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11 Testimony of RespectAbilityUSA Contact: January 29, 2015 New York State Employment First.

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1 11 Testimony of RespectAbilityUSA Contact: January 29, 2015 New York State Employment First Commission

2 22 New York State  73.3% of persons without disabilities aged 18 to 64 are employed. 3  32.2% of PwDs aged 18 to 64 are employed. 3  68,800 persons aged 16 to 20 have a disability. 1  997,500 persons aged 21 to 64 have a disability. 1  2,171,581 civilians with a disability live in the community in NY. 3  The Employment Gap between PwDs and people without disabilities has decreased 0.7 % pts between 2010 and 2011. 3  601,407 people ages 18-64 received SSDI or SSI benefits in the year 2012. 3  In 2012, NY’s total expenditure on SSDI benefits for PwDs was $8,018,808,000. 3  Voc. Rehab. received 36,015 general applicants and 1,099 blind applicants in NY in 2012. 3  Voc. Rehab. obtained 12,386 jobs for PwDs in NY in 2012. 3 Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) 1.2012 Disability Status Report: New York, 2.StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes, 2013 3.Annual Disability Statistics CompendiumAnnual Disability Statistics Compendium

3 33 New York Data People with Disabilities (%)People without Disabilities (%) 2012201320122013 Poverty 1 US29.228.713.6 NY29.830.313.013.1 Smoking 1 US26.025.416.916.2 NY23.522.614.214.9 Obesity 1 US39.140.124.525.0 NY36.837.920.321.8 Employment 1 US32.733.973.674.2 NY30.932.272.773.3 1.Annual Disability Statistics Compendium. Pg 53, 54, 72, 73, 29Annual Disability Statistics Compendium.

4 44 Challenges and Opportunities Approximately 70% of working-age Americans with disabilities don’t have jobs. No improvement in the 24 years since passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Indeed, the gap between % of people with and without disabilities in the workforce INCREASED! Section 503 creates new opportunities for Inclusive federal contractors (7% of workforce to be people with disabilities) WIOA was bipartisan - passed Senate 95-3, House 416-6, now law. EVERY STATE must produce a unified strategic plan for providing training, employment services and vocational education in a coordinated way. Opportunity to break down silos and fund best practices. Need to leave failed practices in the past. Governors prepared through NGA “Better Bottom Line: Employing People with Disabilities” Disability organizations RespectAbility, NACDD, PVA, Best Buddies, NCIL, NOD have prepared a tool to help by showing best practices. See

5 55 While Women and Minority Groups Have Been Able to Enter the Workforce, the Employment Gap Between Americans With and Without Work Limitations has Expanded (Civilians aged 16-64) Trend line based on a “work limitation” measure of disability --- “Do you have a disability or health condition that limits the kind or amount of work you can do?”

6 66 Prevalence of Disability Among Non-Institutionalized People Ages 16 to 20 in New York in 2012 Source: Cornell UniversityCornell University (68,800) 68,800* 8,900*7,400* 12,500* 49,500* 11,300* 24,500* Prevalence Rates of Disabilities in Percent- Age 16 to 20 Years (%) *Total Numbers Reported

7 77 Poll: 3,800 People in Disability Community PwDs, Friends, Family, Professionals and Volunteers See What do you think would make the most impact in helping people with disabilities to find a job? PWD COMB F/F/P/V COMB Change in attitudes so that employers see the positive value of hiring people with disabilities 40%38% More training for employers on successfully recruiting, hiring, and accommodating employees with disabilities 37%34% A change in disability benefits so that recipients could work without risking losing them all together 41%30% Better school based training and transition services to prepare people with disabilities for work 20%29% More internship and early work opportunities for young people with disabilities 20%26% More and better programs that assist people with disabilities with finding work 23%25% More government incentives and laws for companies to hire people with disabilities 21%19%

8 88 What one Word or Phrase Sums up the Biggest Obstacle to People with Disabilities Finding and Succeeding in a Job? (answer included, but not limited to) See Word Clouds are generated from the text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text.

9 99 False Stereotypes of PwDs Hold Employers Back 9 Princeton study shows that while people with disabilities are seen as warm, they are not seen as competent. Study published by Cornell Hospitality Quarterly analyzed results from a survey of employers at 320 hospitality companies in the United States. It found that all of the companies share a concern that those with disabilities could not do the work required of their employees. Another top concern was the potential cost of unspecified accommodations they might need to provide for a person with a disability under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This is despite the fact that the record shows that most accommodations are not exceptionally costly. Anecdotally, there is also evidence that employers fear legal action should they terminate an employee with a disability. It is far more difficult to prove discrimination for not being hired in the first place. So, given that that the perception is that people with disabilities aren't competent, and could potentially be costly, why would an employer take the risk of hiring them It's time to change the narrative of how we see people with disabilities so employers can see the ABILITIES they have and the positive impact that can have on their business's bottom line. It's amazing that such small change can have such a big impact. It can - if it is done in a focused and strategic way.

