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Published byTrenton Hirons Modified over 10 years ago
National Food Security Mission 14 th Executive Committee Meeting 18.11.2014 Department of Agriculture TamilNadu
Area, Production and Productvity FOOD GRAINS Target 2014 -15 PADDY Area – 21 lakh ha Production-92 lakh M.T. Productivity- 4381 Kg/ha. MILLETS Area – 12 lakh ha Production- 45 lakh M.T. Productivity- 3750 Kg/ha. PULSES Area – 11 lakh ha Production- 8 lakh M.T. Productivity- 727 Kg/ha. Food grains – 145 lakhs M.T.
Area, Production and Productivity COMMERCIAL CROPS Target 2014 -15 COTTON Area – 1.70 lakh ha Production- 6.70 lakh bales Productivity- 670 Kg/ha. SUGARCANE Area – 3.60 lakh ha Production- 400 lakh M.T. Productivity- 111 M.T./ha.
CROP AREA COVERAGE (L.Ha) * Area coverage upto 17.11.2014
STRATEGIES FOLLOWED PADDY SRI Community Nursery Mechanised Planting and power weeding Direct seeding PULSES Redgram Transplantation Bund cropping and intercropping Micro irrigation and precision farming Sychronised matured varieties MILLETS Seed drill sowing Intercropping with pulses Micro irrigation
Seed Supply Plan 2014-15 Crop Kharif Supply Plan 2014 Seeds Distributed Rabi Plan 2014-15 Seeds Distributed Stock Available Paddy2275027706507501070819848 Millets5881190454438912030 Pulses2099105774592621560 Cotton3243942837045 Unit in MTs
STRATEGIES FOLLOWED CottonSugarcane High Density Planting SystemSSI Promoting Rice fallow cottonPrecision Farming Trash Mulching Integrated Crop ManagementIntercropping with Pulses/ Green Manures Promoting ELS and Desi CottonMechanical Harvesting
New Initiatives Implemented under NFSM 2014-15 NFSM – Rice New initiatives 6800 ha area covered so far - sowing / System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Demonstration under Swarna Sub -1 Paddy - 600 ha - Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Cuddalore and Thanjavur 400 qtl of ‘F 1 ’ swarna sub – 1 seed and 3000 qtl of ‘C 1 ’ paddy seeds procured and seed farms being organized for the certification and procurement of swarna sub – 1 paddy seeds. Community nurseries raised in 565 ha. Steps taken to implement cropping system based demonstrations 2880 ha covered under cropping system based demonstration- first crop -Paddy, second crop -Pulses. Inputs- seeds (50kg), Zinc sulphate (25 kg), liquid biofertilizer (2 lit / ha) and plant protection chemicals Second crop pulses - ADT3,ADT5, Vamban4 taken up during Feb-March 2014 in the same field. Awareness created through distribution leaflets. Seed treatment with Bio fertilizer, Application of weedicides Subsidy of Rs. 7500 ha for paddy and Rs. 5000 / ha for pulses extended as subsidy for distribution
New Initiatives Implemented contd., NFSM- Pulses I. Red gram Transplantation Seed rate is lesser (2.5 kg/ha ) compared to conventional sowing. Inputs like seed minikits, Weedicides, Bio-fertilizers, IPM inputs, DAP. 3 to 4 irrigations at critical stages,Nipping of tips, Earthing up 2% DAP foliar spray - flowering, seed formation increased number of flowers and yield. Expected Productivity -1500 to 2000 kg/Ha II. Synchronised Maturing Varieties Cluster Demonstrations - 1000 Ha Red gram-CO(Rg)-7,Green gram-CO-8,Black gram-VBN-6 Maturity in a Synchronised manner, Mechanical harvesting
NFSM- Pulses Cropping System Based Demonstrations First season - Rice Fallow Pulses Second season -Summer Irrigated Pulses Area Programmed - 2136 Ha Area of Operation Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur, Cuddalore, Thanjavur Arrangements Beneficiaries identification in Progress High Yielding Quality Seed Mobilization, Seed Treatment Timely sowing, Optimum Population Maintenance PP Chemicals,Weedicides- Indent Placed Foliar Spraying of DAP 2 %, Micronutrients, Demonstration of IPM Techniques
Plan of action for Rabi and Summer Pulses Rice Fallow Pulses Area Target - 4.5 L.ha, Last year Coverage (3.27 L.Ha) Summer Pulses Area Target - 0.264 L.Ha Plan of Action: Awareness Campaigns, Quality seed Distribution Growing of high yielding varieties in black gram and green gram- Sowing at the correct time i.e., - January to February to improve the productivity. Optimum plant population @ 33/sq.m,Seed treatment with bio-fertilizer -Rhizobium,Phosphobacteria and fungicides, Weed management, INM : 2% DAP foliar spray / Pulse wonder Pheromone traps,Azadiractin spray and yellow sticky traps Stress Management – PUSA hydrogel, Micro irrigation Interventions: distribution of High yielding CS, Bio fertilizers, Micro nutrients, PP Chemicals, Weedicides, Micro irrigation - Sprinkler, Raingun, DAP Foliar spray
New Initiatives under NFSM- Coarse Cereals New initiatives Demonstration organized to dissemminate technologies Sorghum : 550 ha Cumbu : 650 ha Ragi: 1000 ha Maize : 3500 ha Steps taken for Cropping system based demonstration First crop- Maize, second crop – Pulses - 2100 Ha Inputs like seeds, liquid biofertilizer, Maize booster / plant growth regulator,field days organized. Second crop –Pulses will be taken up during December 2014. distribution of Seed, Pulses wonder and weedicide will be distributed.
