proposal approval in 2013 –Phase 1 approval: Feb., 2013, Obtained –Phase 2 approval: Jun., 2013 Launch the magazine in the second half of 2014 –Name: Power Electronics Magazine  A forum for applied power electronics  Attracting practitioners and researchers –Need to coordinate with Industry Participation Initiative to appoint an EiC after phase 2 approval

11 4. Launch “the Southern Conference Series” An action from the long range committee meeting in Sep., 2012 Initial discussion/agreement at APEC to start with the Brazilian conference first PCIM collaboration for 2014 is too late since the contract has already been signed –More detail in Bram’s report

12 5. Launch a Mobile App for PELS Members The society needs a user-friendly app for mobile applications to attract more people, especially young generation of engineers –Prasad has more details in his report –Mike should be able to help immediately

13 6. More Agile Activities in Publicity and Education Publicity –Established a committee and people with marketing background Education –Workshop on Power Electronics Education  Re-engage and be a major player –More interchange among educator around world on teaching and lab materials

14 Celebrate PELS 25 Years of Success Ad Hoc Committee: Prasad Enjeti/Phil Krein, Donna F., Kathy K, Don T –PELS Mission Statement distribution –JESTPE special issue on future of the power electronics –Special event at ECCE2013: Details in Prasad’s report –Special logo

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