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Soil Erosion Peter Kinnell
Research area: Rainfall erosion processes and prediction
Soil Erosion Soil erosion requires particles to be plucked from a surface where they are held by gravity and other forces (interparticle friction, cohesion) and moved laterally away from the place where they were.
Soil Erosion Tectonics: Lifts the Earth Surface
Soil Erosion: ► Flattens the Earth Surface ► Moves soil material over the Earth Surface
Drivers 2 primary drivers: Wind – semi-arid and arid areas
Water – non arid areas Gravity is involved in wind and water erosion
Importance of Soil Erosion by Water
Geological time Modification of landform Soil formation Current time Onsite Land degradation – loss of productivity Offsite Deposition of sediment on land - beneficial eg: soil fertility of flood plains - problematic eg: in buildings, on roads Soil material in rivers affects water quality Translocation of material over the landscape Soil Catena
Geographic Distribution
Climate and soil characteristics control whether erosion occurs by wind or water Water erosion vulnerability
Wind Erosion
Water Erosion in Arid/Semi-arid areas
Nevada, USA
Wind Erosion Energy required to drive erosion comes from wind
Wind speed is the wind factor normally considered Dry non-cohesive soil material at the surface is highly susceptible to being blown by wind
Wind Erosion Sahara desert Wind driven saltation and creep
Wind Driven Saltation & Creep
Saltation – hop Creep - roll
Very fine particles remain suspended in air
Dust Very fine particles remain suspended in air Wind
Dust Broken Hill, NSW 22 Sept 2009
Dust Sydney, NSW 23 Sept 2009
Wind Erosion o Soil lost per unit area Wind speed
Critical speed required for wind to overcome forces holding particles to soil surface (gravity, interparticle friction, cohesion)
Water Erosion 2 Drivers: Surface Water Flow Raindrop Impact
Water Erosion Channels caused by flow driven erosion
Processes similar to wind erosion Rill Erosion Gully Erosion
Flow Driven Saltation & Rolling
Very fine particles remain suspended in water
Suspended Load Very fine particles remain suspended in water Flow
Flow Driven Erosion Soil lost per unit area o Flow energy Critical energy required for water to overcome forces holding particles to soil surface (gravity, interparticle friction, cohesion) Raindrops impacting the soil can also overcome the forces holding particles to the soil surface
Raindrop impact driven erosion
Splash Erosion Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) On sloping surfaces more splashed down slope than up so more erosion as slope gradient increases Detachment = the process of plucking particles held within the soil surface by cohesion and interparticle friction Transport process limits erosion particularly on low gradient slopes - Relatively inefficient erosion system especially on slopes with low to moderate gradients
Raindrop impact driven erosion
Rain-impacted flow Transport Mechanism 1. Raindrop Induced Saltation (RIS) Detachment by raindrop impact may be followed by Raindrop induced saltation (RIS) Raindrop induced rolling (RIR) Transport in suspension (FS) Flow driven saltation (FDR) Flow driven rolling (FDR) Detachment and uplift caused by raindrops impacting flow Flow Flow Rain-impacted flows have more efficient transport processes
Raindrop impact driven erosion
Rain-impacted flow Transport Mechanism 1. Raindrop Induced Saltation (RIS) Particles move downstream during fall Flow Wait for a subsequent impact before moving again
Raindrop impact driven erosion
Rain-impacted flow Transport Mechanism 2. Raindrop Induced Rolling (RIR) Particles move downstream by rolling Flow Wait for a subsequent impact before moving again
Raindrop impact driven erosion
Rain-impacted flow Transport Mechanism 3. Flow Suspension (FS) Small particles remain suspended and move without raindrop stimulation Flow Large particles wait Acts at the same time as RD – RIS/RIR
Raindrop impact driven erosion
Rain-impacted flow Transport Mechanism 4. Flow Driven Saltation (FDS) Transport Mechanism 5. Flow Driven Rolling (FDR) After detachment by drop impact Coarse particles move without raindrop stimulation Flow
Raindrop impact driven erosion
Rain-impacted flow Pedestals result from stone protecting the soil beneath them from detachment by raindrop impact while raindrop detachment and sediment transport by rain-impacted flows occurs in the surrounding area
Raindrop impact driven erosion
Rain-impacted flow A lot of the soil loss is INSIDIOUS 1 mm loss from the surface on 1 km2 = 1 m x 1 m x 1km channel
Critical conditions for detachment and transport modes
