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 Established in 2004  Its governing Bodies include:  Interim Education Committee  School Administration consisting of the Principal and Vice Principal.

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Presentation on theme: " Established in 2004  Its governing Bodies include:  Interim Education Committee  School Administration consisting of the Principal and Vice Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1  Established in 2004  Its governing Bodies include:  Interim Education Committee  School Administration consisting of the Principal and Vice Principal  School closely works with Brighton, BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services) and the NY State Education Department

2  Main source of school funding is generated from tuition  State grants amounting to about $30,000 annually.  Bake Sale  Cafeteria Lunch Program  Fund Raising: Spaghetti dinner, Art Auction  Charitable donations by friends and family of Westfall  ICR generous support in terms of facility, security and janitorial services

3  Number of students: 100  Student Distribution:  Pre-KI14  Pre-KII20  K15  1 st 12  2 nd 12  3 rd 8  4 th 9  5 th 7  6 th 3

4  Number of certified teachers: 5  Number of staff: 18  Subjects taught  English Math Science Social Studies Computer PE Quran Islamic Studies Arabic Language  Westfall Academy has fully implemented Common Core State Standard preK-6 th grade

5  Daily School Lunch: certified by certified food server/ handler  Ummah Celebration  Science Fair  National School Choice  Pancake Breakfast  Eid Carnival  Eid Dinner  Field Trips  Year End Ceremony  WAPTA organized Parent Socials  BOX Top Drive  WAPTA Organized Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

6  After School Tutoring  After School Hifz Program  Fully developed website  Online student reporting system

7  5 days a week, 3:30pm-5:00pm  Sr Haneen has ijaza (certified memorizer of the Quraan with a chain of narration to the Prophet(S))  This is the only Hifdh Program taught by a Certified Memorizer of the Quraan with ijaza in Two Recitations (Hafs and Warsh)  Instruction followed is the Alnoorani method of instruction  Current number of enrolled students in Hifz Program: are 11 students  6 students have memorized juz amma

8  Providing Islamic Environment  Students pray duhr in jamah daily  Emphasis on daily 5 times prayers  Emphasis on Islamic etiquette  Teaching of Islamic studies five days a week  Arabic Language  Teaching Quranic reading with proper tajweed  Memorization of the Quran with proper tajweed  Learning hadith and Islamic history  It meets the community needs for those families who ask for full time Islamic Education for their children  The center is being used to its full potentials and people who supported the building get full reward

9 Science: 180 minutes/ week Mathematics: 300 minutes/week English Language: 600 minutes/week Islamic Religious Studies: 660 minutes/ week (Quran, Islamic Studies and Arabic Language) Time Devoted to Each Subject Areas

10 Westfall Academy Demographic by School District School DistrictStudent Population Rochester City27% Greece12% Webster0 Rush Henrietta26% Fairport1% Pittsford10% Brighton15% Gates Chili3% West Irondequoit5%

11 BrightonPittsfordFairportGreece Rush- Henrietta Rochester cityWestfall ELL2%1% 2%4% 30% Free/ Reduced Lunch 9.8%4.6%14%43%36%100%45%

12 How does Westfall Academy stack up against other school districts? State ELA State Math Test

13 Comparison of Mean Score for ELA and Math Between Different School District and Westfall Academy

14 Level 1: Lowest performing level. Does not meet the NY State Standards Level 2: Approaching Proficiency. Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Beyond Level Grade expectancy.

15 Level 1: Lowest performing level. Does not meet the NY State Standards Level 2: Approaching Proficiency. Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Beyond Level Grade expectancy.

16 STATE ELA Test Grade 5 2014 Level 1: Lowest performing level. Does not meet the NY State Standards Level 2: Approaching Proficiency. Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Beyond Level Grade expectancy.

17 Level 1: Lowest performing level. Does not meet the NY State Standards Level 2: Approaching Proficiency. Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Beyond Level Grade expectancy. STATE ELA Test Grade 6 2014

18 Level 1: Lowest performing level. Does not meet the NY State Standards Level 2: Approaching Proficiency. Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Beyond Level Grade expectancy. STATE MATH Test Grade 3 2014

19 Level 1: Lowest performing level. Does not meet the NY State Standards Level 2: Approaching Proficiency. Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Beyond Level Grade expectancy. STATE MATH Test Grade 4 2014

20 Level 1: Lowest performing level. Does not meet the NY State Standards Level 2: Approaching Proficiency. Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Beyond Level Grade expectancy. STATE MATH Test Grade 5 2014

21 Level 1: Lowest performing level. Does not meet the NY State Standards Level 2: Approaching Proficiency. Level 3: Proficient Level 4: Beyond Level Grade expectancy. STATE MATH Test Grade 6 2014


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