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The Cold War – Chapter 17 Vocabulary Front Load Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War – Chapter 17 Vocabulary Front Load Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War – Chapter 17 Vocabulary Front Load Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

2 Vocabulary – Frayer Method 1)Containment 2)Truman Doctrine 3)Marshall Plan 4)NATO 5)Warsaw Pact 6)Brinkmanship 7)38 th Parallel 8)Domino Theory 9)Vietnamization 10)Khmer Rouge 11)Détente 12)SALT

3 Containment US Foreign Policy to block Soviet influence and stop the territorial and ideological spread of communism Contain; ControlAllow to Spread

4 Truman Doctrine US Policy to provide financial support and aid to countries that reject Communism; US policy to deter Isolationism Communism

5 Marshall Plan US Sec of State, George Marshall’s plan to provide Aid to rebuild Europe; Rejected by Eastern Europe; Assistance PlanTreaty of Versailles

6 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Defensive military alliance between 10 western European nations and the US and Canada; AllianceIsolationism

7 Warsaw Pact Soviet response to NATO, Alliance with Soviet Union And Eastern Bloc Nations; Soviet Military AllianceIndividual country protests

8 Brinkmanship Eisenhower’s policy of being willing to go to the “brink” or edge of war requiring large stock piles of nuclear weapons; Pressing a dangerous level-handed Situation for an advantagediplomacy

9 38 th Parallel Division line of Korea set After World War II to Separate North and South Korea because Division between NorthUnited Korea And South Korea

10 Domino Theory Threat of South east Asian nations falling, which if one nation falls To Communism, the next Would fall like Dominos; Theory to justify US ColdUn-involvement in War PolicyWorld Affairs

11 Vietnamization Nixon’s plan to allow US troops to gradually Pull out of Vietnam and South Vietnam soldiers to Increase their combat role Gradual withdrawal ofImmediate pull out troops

12 Khmer Rouge Communist leader, Pol Pot’s, plan to try to turn Cambodia into a Communist society killing 2 million people; Cambodian Communist Democratic Rebelsgovernment

13 Détente Nixon’s plan of lessening Cold War Tensions; dealing With other nations in a Practical and flexible manner; Realpolitik Brinkmanship

14 SALT Agreement between the US & USSR to limit the number of intercontinental ballistic & submarine-launched missiles each country can have 5 year agreement to limit stockpiling arms

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