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Dr. Marilyn Fowlé Dr. Terisa Riley February 16, 2012.

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1 Dr. Marilyn Fowlé Dr. Terisa Riley February 16, 2012


3 Total $124 Million *Based on FY 2012 Budget



6  $35 per semester  To deter students from registering late.  Colleges need to be able to schedule course offerings and faculty to teach the courses for the actual number of students that will be enrolled.

7  $100 per semester  This fee is charged to students who do not pay or make payment arrangements by the fifth class day and are dropped from classes and want to be reinstated.

8 DescriptionTimeframeFee Early RegistrationApril through August 1 st No fee Late RegistrationAfter August 1 st $35 late registration fee * Late Registration & Payment After August 17 th $35 late registration plus $35 late payment ReinstatementDropped after 6 th class day for no payments whatsoever $100 reinstatement fee plus $35 late registration plus $35 late payment fee *No late payment fee if payment is made one week before the 1 st class day (August 17 th for Fall 2012)

9 Current Student Mandatory Fees by Percent

10 TYPE OF PERMIT CURRENT RATE PROPOSED INCREASES NEW RATE Residence Students-one yr$70$30$100 Residence Students –Spring/Summer$55$20$75 Off Campus Students-one yr$70$30$100 Off Campus Students-Spring/Summer$55$20$75 Administrators$200$30$230

11  The current rate of $363/SCH will increase to $401/SCH for Fall 2012

12 FEE DESCRIPTIONCURRENT PROPOSED INCREASES NEW RATE 1-11 SCHs Flat Tuition 12 or more SCHs $91.65 14 SCH flat rate at $1,283.10 per SEM $10.71 $150.00 $102.36 14 SCH flat rate at $1,433.10 per SEM SCH-Semester Credit Hour SEM-Semester




16 Current FeeProposed Fee Net Increase Designated Tuition$1,283.10$1,433.10$150.00 Statutory Tuition$ 750.00 - Mandatory Fees$1,287.00 - TOTAL INCREASE$150.00 4.5%

17 Closing Remarks


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