Change in soil surface (crusting) Erosion results from the expenditure of energy associated with both flow and raindrop impact Flow depth effect on drop energy available for detachment
Critical conditions for detachment and transport modes
Raindrop detachment only occurs when the raindrop energy exceeds that needed to cause detachment NB: Both raindrop detachment and flow detachment can operate at the same time Splash Erosion Flow Driven Transport Raindrop driven erosion Flow driven erosion Rain Driven Transport in Flow Coarse sand RD-RIR Coarse sand RD-FDR Change in soil surface (crusting) Erosion results from the expenditure of energy associated with both flow and raindrop impact Flow depth effect on drop energy available for detachment Flow detachment only occurs when the shear stress needed to cause detachment is exceeded Flow Energy Not a 2D (X,Y) graph
Forms of Water Erosion on a Hillslope
Rain Rills occupy a small proportion of the surface area Splash Erosion, Sheet Erosion, and Interrill Erosion operate over most of the nutrient rich soil surface Rill Interrill Sheet Erosion Surface Runoff Splash Erosion Flow energy increasing Rill & Interrill Erosion River (Gully Erosion)
Prediction of Rainfall Erosion
Map of climatic effect on soil loss as determined by the Universal Soil Loss Equation The USLE is the most widely used erosion model in the world
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Soil Loss = f (climate, soil, topography, landuse) A = R K LS C P A = Long term average annual soil loss (~ 20 years) caused by sheet and rill erosion R = rainfall-runoff (erosivity) factor [CLIMATE] K = soil (erodibility) factor ● LS = topographic factors (L re slope length S re slope gradient) C = crop/crop management factor [VEGETATION] P = soil conservation practice factor
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Soil Loss = f (climate, soil, topography, landuse) A = R K LS C P Developed from more than 10,000 plot-years of experiments in the USA
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Soil Loss = f (climate, soil, topography, landuse) A = R K LS C P C, P & L are the main factors modified by land management A has units of weight per unit area (t/ha) = the amount of soil lost from a specific area divided by the area The soil loss within that area may not be uniform the bigger the area the less likely it is to be uniform
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Soil Loss = f (climate, soil, topography, landuse) A = R K LS C P Originally developed in the 1960s The Revised USLE (RUSLE):1997 An update of the USLE to take account of new information gained since the 1960s and 70s The mathematical form of the model remained as above but changes were made to the way in which some of the factor values are calculated
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Soil Loss = f (climate, soil, topography, landuse) A = R K LS C P USLE/RUSLE used widely in the world including Australia Catchment Erosion Urban Erosion State of Environment Reports Implemented in NSW via SOILOSS computer program (Dept Land & Water Conservation, NSW)
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Oz Validation - 6 SCS NSW Research Stations bare soil
33m long 6% slope bare soil Cropped Plot A1 = R K = 10 t/ha
Unit Plot 22m long 9% slope bare soil 33m long 6% slope Cropped Plot Works mathematically in 2 steps: 1. Predict the loss from a control plot called the “unit” plot 2. Use factors to adjust this to predict loss from area of interest A1 = R K = 10 t/ha AC = A1 ( L S C P ) AC = 10 (1.22 x 0.57 x 0.16 x 1.0) = 1.1 t/ha
R factor The R factor is dependent on the total kinetic energy of the raindrops produced by rain during rainstorms over many (20 or so) years and the maximum rainfall intensities that occur during those storms
R Map for New South Wales
Erosivity increases northward along the coast Erosivity increases from the inland to the coast
K: soil erodibility factor
K from field experiments: Time - 5 years or more Expense - setup of plots (equipment and labour) maintenance (equipment and labour) resources tied up in data collection Predict K from soil properties less time and expense
K from soil characteristics
K = 2.77 M1.14 (10-7) (12-OM) (10-3)(SS-2) (10-3) (PP-3) K in SI units M (% silt + % very fine sand) (100 - % clay) soil texture OM % organic matter organic matter SS soil structure code (USDA Soil Survey Manual) soil structure PP USDA profile permeability class water entry Developed by Wischmeier el al (1971) for soils in the USA where silt + very fine sand is 70% and less but commonly used in many other places Other equations for other soils (Volcanic) and using other properties have been developed in some countries
