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Published byImmanuel Rhymer Modified over 10 years ago
A status report on the MINER A neutrino Experiment Steven Manly, University of Rochester Representing the MINER A collaboration HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile January 4-10, 2012
A fully active, high resolution detector designed to study neutrino reactions in detail Sited upstream of the MINOS near detector in the NuMI beam at Fermilab Will study neutrino reactions on a variety of nuclei What is MINER A? S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester2HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012 Main Injector ExpeRiment -A
The R Collaboration Main Injector ExpeRiment -A University of Athens, Athens, Greece Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA Fermi National Accelerator Lab, Batavia, IL, USA University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, USA Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Hampton University, Hampton, VA, USA Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA Mass. Coll. of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA, USA University of Minnesota-Duluth, Duluth, MN, USA Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA Otterbein College, Westerville, OH, USA University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA A collaboration of about 80 nuclear and particle physicists from 21 institutions S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester3HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012 Note the large Latin American contribution!
interaction physics Single p S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester4HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012 oscillation experiments need to understand reactions on nuclear targets in the 1-10 GeV region Older Data Problematic – 20-50% uncertainties, depending on process The nuclear physics was not well understood MINOS Plot from G. Zeller CNGST2K NOvA LBNE MINERvA Shown coverages are “powerpoint approximate”
CCQE – recent results Inconsistency between MiniBooNE/SciBooNE and NOMAD results Gap falls in midst of MINER A coverage S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester5HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012 Acaraz et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 1189.145 (2009) ArXiv:0812.4543 Aguilar-Arevalo et al., PRD 81, 092005 (2010)
MINER A Precision measurement of cross sections in the 1-10 Gev region – Understand the various components of cross section both CC and NC CC & NC quasi-elastic Resonance production, Resonance↔deep inelastic scatter, (quark- hadron duality) Deep Inelastic Scattering Study A dependence of interactions in a wide range of nuclei Need high intensity, well understood beam with fine grained, well understood detector. S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester6HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
NuMI Beamline 120 GeV P Beam → C target → π + − & K + − Have roughly 35x10 12 protons on target (POT) per spill at 120 GeV with a beam power of 300-350 kW at ~0.5 Hz 2 horns focus π + and K + only Mean E increased by moving target and one horn π + and K + → μ + ν μ Absorber stops hadrons not absorbed by rock, → detector S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester7 Target Horns Decay Pipe Absorber Muon Monitors Rock μ+μ+ π+π+ 10 m 30 m 675 m 5 m 12 m 18 m figure courtesy Ž. Pavlović Hadron Monitor νμνμ HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
Flux determination S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester8 Target Horns Decay Pipe Absorber Muon Monitors Rock μ+μ+ π+π+ 10 m 30 m 675 m 5 m 12 m 18 m figure courtesy Ž. Pavlović Hadron Monitor νμνμ Goal is better than 10% in absolute flux and 7% on shape Monitor the muon flux Use external hadron production data Use flexible beam design, take data in special runs with different beam configurations (vary target position and horn currents) examples Target at 10 cm 0 kA Target at 250 cm 200 kA HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
The detector S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester9 MINER A “modules” HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester10 Target Module (5 total): Layer of target material (Fe, C or Pb) Layer of scintillator Tracker Module(84 total): 2 layers scintillator 3.71 interaction lengths ECal module (10 total): 2 sheets of lead 2 layers of scintillator 8.3 rad lengths. HCal module (20 total): Layer of Fe Layer of scintillator 3.7 interaction lengths. MINERvA module under construction The detector (types of modules) Inner detector Outer detector – slots instrumented with scintillator (HAD calorimetry) Lead ring on outer edge of inner detector forms an EM calorimeter HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
The detector S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester11 From NuMI MINER A received US DOE “CD-3 approval” in Nov. 2007 Construction of the full detector completed in spring 2010 He and H 2 O targets added in 2011 (funded by an NSF MRI) HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
The detector S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester12 From NuMI MINER A received US DOE “CD-3 approval” in Nov. 2007 Construction of the full detector completed in spring 2010 He and H 2 O targets added in 2011 (funded by an NSF MRI) Water Active Scintillator Modules Carbon IronLead Tracking Region Liquid Helium HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
5 nuclear targets + water target interspersed in target region with tracking modules between Helium target upstream of detector Approved (for Physics) near million-event samples (4 10 20 POT LE beam + 12 10 20 POT in ME beam) TargetMass in tonsCC Events (Million) Scintillator39 He0.20.6 C (graphite)0.150.4 Fe0.72.0 Pb0.852.5 Water0.30.9 5 Nuclear Targets Fe Pb C Water target S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester 13 He target The detector (nuclear targets) HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012 NUGEN MC Only not acceptance corrected inside fiducial volume
MINER A Spectrometer (Also known as the MINOS Near Detector) S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester14 Installed and tested long ago HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
Muon Detection Energy threshold ~2 GeV. Good angular acceptance up to scattering angles of about 10 degrees, with limit of about 20 degrees Muons stopped in MINER A can also be used (but no charge determination). “MINOS-matched” muons HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester15
S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester16HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012 Data in this plot constrained to have vertex in tracker or ECAL section
MINER A Events Showing X view QE 00 DIS Anti- QE NC ++ S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester17HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