10 10 Poll: Messages that Work to Inspire Inclusive Employment 10 Bi-partisan survey conducted by the Democratic polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and the Republican polling firm North Star Opinion Research conducted in the Senate Battleground. The survey of 1,000 likely 2014 voters was conducted from September 20-24, 2014, in the Senate Battleground. The Senate Battleground is comprised of AK, AR, CO, GA, IA, KY, LA, MI, MT, NH, NC, and WV. Unless otherwise noted, margin of error= +/-3.10 percentage points at 95% confidence. We reached 40 percent of our respondents by cell phone, in order to account for ever-changing demographics and trying to accurately sample the full American electorate.

11 11 Now I am going to read you statements people who want to make increasing levels of employment among people with disabilities more of a national priority have made. After each statement I read, please tell me if you find it to be a very convincing, somewhat convincing, not very convincing or not at all convincing reason to make increasing levels of employment among people with disabilities more of a national priority. Total (Very Convincing) Disability Community (Very Convincing) Our nation was founded on the principle that anyone who works hard should be able to get ahead in life. People with disabilities deserve to be able to work to achieve the American dream, just like anyone else 5862 Companies like Walgreens, E.Y. which was formally known as Ernst and Young, AMC and others have shown that employees with disabilities are loyal, successful and help them make more money. If we find the right jobs for the right people it can and does increase the bottom line of companies 4748 People with disabilities bring unique characteristics and talents to workplaces that benefit employers and organizations. Stephen Hawking is a genius who happens to use a wheelchair. People with disabilities can work in restaurants, tend our parks, and be super talents in developing computer software. 4140 People with disabilities should be able to work, Total, 58 percent; Disability Community, 62 percent. Successful companies like Walgreens, EY and AMC already hire employees with disabilities, Total 47 percent; Disability Community, 48 percent. People with disabilities bring unique characteristics and talents to the workplace, Total 41 percent; Disabilities Community 42 percent. Use messages that are PROVEN to work! © Greenberg Quinlan Rosner

12 12 Now I am going to read you statements people who want to make increasing levels of employment among people with disabilities more of a national priority have made. After each statement I read, please tell me if you find it to be a very convincing, somewhat convincing, not very convincing or not at all convincing reason to make increasing levels of employment among people with disabilities more of a national priority. Total (Very Convincing) Disability Community (Very Convincing) Government policies that help people with disabilities get and keep jobs are a win-win because they allow people with disabilities the dignity and financial benefits of work and also grow our economy and save taxpayer money. 4142 We cannot afford to have more than 10 million Americans who are able to work sit at home and collect benefits when they could help make America stronger. Our current system costs 350 billion dollars a year and actually discourages people from working. It is not sustainable. 38 Progress in science, healthcare, innovation and better access to education has made Americans with disabilities more qualified than ever before. Americans with disabilities also have real abilities and want to work. Times have moved ahead - it's time for our workforce to do the same. 3234 Government policies that help people with disabilities help grow the economy and save taxpayer money, Total, 41 percent; Disability Community, 40 percent. We can not afford to exclude people with disabilities from the workforce, Total 38 percent; Disability Community, 38 percent. Technology, progress and better access to education have made Americans with disabilities more qualified to work and the workforce should adapt, Total 32 percent; Disabilities Community 34 percent. American Dream Strongest Message (continued) American Dream Strongest Message (poll cont.) © Greenberg Quinlan Rosner

13 13 Use a Jackie Robinson Strategy for Early Wins  Dramatic improvements in employment outcomes will take massive changes in attitudes, so we need to start with cohorts who will add maximum value for employers and taxpayers alike.  Start first by reviewing state specific data on the talent pipeline of PwDs ages 14-19. Ensure your capacity matches your demographic needs.  Enable them to have high expectations, early work experience, skills and supports.  Focus on those transitioning from school to work, people with recently acquired disabilities who have previous work experience, and those who otherwise are SUPER motivated to work!