C: crop & management factor
A = R K L S C P C = 1.0 for the “unit” plot a bare fallow area 22 m long with a 9 % slope gradient crop bare 22 m 9 % Conceptually N Ae.C e=1 C = —————— N Ae e=1 Ae.C = event loss with crop and L = S = P = Ae.1 = event loss for bare fallow and L = S = P = 1.0
C varies geographically
C = Ci (Ri/R) where i is a period (eg month) during a year C depends on how rainfall erosivity varies over time C depends on how the crop grows over time
C varies geographically
C = Ci (Ri/R) where i is a period during a year Ci values depend on above ground vegetative cover, on ground cover (trash), soil roughness (cultivation), etc – documented in technical manuals C influenced by how well the crop grows – area not well suited, poor growth produces high C Bare soil has high Ci. C factor highly influenced by Ri/R during cultivation for crop establishment
C varies geographically
C = Ci (Ri/R) where i is a period during a year R Avoid bare soil (high Ci) when Ri/R is high
P: support practice factor
A = R K L S C P Accounts for impact of conservation practice eg. cultivation across slope vs up/down slope P = for cultivation up/down P = for example with cultivation across Support practices *Across slope - P varies with ridge height, furrow grade * Strip Cropping, Buffer strips, Filter strips, Subsurface drains
S: slope factor A = R K L S C P USLE: S = 65.4 sin2 sin angle to horizontal RUSLE: S = 10 sin slopes <9% S= 16.8 sin slopes 9% USLE S overpredicts erosion at high slope gradients S = 1.0 when the slope gradient is 9 %
L: slope length factor L = ( / 22.13) m
A = R K L S C P L = ( / 22.13) m L = 1.0 when the slope is m long USLE: m= slope >10% m= slope <1% RUSLE: m = / (1+) = ratio rill to interrill erosion is the projected horizontal distance travelled by runoff before deposition or a channel occurs
Hands on RUSLE The SOILOSS program will be used later today and can be download at anytime from It prompts the user to go through the steps required to get a result. It requires outside knowledge of some factor values such as R. Values for C for some crop and crop management options are calculated by the program but the options may not represent current practices. Users can setup background files to overcome such issues
RUSLE 2 The RUSLE does not model the effect of deposition caused by a change in slope gradient Commonly, a factor known as the sediment delivery ratio; sediment delivered from the hillslope SDR = erosion predicted as if no deposition occurred is used in catchment scale models. RUSLE 2 is a hillslope model that now replaces the RUSLE in the USA. It uses physical principles to predict deposition caused by a change in slope gradient deposit
RUSLE 2 22 t/ha/yr
Effect of Erosion on Water Quality
- an issue of concern throughout the world In USA About 60% of the pollution in rivers comes from agriculture In UK About 50% of the pollution in rivers comes from agriculture In Australia Most rivers in the Murray Darling Basin are polluted to a large degree from material that comes from the land 54
Effect of Erosion on Water Quality
Molonglo river flows into Lake Burley Griffin
Effect of Erosion on Water Quality
Algae blooms are a result of nutrients that come from the land Green: low amounts indicating early stage of a possible bloom Amber: algae multiplying to give green tinge – water ok for recreational use only Red: Toxic bloom conditions
Many catchment models use the RUSLE
Catchment scale models: Tools to model the impact of landuse on water quality Models: AGNPS 2000 SWAT ANSWERS 2000 WEPP small watershed model Sednet Australia USA Europe Many catchment models use the RUSLE
Catchment scale models: Tools to model the impact of landuse on water quality
AGNPS 2000, Sednet and some others include channel erosion (gullies)
Applying the RUSLE in 2D space
Commonly use grid cell representation of the landscape Map overlaid with grid with e.g. spacing of 50 m Each cell is considered to be uniform with respect to soil, vegetation, slope gradient etc Enables soil loss caused by sheet and rill erosion to be modelled for each cell using RUSLE methodology A1.cell = R Kcell ( Bare 22 m long 9 % slope ) Acell = A1.cell Lcell Scell Ccell Pcell 59
Applying the RUSLE in 2D space
channel Representation of land use and flow directions Generated from elevation and land cover data – Geographic Information Systems 60
Applying the RUSLE in 2D space
1 2 3 4 5 L = (l / 22)m A hillslope can be divided into number of lesser hillslopes Dividing a hillslope into lesser hillslopes provides a mechanism for predicting soil loss when factors other than R vary down along a hillslope.
