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CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment 2012 Annual Faculty Conference Campus Update Terry Parker, Provost August 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment 2012 Annual Faculty Conference Campus Update Terry Parker, Provost August 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment 2012 Annual Faculty Conference Campus Update Terry Parker, Provost August 20, 2012

2 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment Today’s discussion will focus on: Campus budget and context Reorganization What does it mean to be semi-private Capital Programs and Academic Space What Next

3 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment Long term projections indicate declining state support: will we become semi-private?

4 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment CSM continues to carefully and successfully navigate a world of declining state funding We closed FY12 in the black as we have the previous several years –We have embarked on a significant hiring program –Tuition is the dominant source of income (about 1/3 from grad. students) –We are raising tuition to cover cost increases, there is significant downward pressure We are a tuition funded enterprise

5 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment Revenue and expense deployment are what you would expect for a student based enterprise Revenues are strongly tuition based, followed by state support and overhead Expenses are dominantly used to support the academic enterprise

6 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment How have we navigated the strong decline in state support? Increase in student numbers Strong shift in nonresident tuition collection So, what is the budget message?? –Financially solid, but low support from all sources except tuition –We are basically semi-private

7 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment One year ago, CSM was “organized” as 13 independent departments Twelve Undergraduate degrees offered –Legacy Departments ~24% undergrad enrollment –Note PE ~12.5% undergrad enrollment 57 Graduate degrees offered –11.5% M.S. –7.3% Ph.D. In 2011: –Strong asymmetries in department sizes –Significant issues with resource balance –Non-legacy departments continue to be dominant in terms of enrollment –Research volume spread across a spectrum of Depts.

8 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment What have we done so far: CECS is one year old now, we announced a second college three weeks ago Provost CH CBEEBCEE MMEMNAMSEECS PH PE LAIS GP MEGE Associate Provost Dean of Graduate Studies College CECS 1997 Students 409 Grad 1588 Undergrad 70 Faculty Numbers represent declared majors from Fall 2010 Enrollment Report Faculty denotes T/TT and Teaching Professors Unnamed College 1307 Students 343 Grad 964 Undergrad 79 Faculty Strategic Board 1331Students 497 Grad 834 Undergrad 82 Faculty

9 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment Three colleges provide better balance across the institution and enhanced capacity for reputation and funding Formation of CECS –Provided structure to support new degrees –Provided better resource balance across all units –Improved our competitive position Formation of the “Green” college –Collected four departments with similar educational culture and strong focus on funded research –Expect long term stronger programs and enhanced reputation

10 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment We hope to form the third college in the Fall of 2012 Home for the Legacy, Earth departments, EB, and LAIS

11 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment Are there consequences of becoming a “semi-private institution? We become more dependent on tuition –We become more “committed” to quality –We become a “higher touch” institution (we must hire faculty) We have to understand our competitive position –Graduation and retention rate become even more important Need graphic of graduation rate and/or retention rates

12 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment





17 As we add faculty to the system, we will experience significant space “growing pains” In the spring of 2012, we started to develop two competing Academic space plans –Strong issues are: fundraising for a new building, how to best use the Meyer Hall site Major Projects 2009 - 2012 Marquez Hall & Classroom Wing$37.6M Brown Hall$32M Maple Hall $28M Weaver Hall$10M W. Lloyd Wellness Center$3.2M CSE Wind tunnel$1.2M Pedestrian Plaza$1M F Lot parking improvements$1M REMRSEC laboratory$800K Hill Hall Cleanroom$750K

18 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment As we start the year, can we predict the “next” large effort for the institution? Quick summary –Financial position is solid –We are tuition driven and dependent (i.e. semi-private) –We are forming colleges –We have a significant hiring plan underway –We are defining the next academic building As a semi-private, we must pay attention to quality indicators –Metrics are: graduation rates, retention rates, measures of student “satisfaction” –This will likely will drive an effort that focuses on pedagogy and curriculum

19 CSM: Earth, Energy, Environment Outline Budget status for the institution –Use old chart from faculty conference to motivate why we care, shows falling state funds –Put up chart from Du study that shows this will not come back –Put up fy12 bar chart of revenue and expense and show that it is all about the tuition, we are a tuition driven enterprise –Put up chart of historical total tuition to show that loss of funding has been accommodated by change in res/non res mix –So, what is the message: We are operating in the black We are paying attention to our capital infrastructure We are hiring State funding has fallen as a fraction of our expenses WE HAVE Grown and we have BECOME MORE SEMIPRIVATE (this is not theoretical, it is done) As we have grown and become more complex, we are in the midst of a significant reorganization –Show slide of student demographic in 2008, illustrates campus imbalance –Creation of CECS has allowed us to rebalance the organization, creation of degrees that was long overdue –Creation of the “green” college, this is about stature and quality –Creation of the “blue” college, this is about strengthening the traditional earth sciences –Why do we need a dean (or even an administration) (use stuff from last spring) What does it mean to be Semi-Private –You are more service oriented: this means that you have people to provide a “higher-touch” environment –Given student body growth, this means hiring (show graphic of faculty by department) For FY 14, we will attempt to add 30 new T/TT faculty and __ TF “New” budget for this is 11 for T/TT and 4 TF from conversion of funds, others from budget openings Deployment principles: 1) threats to tuition flow, 2) creation/continuance of areas of program excellence Use a graphic or two that is normalized that shows productivity of a department With hiring we will become more space constrained –Good news: capital infrastructure –Bad news: we will lose some of the luxuries that we have had in the recent past in terms of space behavior –Put up ongoing conversation of betta vs. gamma, note that we have significant work to do, that we will have to fund raise for the building –There will be significant effort at identifying one-year actions that support a five and ten year plan for the campus What is likely coming next –Look at graduation rates –Look at retention rates –Look at “satisfaction” surveys –Likely will drive an effort that focuses on pedagogy and curricullum

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