Learning from Implementation of coarse cereals component Area under millets were reduced for past one decade.Area has been increased to 7.11 ha during 2014-15 (6.40 ha during 2013-14). Increase in area – scheme intervention Cultivation of coarse cereals - Sorghum, Cumbu, Ragi, Maize, Samai, Thenai and Kudiravalli crops, increase the demand and nutrient value of foods and by products produced by different MNCs. Marketing net work for coarse cereals are increasing and great awareness created through the Department of Agriculture stressing the nutrient values and value added products of coarse cereals in Tamil Nadu. Awareness created due to intervention demonstration by NGOs in remote areas under NFSM- Coarse cereals
Progress of NFSM schemes 2014-15 S.NoSchemes Allocation approved by GOI First Release by GOI Achvt made as on 31.10.14 % Achvt 1NFSM- Rice2734.121879.041388.35051 2 NFSM- Pulses (including Addtl area coverage of Pulses) 2870.502456.97 **615.23228 3NFSM- Coarse cereals858.26573.16382.85045 4 NFSM- Commercial crops 60.7645.5727.89346 Total6523.644954.742414.32537 Rs. in Lakhs ** inclusive of Rs.1114.63 lakhs for committed expenditure incurred during 2013-14
Progress report on NFSM- Rice Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance UnitTargets approved by GOIAchvt upto 31.10.14% Achvt Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. Cluster demonstrations (a). Direct seeded Rice/Line/SRI Rs.7500/haHa7000525.0006800476.0091 (b). Cluster Demo on Hybrid Rice Rs.7500/haHa2000150.0001900133.0089 Demonstration on Swarna Sub-1 Rs.7500/haHa60045.00060042.0093 (d) Cropping system based demonstration Rs.12500/haHa2880360.0002880216.0060 Seed Distribution (a) Hybrid Rice Seed. Rs.5000/qtlQtl30015.00000 (b). HYVs Seeds. Rs.1000/qtlQtl72700727.0023610236.1032
Progress report on NFSM- Rice contd., Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance UnitTargets approved by GOIAchvt upto 31.10.14% Achvt Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. Plant and Soil Protection Management (a) Micronutrients Rs.500/haHa25000125.00021112105.5684 (b) PP chemicals Rs.500/haHa25000125.00000.000 (c) Weedicides Rs.500/haHa1000050.000742537.12574 Resource Conservation (a) Manual Sprayer Rs.600/unitNos10006.00000.000 (b) Power 0knack Sack sprayer Rs. 3000/unitNos100030.00000.000 (c) Power Weeder Rs.15000/unitNos406.00000.000 (d) Rotovator Rs.35000/unitNos27596.25000.000
Progress report on NFSM- Rice contd., Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance UnitTargets approved by GOIAchvt upto 31.10.14% Achvt Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. Incentive for Pump sets Rs.10000/unitNos3000300.00000.000 Paddy thresher Rs.40000/unitNos208.00000.000 Self Propelled Paddy transplanter Rs.75000/unitNos107.50000.000 Cropping System based trainings Rs. 3500 / Session Rs. 14000 / trg Nos.10815.12010811.3475 Local Initiative (a) Community Nursery Rs 12500/ha limited to 50% of cost Ha60075.00056570.62594 Other Initiatives (a) Assistance for custom hiring (Paddy Transplanters) Rs 1500/haHa400060.000374056.10094 (b) Assistance for custom hiring (Combine Harvesting) Rs 1500/haHa5508.2503004.50055 Total 2734.1201388.35051
Progress report on NFSM- Pulses Sl. No. InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance Target Approved by GOI Achvt upto 31.10.14 % Achvt UnitPhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Demonstrations on improved technologies (a)Cluster Demonstrations(of 100Ha each) Rs.7500/ HaHa. 7900592.5004032302.40051 (b)Cropping system based demonstrations Rs.12500/HaHa. 2036254.50000.0000 2 Distribution of HYV Certified Seeds Rs.2500/QtlQtl. 20540513.50010250198.25039 3Integrated Nutrient Management: (a)Gypsum/80% Wettable SulphurRs.750/- HaHa. 600045.000252015.40034 (b) Micro-nutrientsRs.500/- HaHa. 500025.000382019.10076 (c)BiofertilizersRs. 300/ HaHa. 333310.00029168.75088