Applying the RUSLE in 2D space
Soil loss varies with flow through the cell not upslope length itself ? Water flow through bottom cell the same in all cases
slope length for grid cells
Ai,j-in D ( Ai,j-in + D2)m Ai,j-inm+1 L i,j = ———————————— Dm+2 (22.13)m Enables the USLE/RUSLE to be applied in modeling erosion in catchments 63
Something not in the Text Book
The R factor problem A = R K L S C P
R is readily mapable like all the other factors BUT is the only factor that is not affected by what is on the land surface If the value of R is incorrect then the model output is wrong irrespective of anything else
The R factor problem N N = number of events in Y years Re Re = Event erosivity factor e= R = ———— Y Y = number of years Re = storm energy x max 30-min rainfall intensity
The R factor problem R = average annual sum of event energy (E) and the maximum 30-minute intensity (I30) Event soil loss : Ae = K (EI30)e L S Ce Pe b1 Bare fallow
The R factor problem Under predicts large losses
R = average annual sum of event energy (E) and the maximum 30-minute intensity (I30) Event soil loss : Ae = K (EI30)e L S Ce Pe b1 Bare fallow Under predicts large losses Over predicts small losses
The R factor problem It is well known that a relationship exists between soil loss and runoff BUT the USLE/RUSLE model does not consider runoff explicitly as a factor in producing soil loss
The R factor problem Ae1 = Qe ce Ae1 = unit plot event loss Qe = event runoff ce = sed. concentration (soil mass per unit quantity of runoff) USLE: ce = f (energy per unit quantity of runoff , rainfall intensity) Analysis of plot data: ce = f (energy per unit quantity of rain , rainfall intensity) ce = E / rainfall amount A1e = k Qe E I30 / rainfall amount Qe / rainfall amount = QR , the runoff ratio Re = [QR EI30] I30
The R factor problem Re = EI30 Re = QREI30
The USLE-M The USLE-M is the name given to the version of the USLE/RUSLE model that uses the QREI30 index (Kinnell and Risse, 1998) USLE: mathematical steps A1 = R K A = A1 L S C P USLE-M: A1 = RUSLE-M KUSLE-M [KUSLE-M ≠ K because RUSLE-M ≠ R] A = A1 L S C P 10 = 5 x 2 10 = 4 x 2.5 10 = 3 x 3.33
The R factor problem Why does the USLE/RUSLE model not include direct consideration of runoff ? The USLE-M works well when runoff is known or predicted well - as a general rule runoff is not easy to predict The USLE/RUSLE model is designed to help make decisions about land management effects over the long term (~20 years) not predict short term soil loss such as event erosion or year by year variations However, when it come to modelling the effect of landuse on water quality event soil losses are important so the USLE/RUSLE model is used to do this but in so doing the USLE/RUSLE model is being applied to do things that it wasn’t designed to do
Erosion Model Overview (all models not just the USLE/RUSLE)
Not all factors dealt with adequately Familiarity with model & assumptions essential when using them While the results may not be very accurate, they can provide a means of making useful decisions about land management in order to conserve soil and improve water quality
SOILOSS SOILOSS is a computer program that runs the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation for various locations in New South Wales The program is run from Explorer by double clicking on the SOILOSS Shortcut in the ALRS directory
Use space bar – user entry optional
Note instructions for data entry
Use “enter” to move to next screen
Enter zone – see climate zone map for NSW
R values for locations are provided using RAINER
Click OK to move to next screen
RAINER is run from EXPLORER by double clicking on the RAINER shortcut in the ALRS directory
Click on “Load” to get location selection screen and then select location from list
The R factor value for the location is displayed here
Soil erodibility is determined using the table of soils
Mover the cursor by the arrow keys to select the soil required – eg Chocolate
Slope gradient is measured in percent and will be entered in the next screen
After entering slope gradient enter slope length
Select Cultivation around the paddock
Select Annual Crops (standard)
Select a crop and press “Enter” to enter the crop for each year required
Select a crop and press “Enter” to enter the crop for each year required – 10 year rotation
Z to end selection prior to 10 years
Select tillage practice required
Result screen You can use ESC to go backwards to alter data entry values and then use “enter” to strp forward to get the result
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