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Posting RBC Impromptu Rides It’s like throwing your own little bike riding party!

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Presentation on theme: "Posting RBC Impromptu Rides It’s like throwing your own little bike riding party!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Posting RBC Impromptu Rides It’s like throwing your own little bike riding party!

2 RBC Impromptu Rides Offer an opportunity for Rochester Bicycling Club Club (RBC) members to post rides of their choosing at short notice up to 24 hours in advance of the ride start time, with an eye on the weather forecast. Offer an opportunity for Rochester Bicycling Club Club (RBC) members to post rides of their choosing at short notice up to 24 hours in advance of the ride start time, with an eye on the weather forecast. May be posted weeks in advance. The farther in advance, the more likely more riders will see the post and participate. May be posted weeks in advance. The farther in advance, the more likely more riders will see the post and participate. HOWEVER, posting a ride is a commitment to be there as stated. Rides should be cancelled only in extreme weather circumstances. next

3 Expanding Impromptu Ride Postings To fill in dates where there are no rides on the Club Rides App calendar To fill in dates where there are no rides on the Club Rides App calendar To create more diverse ride opportunities on dates where ride selections are limited To create more diverse ride opportunities on dates where ride selections are limited To encourage all levels and types of riders to participate in any currently scheduled ride To encourage all levels and types of riders to participate in any currently scheduled ridenext

4 Impromptu Ride Characteristics Average MOVING speed is predicted and posted Average MOVING speed is predicted and posted Hillier/longer rides will likely slow the average speed – take this into account both when posting a ride and when choosing to participate in a ride Participating riders must choose carefully and should be able to maintain the posted speed These are “WELCOMING” rides – also called “No DROP” rides These are “WELCOMING” rides – also called “No DROP” rides Riders will re-group at major turns and significant intersections next

5 Steps to take - 1 RBC members may register as Impromptu Ride Leaders – “How to Register” tutorial: Length: 1:36 RBC members may register as Impromptu Ride Leaders – “How to Register” tutorial: Length: 1:36 “How to Choose an RBC map” tutorial: Length: 2:31 “How to Choose an RBC map” tutorial: Length: 2:31 “Using the RBC ClubRides App” tutorial: Length: 3:43 “Using the RBC ClubRides App” tutorial: Length: 3:43 next

6 Steps to take - 2 “Criteria for Posting Impromptu Rides” tutorial: Length 4:03 “Criteria for Posting Impromptu Rides” tutorial: Length 4:03 “How to Post an RBC Map Impromptu Ride” tutorial: Length 4:33 “How to Post an RBC Map Impromptu Ride” tutorial: Length 4:33 “How to Post Your Personal Route as an Impromptu Ride” tutorial: Length 4:20 “How to Post Your Personal Route as an Impromptu Ride” tutorial: Length next

7 THANK YOU! Have fun planning and posting your rides and by doing so, welcoming RBC members and visitors to the RBC website to join you! Click to end

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