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SUSY can affect scattering Parity-Violating electron scattering “Weak Charge” ~ 1 - 4 sin 2  W ~ 0.1.

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Presentation on theme: "SUSY can affect scattering Parity-Violating electron scattering “Weak Charge” ~ 1 - 4 sin 2  W ~ 0.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUSY can affect scattering Parity-Violating electron scattering “Weak Charge” ~ 1 - 4 sin 2  W ~ 0.1

2 SUSY can affect scattering Neutrino-nucleus deep inelastic scattering Cross section ratios

3 Neutral currents mix  J  Z =  J  0 + 4 Q sin 2  W  J  EM SU(2) L U(1) Y Weak mixing depends on scale

4 Weak Mixing Angle: Scale Dependence sin 2  W  (GeV) SLAC E158 (ee)JLab Q-Weak (ep) e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV N deep inelastic Czarnecki, Marciano Erler, Kurylov, MR-M

5 PV Electron Scattering SLACJefferson Lab Vernon W. Hughes 1921-2003

6 PV Electron Scattering SLACJefferson Lab

7 Interpretation of precision measurements How well do we now the SM predictions? Some QCD issues Proton Weak Charge Weak charge Q 2 =0.03 (GeV/c) 2 Form factors: MIT, JLab, Mainz Q 2 >0.1 (GeV/c) 2

8 Interpretation of precision measurements How well do we now the SM predictions? Some QCD issues Proton Weak Charge F P (Q 2,  -> 0) ~ Q 2 Use  PT to extrapolate in small Q 2 domain and current PV experiments to determine LEC’s

9 Q W and SUSY Radiative Corrections Tree Level Radiative Corrections sin 2 Flavor-independent Normalization Scale-dependence of weak mixing Flavor-dependent

10 Universal corrections muon decay gauge boson propagators

11 Oblique Parameters SM fit only No SUSY effects

12 Parameter Space Scan

13 Comparing Q w e and Q W p SUSY loops 3000 randomly chosen SUSY parameters but effects are correlated Effects in sin 2  W dominate Negligible SUSY loop impact on cesium weak charge 105 parameters: random scan Kurylov, Su, MR-M

14 Correlated Radiative Corrections total

15 RPV Corrections to Weak Charges sin 2 shift in

16 Other constraints, cont’d. MWMW CKM Unitarity APV  l2

17 Comparing Q w e and Q W p SUSY loops   -> e  + e  SUSY dark matter is Majorana RPV 95% CL fit to weak decays, M W, etc. Kurylov, Su, MR-M

18 Comparing Q w e and Q W p Can be a diagnostic tool to determine whether or not the early Universe was supersymmetric there is supersymmetric dark matter The weak charges can serve a similar diagnostic purpose for other models for high energy symmetries, such as left-right symmetry, grand unified theories with extra U(1) groups, etc.

19 Comparing Q w e and Q W p Erler, Kurylov, R-M Q W P = 0.0716Q W e = 0.0449 Experiment SUSY Loops E 6 Z / boson RPV SUSY Leptoquarks SM

20 sin 2  W  (GeV) SLAC E158 (ee)JLab Q-Weak (ep) e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV N deep inelastic Additional PV electron scattering ideas DIS-Parity, JLab Moller, JLab DIS-Parity, SLAC Czarnecki, Marciano Erler et al. Linear Collider e - e -

21 sin 2  W  (GeV) SLAC E158 (ee)JLab Q-Weak (ep) e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV N deep inelastic Additional PV electron scattering ideas DIS-Parity, JLab Moller, JLab DIS-Parity, SLAC Czarnecki, Marciano Erler et al. Linear Collider e - e -

22 Neutrino-nucleus deep inelastic scattering conflicts with SUSY Cross section ratiosExp’t vs. SM Theory: NuTeV

23 - Nucleus DIS, Cont’d. Cross section ratios Radiative corrections sin 2  NC,CC  L,R

24  Nucleus DIS: NuTeV K. McFarland, Rochester

25 NuTeV-SM Discrepancy Paschos-Wolfenstein Relation

26 - Nucleus DIS: SUSY Loop Corrections wrong sign NuTeV Kurylov, SU, MR-M

27 RPV Effects unconstrained elsewhere

28 - Nucleus DIS: RPV Effects wrong sign NuTeV Kurylov, SU, MR-M

29  N scattering conflicts with SUSY sin 2  W  (GeV) SLAC E158 (ee)JLab Q-Weak (ep) e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV N deep inelastic Czarnecki, Marciano Erler, Kurylov, MR-M Increase V us for CKM unitarity (BNL E865, K e3 )

30 NuTeV Anomaly: An explanation?

31 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation T-odd, CP-odd by CPT theorem C: e - $ e + P: E $-E, S $ S

32 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation T-odd, CP-odd by CPT theorem C: e - $ e + P: E $-E, S $ S SM: CKM

33 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation T-odd, CP-odd by CPT theorem C: e - $ e + P: E $-E, S $ S SM: Strong CP Gluons: systems with quarks

34 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation f d SM d exp d future If SUSY CP violation is responsible for abundance of matter, will these experiments see an EDM? CKM

35 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM Superfluid He UCN converter with high E-field E in t Pb + O–O– E ext Yale DeMille, Romalis

36 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM 1: B from E Sample magnetization M  d e E/T E 2: E from B B V Sample voltage V  d e LANL Amherst

37 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM LANSCE!SNS Superfluid He UCN converter with high E-field

38 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM Washington Princeton Argonne…

39 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM Storage ring: BNL JPARC… Also deuteron

40 Present n-EDM limit Proposed n-EDM limit “n-EDM has killed more theories than any other single experiment” B. Filippone Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe Better theory

41 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Present universeEarly universe Weak scalePlanck scale

42 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Unbroken phase Broken phase CP Violation Topological transitions 1st order phase transition EDM: Standard SUSY - breaking Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson Huet & Nelson Riotto…..

43 Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Unbroken phase Broken phase CP Violation Topological transitions 1st order phase transition How model-dependent ? Theoretical uncertainties?

44 Present n-EDM limit Proposed n-EDM limit “n-EDM has killed more theories than any other single experiment” B. Filippone Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe Better theory ?

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