Progress report on NFSM- Pulses Sl. No. InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance Target Approved by GOI Achvt upto 31.10.14 % Achvt UnitPhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 4Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (a)Distribution of PP ChemicalsRs.500/ HaHa. 1100055.00012566.28011 (d)Distribution of weedicidesRs.500/- HaHa. 1100055.00013506.75012 5Resource Consevation Technologies/Tools (a) RotavatorsRs.35000/UnitNos. 17059.50000.0000 (b) Seed drillRs.15000/UnitNos. 10015.00000.0000 (c) Zero till seed drillRs.15000/UnitNos. 10015.00000.0000 (d) Multi crop PlanterRs.15000/UnitNos. 10015.00000.0000 6Efficient water Application Tools (a)Incentive for Pump setsRs.10,000/UnitNos. 25025.00000.0000 (b)Pipes carrying waterRs. 15000 or Rs.25/mNos. 60090.00021031.50035 (c)Distribution of Mobile sprinkler/Raingun Rs.15000/raingunNos. 50075.000355.2507 (d)Distribution of sprinkler setsRs.10000/per HaHa. 20020.00040.6003
Progress report on NFSM- Pulses Sl. No. InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance Target Approved by GOI Achvt upto 31.10.14 % Achvt UnitPhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 7Demonstrations on Improved Technologies (a)Cropping system based trainings(Four sessions., One before Kharif, one each during Kharif & Rabi and one after Rabi harvest.) Rs.3500/ session Rs.14000/ training Nos.10014.000507.25052 8Miscellaneous Expenses relating to PMT (a) District LevelRs. 10 Lakhs/ District 24289.00061.5221 (b) State LevelRs. 14 Lakhs/unit of PMT 231.00001.6805 9Local Initiatives a) Mini Dhal MillRs.105000 or 50% of cost Nos.2526.25000.0000 b)PUSA HydrogelRs.900/ Kg acre300033.75035010.50031 TOTAL 2259.000615.23228
Progress report on NFSM- Coarse cereals InterventionsApproved Rate of Assistance UnitTarget approved by GOI Achvt upto 31.10.14% Achvt PhyFinPhyFin Demo of Improved Package Rs. 5000/Ha Ha Sorghum 100050.0055023.380 Cumbu100050.0065027.630 Ragi150075.00100042.50 Maize6000300.003500148.750 Cropping system-Maize4000200.00210089.250 Minor millets49024.502506.130 Total13990699.508050337.64048 (a) Distbn.of Hybrid Seed.Rs. 5000/-per Qtl.Qtls20010.000751.72017 (b). HYVs Seeds.Rs.1500/-per Qtl.Qtls125018.750150.322.25512 Local Initiative (a) Digging of micro farm pond (5x5x1.5Mts) and installation of portable Mobile sprinkler Rs.3000/farm pond&Rs. 12500/unit of mobile sprinkler Nos23235.96000.000 Other intiatives a) Demonstration by NGOsRs. 5500/NoNos171094.05075041.25044 Grand Total 858.260382.85045
Progress of NFSM-Commercial crops Component Unit Cost (Rs.) TargetAchvt upto 31.10.14 % Achvt Physical (Ha.)FinancialPhysicalFinancial Crop- Cotton Front Line Demonstration on Integrated Crop Management Rs.7000/Ha1007.000603.12045 Front Line Demonstration on Desi and ELS cotton/Els Cotton Seed Production Rs. 8000/ha705.560201.40025 Front Line Demonstration on Intercropping Rs. 7000/Ha302.100171.19057 Trials on High Density Planting SystemRs. 9000/Ha17015.3001706.83347 Sub Total (A) 37029.96012.54342 Crop- Sugarcane Demonstration on Intercropping and Single bud chip technology with Sugarcane. (Ha) Rs. 8000/Ha36529.20020115.35053 State Level training (Nos.) Rs. 40000 per training 41.600000 Sub Total (B) 30.80015.35053 Grand Total (A+B) 60.760 27.893 46
Financial details of NFSM schemes 2014-15 S.N o SchemesAllocation Audited Unspent available First Release Total release incl. unspent Funds utilized for settling committed expenditure 2013-14 Funds available for implementing NFSM 2014-15 Requirement of Balance funds 12345 (3+4)67 (5-6)8 (2-7) 1NFSM- Rice2734.1296.0371879.041975.0770 759.043 2NFSM- Pulses2259.00194.0342456.97 **2651.004**1114.631536.374722.626 3 Addtl area coverage of Pulses 611.5000000 4 NFSM- Coarse cereals 858.260573.16 0 285.10 5 NFSM- Commercial crops 60.76045.57 0 15.19 Total6523.64290.0714954.745244.8111114.634130.1812343.459 Rs. in Lakhs ** inclusive of Rs.1114.63 lakhs for committed expenditure incurred during 2013-14
Issues to be discussed Inclusion of Erode and Thiruvallur district for implementing PMT at district level along with approved 24 PMT districts for 2014-15. Audited statement of accounts, Programme wise AUCs, details of unspent balance, accrued interest, Progress report for NFSM 2013-14 –Furnished to GOI Release of funds for implementation of Addtl area coverage of Pulses- Rs.611.50 lakhs Release of balance second installment funds for Rs. 2343.459 lakhs (incl. of Addtl area coverage of Pulses) at earliest, since Rabi is the major season for pulses
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