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Potion Tower By Latifa. Introduction 1 As you and Gaby creep up the crooked path there is a screech and an owl lands on the very top of the tall, dull.

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Presentation on theme: "Potion Tower By Latifa. Introduction 1 As you and Gaby creep up the crooked path there is a screech and an owl lands on the very top of the tall, dull."— Presentation transcript:

1 Potion Tower By Latifa

2 Introduction 1 As you and Gaby creep up the crooked path there is a screech and an owl lands on the very top of the tall, dull tower. You turn to Gaby, she is standing underneath a spiky old tree, she pulls a branch and …swoosh! A massive pot tips it’s purple contents onto her, when you look back no one is there! Gaby has vanished! In her place is a charred piece of paper, when you touch it the whole thing turns into a black arrow pointing towards the tower! You notice that there are two entrances. If you wish to go through a bloodstained tunnel that takes you to 6, than do, but if you go under the gap in the wall it will take you to 3.63

3 Horror Hall 2 This room is pitch black, you spread out your arms to make sure you don’t crash into anything. As your eyes become accustomed to the dark, you see that the grubby walls are covered with dull, orange shelves crowded with bottles containing glossy mixtures of all colours and sparkles, they completely light up the room… woops!! They come crashing down, showering you with colourful glup! There are two exits, a cobweb covered door leading to a tunnel or a chute filled with green slime. If you go through the tunnel you will end up in 5, but if you take the chute you go to 454

4 Potion Room 3 Like the hall, this room is crowded with orange shelves holding sparkling bottles. You cannot see the floor because it is crowded with rusty pots of different shapes and sizes, it is really misty, too. In the centre of the room there is a table with windy tubes and pipes. Drip, drop, drip, drop. It is very wet and misty, your clothes are getting soaked! Go down a testing tube to go to 4.4 Jump down a trapdoor to go 7.7

5 Dining Room 4 When you enter this room, your heart misses a beat. There is a long, dirty table laden with rusty old goblets and chipped plates with rock hard bits of food lying on them. The room itself is so dull that you don’t even notice it! In the far end of the room there is something glistening … AAARGH!!! You slip on something gooey; a pot of purple mist swirling round and round, when you touch it, it feels like air. Someone must have heard the crash, you need to get away from this room and fast! Go through a collapsible doorway to go to 33 Go down a slippery staircase to 22

6 Kitchen 5 As you walk into this room, the smell of pond water hits you, you hold your nose to block it but it doesn’t really help. This room is circular and has a charred fireplace probably used for cooking. When you look round you notice that everything is circular and round, the table, the cookery book (named People Pies) and even the sharp, sinister knifes balancing on round shelves. It sends shivers down your back, especially the blood- covered rats lying dead on the dirty floor. Slide down the hot fireplace to go to 66 Scramble down the cellar step to go to 88

7 Library 6 When you step into this room, there is a gust of wind and the rotten door rattle uncomfortably. The walls are covered with dark shelves containing thick books, in the middle is a very unsteady armchair. Someone appears to be sitting on the floor reading, you start falling, it is crazy but you can’t stop yourself! The white, cloaked figure comes gliding towards you! GAME OVER!

8 Bathroom 7 This room is hot and smelly. The chipped floor groans with your weight, the tub is full of grim, dirty water. There is no sink, no towels and no shampoo! The only other thing in there is a white medicine cabinet with a cracked mirror- suddenly the lights go out and a green, horrible figure comes soaring towards you, you collapse instantly! GAME OVER!

9 Attic 8 This room is falling apart, the only light is coming from a massive hole in the ceiling, it’s shaft of light shows a crate with a label on it reading: PACIFIC OCEAN! “Help!” an anxious voice shouts. You try to locate where the voice is coming from. It’s in the crate! You lift of the dusty old lid and… Gaby! You both climb out of the hole and the creepy old house is investigated. Well done, You Win!

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