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Best Practice : What Lessons can we Learn from Other Countries Dr. Marcus Powell International Development Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practice : What Lessons can we Learn from Other Countries Dr. Marcus Powell International Development Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practice : What Lessons can we Learn from Other Countries Dr. Marcus Powell International Development Consultant

2 Best Practice: What Lessons can we Learn from Other Countries All countries face similar challenges Globaliation impacts on the workplace Globalisation impacts differently on countries Skills development part of the solution for dealing with globalisation

3 Certain conditions necessary for successful skills development Environment that supports learning in the workplace Synergy between economic and skills policy A skills strategy must be based on accurate and upto date information A commitment of social partners

4 What lessons can be learnt from : South Korea (policy frameworks) South Africa (role of information systems) Kazakhstan (role of social partners)

5 Policy frameworks for life-long learning Common approach involves using the levy grant system Is levy grant appropriate for SMMEs? What are the alternatives for encouraging skills development amongst SMMEs? Lessons from South Korea

6 Skill formation in South Korea One of the fastest growing economies in the world Close link between skill strategy and trade and industrial strategy Resulted in skills shortage Introduction of Basic Vocational Training Act

7 Reform of the Basic Vocational Training Act By 1990s problem with Act Government reformed Act Also introduced measures for SMMEs, including Employment Insurance Scheme and a pilot called SMME Training Consortium

8 Best Practice from South Korea illustrates : Importance of linking skill strategy to industrial and trade strategy Different skill strategy required for different sizes of companies There is a continual need to reform the strategy in response to changing needs.

9 The role of information in skills planning Accurate and upto date information is required for: Planning of policies Monitoring of policies Evaluation of policies

10 Manpower Planning Tracing economic output by sector Translating output into employment needs Converting employment needs into occupational Needs Determining supply Matching supply and demand

11 Limitations of Manpower Planning Requires accurate time series data Depends on expert knowledge Difficult to take into account all uncertainties Long-time lag

12 Alternatives to Manpower Planning A web enabled system documenting trends A JOI An Econometric Forecasting model National Survey Qualitative approaches

13 Best Practice from South Africa illustrates : Difficulties involved in manpower planning The importance of signaling Numerous approaches for signaling Better to use an eclectic approach It takes time to develop approaches

14 Role of Social Partners in Skills Development What roles do social partners play in skills development ? How they actually influence the process of skills development ? Can this influence be negative or positive ? Lessons from Kazakhstan

15 Social Partners in the former Soviet Union Countries in Soviet Union face enormous challenge Many of the unions very conservative Conservative unions don’t facilitate change How do we change circumstances to facilitate change ? Lessons can be found from Kazakhstan

16 Free Trade Unions of Kazakhstan Independent unions represent workers rights and supported the development of flexible labour market framework Organised at local, regional and national levels Supported other the setting up of other labour market structures

17 Best Practice from Kazakhstan illustrates: The importance of linkages between independent unions, democratic institutions and labour market change The pro-active role played by unions The importance of democratic labour market institutions prior to embarking on a large scale reform of a training system

18 Concluding Comments: Common challenges facing skills development in different countries Importance of international best practice There is no best approach or policy Success depends on the articulation between the policy and local environment

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