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European Research Council:
Funding Opportunities for Investigator-Initiated Frontier Research Dr. Dimitri Harmegnies Research Project Adviser European Research Council Executive Agency
ERC: 15% Seventh Framework Programme for
Research and Technological Development FP7 ( ) European Research Council ERC: 15% Total FP7 Budget: € 50.4 billion ERC: new funding programme launched in 2007 as part of FP7: 7th Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development ( ) FP7 total budget = € 55 Bn ERC complements other FP7 funding programmes by targetting investigator driven frontier research ERC executes Ideas Programme: € 7.51 billion
Keypoints No network requirements PI + HI
European Research Council No network requirements PI + HI Investigator-driven (no preset of themes or priorities) Opportunities… The ERC Scientific Council 22 highly respected researchers reflecting the full scope of European research and scholarship Establishes ERC overall scientific strategy autonomous scientific governance Monitors and controls quality and performance; Selects members of evaluation panels Ensures communication with the scientific community Autonomous Executive Agency: ERCEA Executes annual work programme as established by the Scientific Council Implements calls for proposals and provides information and support to applicants Organises peer review evaluation Establishes and manages grant agreements
ERC actors The Scientific Council The Executive Agency
European Research Council The Scientific Council Independent scientific governing by 22 members The Executive Agency Implementation and management of work programme set up by Scientific Council The European Union Provides the financial means and legal framework The ERC Scientific Council 22 highly respected researchers reflecting the full scope of European research and scholarship Establishes ERC overall scientific strategy autonomous scientific governance Monitors and controls quality and performance; Selects members of evaluation panels Ensures communication with the scientific community Autonomous Executive Agency: ERCEA Executes annual work programme as established by the Scientific Council Implements calls for proposals and provides information and support to applicants Organises peer review evaluation Establishes and manages grant agreements
European Research Council
ERC Budget : € 7.51 billion Annual budget will increase during FP7 to > €1.7 bn by 2013 the ERC budget lies somewhere between the budgets of large funding organisations, notably the UK research councils and German Research Foundation (DFG) US National Science Foundation (NSF) (ca. € 4.4 billion p.a.) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (ca. € 17.3 billion p.a.). 5
ERC: Aims European Research Council To reinforce excellence, dynamism and creativity in European research improve career opportunities & independence for junior researchers increase competitiveness & international visibility of established scientists and scholars in Europe European added-value through competition at European level
Researcher involved in ERC research projects
European Research Council Researchers Career development and complementary ERC funding schemes Funding schemes: Attractive, flexible grants ERC Starting Grant (2-12 yrs post PhD) ERC Advanced Grant ERC Proof of Concept Grant (for ERC grantees) ERC Synergy Grant (from 2012) Senior Professor Full Professor Junior Professor/ Associated Professor Post-docs StG funds 2-12 years post PhD: Starters 2-6 and Consolidators 7-12 AdG funds full professors, senior professors PoC: both types of grantee Synergy: both StG and AdG profiles Earlier than PhD – research technicians and students staff on ERC grants Post Graduates ERC grant holder Students & Research assistants Researcher involved in ERC research projects
ERC grant schemes: 2012 Call budget distribution
European Research Council 2012 total budget: €1,578.1M AdG: Advanced Grants StG: Starting Grants Syn: ERC Synergy PoC: Proof of Concept
Starting and Advanced Grants
European Research Council Starting and Advanced Grants As of 2012, funding of such proposals occurs via the allocated panels who receive external expertise 9
ERC Grant schemes 2012: StG and AdG
European Research Council ERC Grant schemes 2012: StG and AdG 3 main scientific domains LS: Life Sciences PE: Physical Sciences and Engineering SH: Social Sciences and Humanities Previously ( ) 4th domain: Funded cross-panel or cross domain proposals. As of 2012, funding of such proposals occurs via the allocated panels who receive external expertise 10 10
ERC Grant schemes : panels
European Research Council ERC Grant schemes : panels PE: Physical Sciences and Engineering PE1 Mathematics PE2 Fundamental constituents of matter PE3 Condensed matter physics PE4 Physical and analytical chemical sciences PE5 Materials and synthesisPE6 Computer science and informatics PE7 Systems and communication engineering PE8 Products and processes engineering PE9 Universe sciences PE10 Earth system science LS : Life Sciences LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology LS5 Neurosciences and neural disorders LS6 Immunity and infection LS7 Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health LS8 Evolutionary, population and environmental biology LS9 Applied life sciences and biotechnology As of 2012, funding of such proposals occurs via the allocated panels who receive external expertise SH : Social Sciences and Humanities SH1 Individuals, institutions and markets SH2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour SH3 Environment, space and population SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity SH5 Cultures and cultural production SH6 The study of the human past 11 11
ERC: Strategy (1/2) What kind of project?
