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Ambush- a surprise attack. Annex-to add a territory to one’s own territory. abstain- to not part in some activity such as voting.

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Presentation on theme: "Ambush- a surprise attack. Annex-to add a territory to one’s own territory. abstain- to not part in some activity such as voting."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ambush- a surprise attack. Annex-to add a territory to one’s own territory. abstain- to not part in some activity such as voting.

3 Boycott-to refuse to buy items from a particular country. Burgesses-elected representatives to an assemble Blockade runners- ship that sail into and out of a blockade area.

4 Cabinet- a group of advisers to the president. Capital – money for investment. Cacavl – a small fast ship with a broad bow

5 Debtor-Person or Country that owes money. Disarmament- remover of weapons Draft- The selections of persons for required military Service.

6 Emancipate- to free from slavery. Embargo- an order prohibiting trade with another country. Export- to sell goods aboard.

7 Freedman- a person freed from slavery. Frigate- warships Fugitive- Runaway or trying to run away.

8 Genocide- The Deliberate destruction of a radical, political or cultural group. Global warming- a steady increase in average world temperatures. Greenback- a piece of U.S. paper money first issued by the north during the civil war.

9 Horizontal integration- The combing of competing firms into one corporation. Holocaust- The name given to the mass slaughter of Jews and other groups by the Nazis during world war 2 Habeas corpus- a legal order for an inquiry determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned.

10 Impeach- to formally charge a public official with misconduct in office Implied powers- Powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution. Import- to buy goods from foreign markets.

11 Joint occupation- the possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countries. Judicial branch- The branch of government including the federal court system that interprets. Judicial review- the right of the supreme court to deter mine if a law violates the constitution.

12 Landslide- an overwhelming victory Literacy- the ability to read and write. Lynching- putting to death a person by the illegal action of a mob

13 Mazie- an early from of corn grown by native Americans. Majority- More than a half. Manumission- the freeing of some enslaved persons.

14 Neutral- Taking no side in a conflict. Neutrality- a position of not talking sides in a conflict. Nonimportation- the act of importation or using certain goods

15 Override- to over turn or defeat, as a bill proposed in congress.

16 Partisan- Favoring one side of an issue Perjury – lying when one has sworn an oath to tell the truth Petition- a formal request

17 Radical-extreme Ranchero- Mexican rancher owner Ratify- to give offical approval to

18 Secede- to leave or withdraw. Secession- withdrawal from the union.





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