14 14 NY Project SEARCH Sites  Beechwood Continuing Care, Getzville  City of Rochester, Rochester  Finger Lakes Health, Geneva  Good Samaritan Hospital, New York  Medford Multicare Center, Medford  New York Presbyterian Hospital Westchester Division, White Plains  Sound Shore Medical Center, New Rochelle  University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester  Upstate Medical University, Syracuse  Wegmans, Rochester  Westchester Institute for Human Development, Valhalla Project SEARCH: Contact Erin Riehle at

15 15  Example: Braid and blend funding to have final year in school for non-diploma bound students be a Project SEARCH type program. This offers 3 different internships on one worksite to 10-12 young adults over the course of a school year. Employment outcomes in integrated employment are fantastic (68%) and save massive tax dollars over time.  Cohorts of 18 – 21 years old young adults with disabilities. Last year of school eligibility or DD eligible adult. Eligible for services. Appropriate hygiene, social, and communication skills. Ability to take direction and change behavior. Access to public transportation. Pass drug screen and background check. Desire to work! Project SEARCH: Successful Example

16 16 The Project SEARCH Definition of a Successful Outcome:  Competitive employment in an integrated setting  Year-round work  16 hours per week or more  Minimum wage or higher  273 programs in 44 states  2,500 young people per year  60% healthcare, 40% broad mix of business types  68% employment  88% employee benefit eligible  35% take employee benefits, usually at 5 years  Benefits alone save roughly 1 million dollars over a lifetime  Family involvement curriculum to drive familial change in attitude Project SEARCH: Outcome of Employment

17 17 Annual Project SEARCH Schedule

18 18 Lessons Learned from Project SEARCH

19 19 Students in New York County Receiving Special Education Services in Public Schools Ages 4-21 Number of Students Receiving Special Education Disability Source: Cornell UniversityCornell University

20 20 Ages 6 to 21 IEPs by Category NY 20112012 All Disabilities388,237385,763 Specific Learning Disability154,533149,694 Speech or Language Impairment86,04987,445 Intellectual Disability11,54511,745 Emotional Disturbance29,48427,566 Multiple Disability17,29116,959 Hearing Impairment4,2914,225 Orthopedic Impairment1,8661,720 Other Health Impairment58,36759,616 Visual Impairment1,2431,259 Autism 22,42724,439 Deaf-Blindness 1714 Traumatic Brain Injury 1,1241,081 Developmental Delay ------0 Source: Annual Disability Statistics CompendiumAnnual Disability Statistics Compendium

21 21 Civilians 18-64 in NY Living in the Community Total% in total population % in population with disabilities No Disability11,358,59991.3------ Disability1,081,3768.7------ Hearing 187,2101.517.3 Vision 191,0751.517.6 Cognitive 440,3943.540.7 Ambulatory 552,8934.451.1 Self-Care 189,2951.517.5 Independent Living 381,4643.135.3

22 22 Employment: NY 18-64 Living in the Community CategoryTotalNumber of EmployedPercent No Disability11,358,9748,260,79072.7 Hearing187,21091,63448.9 Vision191,27574,43139.0 Cognitive440,31497,29122.1 Ambulatory552,893133,39724.1 Self-Care189,29528,86515.2 Independent Living381,46461,72816.2

23 23 With a disabilityWithout a disability TotalRaw numbers% % Employed825,64722,77230.38%802,87574.53% Unemployed67,3836,1598.22%61,2245.68% Not in labor force259,22046,03061.41%213, 19019.79% Total1,152,25074,961100%1,077,289100% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2012 American Community Survey.U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2012 American Community Survey. (This link takes to the US data. The PDF contains the Montgomery County Data) New York County-Employment Data (2010-2012)

24 24 Which Employers in Your State Must Meet 503 Rules (Hire PwDs)?  Top contractors:  Northrop Grumman Corp.  Lockheed Martin Corp.  Brookhaven Science Associates LLC  Harris Corp.  The Interpublic Group of Companies INC -Complete list  fed spending website fed spending website - Complete federal lists of 2006-2013  Federal Procurement Data System website Federal Procurement Data System website - How to get started: Job Accommodation Network  US Business Leadership Network 

25 25 Jobs in New York  Six major industry groups:industry groups  Construction, manufacturing, financial activities, professional and business services, educational services, and health care. Source:  2013-2016 Workforce development planplan  Workforce development board sitesite

26 26 Resources  StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes, 2013 (data from 2012)  2012 Disability Status Report United States, Cornell University, 2012:  Fedspending:  Project SEARCH:  Job Accommodation Network:  State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency: egory_cd=SVR egory_cd=SVR  RespectAbilityUSA:

27 27 Let Us Know If We Can Help! We have many resources for policy makers and employers on our website and are ready to help! RespectAbilityUSA 4340 East-West Hwy, Suite 1100 Bethesda, MD 20814 Cell: (202) 365 – 0787 Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi President

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