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HIPAA The Quiz... Instructions: Take the quiz on your own paper. Check your answers. Make corrections by writing the question as a true statement; i.e.,

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Presentation on theme: "HIPAA The Quiz... Instructions: Take the quiz on your own paper. Check your answers. Make corrections by writing the question as a true statement; i.e.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 HIPAA The Quiz... Instructions: Take the quiz on your own paper. Check your answers. Make corrections by writing the question as a true statement; i.e., use the answer in the statement making it true/correct. After making corrections, turn your quiz in for a 100% score!

2 What is H.I.P.P.A.? The University of Kansas Hospital Volunteers will strive to maintain the confidentially of patient and other confidential information in accordance with applicable legal and ethical standards. 1.What is HIPAA? Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. a) A set of rules established by the Federal Government that must be followed by all health care providers. b)A law that sets national standard to protect medical records and other personal health information (PHI), c) A state organization that governs hospital boards. 2.HIPAA regulations apply to all of the following: hospitals, physicians, insurance companies, labs, home care companies, and surgical centers. a) True b) False 3.Why is HIPAA important? a) The University of Kansas Hospital promises patients that their information will stay private unless it is deemed necessary to disclose it. b) It is a state law that must be endorsed. 4.The HIPAA regulations apply to protected health information in: a)Electronic documents, paper documents, conversations. b)Paper documents. c)Electronic and paper documents. 5.The penalty for an employee or volunteer who knowingly misuses a patient’s health information under false pretenses is: a)a fine of up to $1000 b)a fine of up to $50,000 and imprisonment for a term up to five years c)a fine of up to $250,000 and imprisonment for a term up to ten years

3 What is H.I.P.P.A.? 6.A University of Kansas Hospital employee/volunteer who violates the confidentiality policy is subject to punishments up to and including termination of employment/volunteer assignment. a)True b)False 7.If I leave out a name of a patient in conversation, isn’t that enough? A) Yes B) No 8.When a famous person is a patient at the University Of Kansas Hospital, it is acceptable to a)Ask them for their autograph and take a picture. b)Tell your friends that he/she is a patient at the hospital. c)None of the above 9. Volunteers shall refrain from revealing any personal or confidential information concerning patients unless a) Legally required or there is a valid release for patient care purposes. b) The nurse manager on duty requests the information. c) The media requests information regarding the patient. 10.Every patient being treated at The University of Kansas Hospital must be provided with a copy of the Hospital Notice of Privacy Practices when they first arrive. a)True b)False 11.Hospital volunteers will not reveal any personal or confidential information regarding a)Patients, employees, or medical staff members unless authorized to do so by the University of Kansas Hospital. b)Patients, employees, or medical staff members, and Pets for Life animals unless authorized to do so by the University of Kansas.

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