European Research Council What kind of project? Excellence is the only criterion Innovative breakthrough research: high risk/high gain All fields of science and knowledge Who can apply? Excellent researchers (PIs) of any nationality, age or current place of work In conjunction with a Host Institution (HI) based in Europe or associated countries Individual research team: Free to choose national or trans-national team, if scientific added value, no consortia The PI is expected to devote: Starting Grant : at least 50% of her/his total working time to the ERC funded project and spend at least 50% of her/his total working time in an EU Member State or associated country; Advanced Grant : at least 30% of her/his total working time to the ERC funded project and spend at least 50% of her/his total working time in an EU Member State or associated country
ERC: Strategy (2/2) Host Institution
European Research Council Host Institution An ERC grant is awarded to the institution (Applicant Legal Entity) that engages and hosts the Principal Investigator at least for the duration of the project….with the explicit commitment that this institution offers appropriate conditions for the Principal Investigator The host institution must be established in a Member State or an associated country. It may also be an International European Interest Organisation (such as CERN, EMBL, etc.) or the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). The host institution can be any legal entity (public or private), which has the infrastructure and capacity to carry out a frontier research project, such as a university, a research organisation or a research-performing company. Research-performing companies can host a PI as long as the PI's independence is not constrained by the research strategy of the company The ERC welcomes applications from Principal Investigators hosted by private commercial research centres, including industrial laboratories.
Profile of StG applicant
European Research Council Any nationality or age Any current place of work but: working or moving to work in Europe 2-12 years of experience after PhD Potential for independence and evidence of maturity e.g. publications without PhD supervisor Track-record of early research achievements appropriate to the research field and career stage Starter & Consolidator streams
ERC StG: Starter and Consolidator streams
European Research Council By definition in StG 2011 call 2-7 yrs post-PhD (starter) 7-12 yrs post-PhD (consolidator) Extending eligibility window (max yrs) or changing stream possible Career break maternity & paternity (before or after PhD) illness, clinical qualifications, national service, unemployment, volunteer work, etc (after PhD) IMPORTANT: Panel makes final decision 15
Profile of AdG applicant
European Research Council Active researchers having a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years Benchmarks (one or more below) including 10 publications as senior author 3 major research monographs Other (individually or in combination) 5 granted patents 10 invited presentations 3 research expeditions led by the applicant 3 organized prestigious conferences International recognition through scientific prizes/awards or membership in well-regarded academies 16
Composition of ERC Proposal
European Research Council Panels evaluate just this part in Step 1!!!!! PART A – online forms A1 Proposal and PI info A2 Host institution info A3 Budget PART B1 – submitted as .pdf Track Record of PI StG: early achievements StG: Scientific Leadership Potential AdG: last 10 yrs CV (including “funding ID”) Extended synopsis Annexes – submitted as .pdf On ethics Host institution support letter StG: PhD certificate PART B2 – submitted as .pdf Full project description incl. budget & ethics table Panels evaluate this part only in Step 2!!! 17
ERC Grant schemes Review process (StG and AdG) Feedback to applicants
European Research Council ERC Grant schemes Review process (StG and AdG) STEP 1 STEP 2 Remote assessment by Panel members and external reviewers of sections B1&B2 Remote assessment by Panel members of section B1 Step 2 Panel meeting (+ interview for StG) Step 1 Panel meeting Proposals retained for step 2 Ranked list of proposals Up to 3 times panel’s Indicative budget Proposals funded in priority order based on their rank Feedback to applicants Feedback to applicants 18 18
Evaluation criteria Principal investigator
European Research Council Principal investigator Research output (track record, achievements, reputation) Intellectual capacity and creativity (independence) Time commitment (an evaluation, not eligibility criterion) Research project: Ground-breaking nature (challenges, new concepts) Potential impact (open new horizons) Methodology (approach, timescale, resources, feasibility) High risk/high gain balance (breakthrough vs incremental research) 19
Host institution Hosts the PI for the duration of the project
European Research Council Hosts the PI for the duration of the project Is a legal entity: university, research centre, business research unit etc. Is committed to ensure that the PI may apply for funding independently manage research and funding for the project publish independently as senior author have access to reasonable space and facilities Signs Grant Agreement
Feedback to applicants
