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KSU CENTER FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2014 Software Integration Project Presentation Presented By: Troy, Mary, Chris, Telli, and Kate.

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Presentation on theme: "KSU CENTER FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2014 Software Integration Project Presentation Presented By: Troy, Mary, Chris, Telli, and Kate."— Presentation transcript:

1 KSU CENTER FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2014 Software Integration Project Presentation Presented By: Troy, Mary, Chris, Telli, and Kate

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3 AGENDA Who We Are What is The Companion Why We Chose The Companion Project Technology Used Companion Demo Lessons Learned

4 WHO WE ARE Team 1 The Companion Programmers Marykay Malensek Troy Dill Chris Barker Project Managers Kate Nigro Telly Galatoulas MaryKateTroyTelliChris

5 WHO WE ARE Computer Information Systems Students at Kent State University Strong communication and analysis skills Strong programming skills Real life experience in IT

6 AGENDA Who We Are What is The Companion Why We Chose The Companion Project Technology Used Companion Demo Lessons Learned


8 WHAT IS THE COMPANION? Intuitive tool that helps students retain information from prerequisite courses. View Tips & Tricks uploaded by professors Upload their own course notes General course description and course requirements Project Sponsor: Dean Elizabeth Sinclair Project initiated in 2013 Attempted by two Software Integration teams in the past

9 AGENDA Who We Are What is The Companion Why We Chose The Companion Project Technology Used Companion Demo Lessons Learned

10 WHY WE CHOSE THE COMPANION PROJECT Interesting Puzzling Challenging Confident

11 AGENDA Who We Are What is The Companion Why We Chose The Companion Project Technology Used Companion Demo Lessons Learned

12 TECHNOLOGY USED HTML - User interface and web layout PHP – Logic and validation JavaScript - Only where PHP was not efficient or practical BootStrap – Automatic navigation changes and resizing on multiple devices GoogleMail - Free SMTP email messages

13 AGENDA Who We Are What is The Companion Why We Chose The Companion Project Technology Used Companion Demo Lessons Learned How this Project Changed Us


15 AGENDA Who We Are What is The Companion Why We Chose The Companion Project Technology Used Companion Demo Lessons Learned

16 LESSONS LEARNED Communication Standards & Procedures Detailed User Requirements Time Management Technical Skills & Experience Quality Control Simplicity

17 COMMUNICATION Define requirements Be specific and detailed Who’s working on what Always On Call

18 STANDARDS & PROCEDURES Coding standards are important with multiple coders Establish procedures for deployment

19 DETAILED USER REQUIREMENTS Constant change = constant rework Constant change = scope creep Constant change = poor time estimates

20 TIME MANAGEMENT Different schedules and priorities amongst team members Estimating is a valuable skill and takes experience

21 TECHNICAL SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE Different people = different skills Understand your skills and the skills of your teammates Utilize the skills efficiently

22 QUALITY CONTROL Don’t wait until the last minute Make a detailed test plan Poor quality = user abandonment & frustration

23 SIMPLICITY Keep it simple Streamline, not too many bells and whistles Anyone can use

24 OVERVIEW What is The Companion Why We Chose The Companion Lessons Learned How this Project Changed Us

25 THANK YOU! Questions? Try it yourself! Username: Password: Password123

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