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An online information literacy tutorial for the KU Leuven Association VLIR-UOS Information literacy workshop Jan Bollansée KU Leuven University Library.

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Presentation on theme: "An online information literacy tutorial for the KU Leuven Association VLIR-UOS Information literacy workshop Jan Bollansée KU Leuven University Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 An online information literacy tutorial for the KU Leuven Association VLIR-UOS Information literacy workshop Jan Bollansée KU Leuven University Library Services December 8, 2014

2 Programme 1. Introduction 2. The KU Leuven Association’s libraries’ vested interest in information literacy 3. An online information literacy tutorial 4. An online information literacy tutorial in the VLE 5. Tutorial contents and structure 6. A collaborative effort – 1: among librarians 7. A collaborative effort – 2: between librarians and teaching staff 8. Conclusion

3 1. Introduction The KU Leuven Association: KU Leuven partnering with university colleges across Flanders and Brussels Working on an integrated higher education area Rolling out multi-campus education Library organization: association-wide collaboration through joint working groups Several domain-specific subgroups An advisory board overseeing the whole

4 2. The KU Leuven Association’s libraries’ vested interest in information literacy 2.1. Education support = core task Information literacy = generic set of competences required for successful participation in today’s information society and knowledge economy / basis for lifelong learning Research skills = core set of competences required for successful study career at university Shift from teacher-and course-centred learning (the Nurnberger Funnel) towards student-centred learning (the “millennium student”) with focus on  activating teaching methods  individual and collaborative learning disposition  a questioning and critical mindset

5 2. The KU Leuven Association’s libraries’ vested interest in information literacy 2.2. Education support = strategic objective One of the main domains in the strategic plan of the university library and the Association’s libraries’ working group University library: separate portfolio holder Association: dedicated working group “Information literacy and virtual learning environment”

6 2. The KU Leuven Association’s libraries’ vested interest in information literacy 2.3. Information literacy = strategic line of action Strategic plan for education support: multiple lines of action o Develop student-centred infrastructure: learning centres o Integrate digital library into the VLE o Technological developments: Web 2.0 and 3.0 o Promote information literacy and supports its embedding in curricula (both horizontally and vertically) and teaching

7 3. An online information literacy tutorial Need for a practical / visually attractive / curiosity arousing/ easily navigable/ interactive / flexible tool Useful to both teachers and students o Online course o Guest lecture o Hands-on session o Self-tuition package Ideally suited also to blended learning in a multi-campus environment

8 4. An online information literacy tutorial in the VLE Disadvantages of standalone web-based tutorials o Require special technological knowledge / advanced ICT skills (servers and software) o Maintenance and updating very time consuming + often restricted to one or two people (bottleneck!) o Appear disconnected from courses and assignments

9 4. An online information literacy tutorial in the VLE Advantages of a tutorial in the (common) VLE o No specialist web design skills required: make use of VLE inherent tools & benefit from the knowledge of the VLE support team o Allows collaboration cross campus & association o Right at the heart of where online student learning takes place and teachers present their courses & set assignments: opportunities for integration!

10 4. An online information literacy tutorial in the VLE Limitations of a tutorial in the common VLE o dependence on the software’s tools (availability and usability) o Fixed interface: bounded creativity

11 5. Tutorial contents and structure 5.1. Starting point: Principles, Standards and Practice (2 nd edition) of the Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy Framework  Adelaide 2004  Possible alternative: Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Educations (ACRL 2000; currently being revised)  Six core standards  Specified into multiple competence indicators  Provide the backbone for the tutorial’s structure

12 5.2. Structure: 6 modules 1. Sources of information Recognize the need for information and deter- mine the nature and extent of the information needed 2. How do I formulate a good research question? Find needed information effectively and efficiently 3. How can I access or retrieve the information I have found? Manage information collected or generated4. How do I manage the information I have found? Critically evaluate information and the information seeking process 5. How do I evaluatie usefulness and reliability of the information I have found? Use information with understanding and ac- knowledge cultural, ethical, legal (…) issues surrounding the use of information 6. Informatie verwerken (bronnen citeren / plagiaat vermijden) Apply prior and new information to construct new concepts or create new understandings 5. Tutorial contents and structure

13 5.3. Content elaboration Each module split up in two or more parts (all directly accessible – no enforcement) Per module: o Introductory exercise or short clip o Theoretical part o Interspersed with more clips & short exercises o Conclusion: a print-ready summary o To be augmented with thorough, discipline specific exercises (Assessments) 5. Tutorial contents and structure

14 Use of VLE allows o collaboration cross campus & Association o Diversification of contents & exercises Get library staff from different faculties/disciplines involved in o Preparation o Elaboration (contents/clips/exercises) o Maintenance 6. A collaborative effort – 1: among librarians

15 Effectiveness of the library’s education supporting activities greatly enhanced by integration in curricula and courses Academic staff endorsement of tutorial underpins its intrinsic value and convinces the students of its relevance to their studies; embedding in VLE is first step! Accommodate the teaching staff’s desiderata: e.g. reporting on students’ progress and grasp of the material (link between assignments & grade centre) Endeavour to get the teachers involved in making exer- cises or to make them contribute existing exercises for integration in the tutorial 7. A collaborative effort – 2: between librarians and teaching staff

16 8. Conclusions … and thank you! Jan Bollansée

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