Summary of detector capability Good tracking resolution (~3 mm) Calorimetry for both charged particles and EM showers Containment of events from neutrinos < 10 GeV (except muon) Muon energy and charge measurement from MINOS Particle ID from dE/dx and energy+range – But no charge identification except muons into MINOS S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester18 More events HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
MINER A data collection MINER A has been running with high efficiency and collected data in both the neutrino and antineutrino (LE) mode Less than 100 dead channels out of 32k channels S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester19 “special runs” in differing beam configurations to help with flux uncertainties HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
Approved for 4 × 10 20 POT LE beam 12 × 10 20 POT ME beam 0.9 x 10 20 special runs Actual exposures may vary Yield: ~14M (CC events) 9M in scintillator NuMI Low Energy Beam (neutrinos) Quasi-elastic Resonance production Resonance to DIS transition region DIS Low Q 2 region and structure functions Coherent Pion Production charm / strange production 0.8 M 1.7 M 2.1 M 4.3 M CC 89k, NC 44k 230 k CC Sample S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester20HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012 MC (assumes all ) not acceptance corrected inside fiducial volume
Anti- Inclusive CC Data Track in MINER A which matches a track in MINOS, this imposes few GeV cut – Require inside fiducial volume – X Y vertex distribution – Momentum from MINOS + dE/dx in MINER A Preliminary preliminary S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester21HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
Distributions in Anti- eam Anti- CC Data vs MC 4.04 × 10 19 POT in anti- mode MC generator GENIE v 2.6.0 – GEANT4 detector simulation – 2 × 10 19 POT MC, LE Beam MC anti- flux, untuned – Area normalized Require reconstructed muon in MINOS S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester22HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
Distributions in Anti- eam CC Data vs MC Distributions same conditions as before Very good agreement between Data and MC (out of the box) S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester23HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
MINER A Test Beam In order to make precise measurements we need a precise low energy calibration planes, XUXV,1.07 m square Reconfigurable can change the absorber configuration. Plane configurations: – 20ECAL-20HCAL – 20Tracker-20ECAL Test beam has 0.4 to 1.2 GeV pions for LE hadron calibration Am told test beam is available if needed PMT box Front End Electronics Steel AbsorberLead Absorber Scintillator Plane S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester24 HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012 MINER A test beam run in June-July, 2010
S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester25 16 GeV pion beam on copper target
Test Beam 20 ECAL 20 HCAL configuration 1.35 GeV interacting in HCAL S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester26 HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
MINER A Test Beam S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester27 HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
Recent MiniBooNE data for QE scattering on carbon appears inconsistent with NOMAD data MiniBooNE is about 30% higher than expected, and MA for best fit differs substantially from that for NOMAD. Preliminary studies of CCQE events HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester28 Figures from Bodek, Budd, and Christy, Eur. Phys. Jour. C 71 (2011) 1726. QE +np-nh random phase approx. meson exchange current model, Martini et al., Phys. Rev. C 80:065501, 2009 and Phys. Rev. C81:045502, 2010
Event Selection for QE Require 1 positive MINOS-matched muon in the event Recoil energy is nominally Q 2 /2m prot – require recoil energy to be less than this value. HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester29
QE candidates HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester30
CCQE results 31 Inferred antineutrino energy spectrum Assumes QE kinematics (and nucleons at rest) S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester
Inclusive CC cross-section ratios Expected ratios per kg for E > 2 GeV Pb/Fe = 1.04, Pb/CH = 1.10, Fe/CH = 1.05 First step in studies with nuclear targets: inclusive cross section ratios of various nuclei. Ratio depends both on the relative neutron to proton cross section, and possible nuclear modifications to the total cross section. Analysis shown here done with neutrino data, on most downstream Pb/Fe target S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester
Require: 1 muon track, matched to a negative charge MINOS track Z position of muon vertex in nuclear target/first module downstream of target Fiducial cut on muon vertex Inclusive CC cross-section ratios HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester33
Backgrounds originate from neutrino interactions in scintillator upstream and downstream of the target Use active plastic scintillator reference target for background, acceptance studies MC: 11.2e20 POT Data: 9.1e19 POT Inclusive CC cross-section ratios HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester34
MC: 11.2e20 POT Data: 9.1e19 POT Discrepancies between data and MC result primarily from untuned flux model Inclusive CC cross-section ratios HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester35
MINER A Schedule Downstream half of detector installed Nov 2009 – began running with anti-neutrinos – Low energy beam – average energy ~4 GeV Detector completed March 2010, began running with neutrinos – Low energy beam – will run until spring 2012 – 4x10 20 POT Spring 2012- spring 2013 – shutdown for NuMI upgrade for NOvA 2013-2016 continued neutrino running – Medium energy beam – average energy ~8 GeV – 12x10 20 POT S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester36HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
Summary S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester37 MINER A is a high statistics, high-resolution neutrino experiment in the NuMI beam at Fermilab MINER A began data taking with a partially complete detector in October 2009, and with the full detector in March 2010. Detector is working well. Initial data analysis of inclusive cross sections gives Fe/Pb ratio roughly within expectations Initial measurement of QE shape generally as expected with M A of 0.99. Many more results coming soon … HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester38 CCQE in plastic (carbon) and nuclear targets, d /dQ 2 Nuclear target cross section ratios NC elastic production CC o production NC and CC coherent charged and neutral production Beam flux e content of NuMI beam e – electron scattering e production at low energy Exclusive, inclusive, and coherent production in plastic and nuclear targets CC inclusive cross section (plastic and nuclear targets) MINER A analysis projects underway Incomplete and may change … but gives you an idea of what’s to come. Many other topics on our “ToDo” list. Fun for years to come … HEP 2012, Valparaiso, Chile, Jan. 4-10, 2012
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S. Manly - Univ. of Rochester40 The R Collaboration
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