European Research Council Step 1 A of sufficient quality to pass to step 2 B of high quality but not sufficient to pass to step 2 C is not of sufficient quality to pass to step 2 (resubmission limitations may apply) B and C receive individual reports, panel comments and panel ranking Step 2 A meets excellence criterion, will be funded if sufficient funds available B meets some but not all elements of excellence criterion, will not be funded A and B receive individual reports, panel comments and panel ranking 21 21
ERC Grant agreements European Research Council Simple and flexible, no negotiations – take it or leave it Are portable Additional funding for StG or AdG for researchers moving to Europe or Associated Countries or for purchase of major equipment Cover 100% total eligible costs plus 20% indirect costs 22 22
ERC Grant schemes: StG and AdG
European Research Council ERC Grant schemes: StG and AdG Starting Grants Advanced Grants Attract/retain next-generation leaders Establish independent research team & program Attract/retain current world-leaders Stimulate investigator-driven, breakthrough research StG 2010 AdG 2010 Number of grantees Age of grantees Grantees by age in 2010 23
ERC Grant schemes: StG and AdG
European Research Council ERC Grant schemes: StG and AdG ERC grant distribution to countries AdG , StG │ 24
ERC Grant schemes: StG and AdG
European Research Council ERC Grant schemes: StG and AdG Success rates
ERC Grant schemes Overall Submissions (2007 – 2011) 9165 4080 2503
European Research Council ERC Grant schemes Overall Submissions (2007 – 2011) 9165 4080 2503 2873 2284 2167 2009 1584
ERC Grant schemes: StG and AdG
European Research Council ERC Grant schemes: StG and AdG Submissions to Life Sciences panels Starting Grants LS1 Molecular & Structural Biology & Biochemistry LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics & Systems Biology LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology & Endocrinology LS5 Neurosciences & neural disorders LS6 Immunity & infection LS7 Diagnostic tools, therapies & public health LS8 Evolutionary, population & environmental biology LS9 Applied life sciences & biotechnology Advanced Grants 12-15 panel members + panel chair Panels assisted by external reviewers StG and AdG each have 2 sets of alternating panels Indicative budget is allocated on demand basis: probability of success is independent of panel
Opportunities PI… HI … European Research Council
The ERC Scientific Council 22 highly respected researchers reflecting the full scope of European research and scholarship Establishes ERC overall scientific strategy autonomous scientific governance Monitors and controls quality and performance; Selects members of evaluation panels Ensures communication with the scientific community Autonomous Executive Agency: ERCEA Executes annual work programme as established by the Scientific Council Implements calls for proposals and provides information and support to applicants Organises peer review evaluation Establishes and manages grant agreements
Submission Deadline(s)
Timetable of StG and AdG calls European Research Council ERC open calls Publication of call Submission Deadline(s) Starting Grants ERC-2012-StG 20 July 2011 PE: 12 Oct. 2011 LS: 09 Nov. 2011 SH: 24 Nov. 2011 Advanced grants ERC-2012-AdG 16 November 2011 February -April 2012 │ 29 29 29
European Research Council
Proof of Concept As of 2012, funding of such proposals occurs via the allocated panels who receive external expertise 30 30
Bridging the Innovation gap
ERC Proof of Concept European Research Council ERC call name Budget Size of Grants Publication of call Submission Deadline(s) Proof of Concept ERC-2011-PoC €10M CSA pilot Max. €150,000 for 12mths 29 Mar. 2011 15 June 2011 78 proposals submitted 08 Nov. 2011 ERC-2012-PoC (1% total budget) 02 Feb. 2012 03 May 2012 03 Oct. 2012 Bridging the Innovation gap From ‘blue sky research’ to commercialisation Fundamental research often generates opportunities for commercial application ERC-funded excellent ideas should not miss these opportunities! Innovation
ERC Proof of Concept European Research Council Eligibility: Holders of an ERC grant with idea substantially drawn from an ERC-funded project Proposal Submission: 2 deadlines per year, 7 page proposal with short description, early stage innovation strategy, plan of activities and budget Evaluation: In one step, non-scientific evaluation Pass/fail on 3 criteria: Innovation potential Quality of the proof of concept plan Budget Outcome: A "package" to be presented to venture capitalists
European Research Council
Synergy grants As of 2012, funding of such proposals occurs via the allocated panels who receive external expertise 33 33
Submission Deadline(s)
ERC Synergy Grants European Research Council ERC call name Budget Size of Grant Publication of call Submission Deadline(s) ERC Synergy grant ERC-2012-SyG €150M (10% total budget) Max. €15M for upto six years 25 Oct. 2011 25 Jan. 2012 “Synergy” : from the Greek “συνεργός” (synergós): “working together” Investigator-driven ‘blue sky’ research 2-4 excellent PIs with complementary skills Interdisciplinary research with added value
ERC Synergy: project profile
European Research Council Sole criterion is excellence – not collaboration for its own sake Investigator driven: no preset themes or priorities Projects interdisciplinary in nature, using multidisciplinary approaches Projects involve new combinations of skills and disciplines, bringing together researchers from different institutions, sectors or countries
ERC Synergy: PI profile
European Research Council Small groups of 2 – 4 Principal Investigators, not consortia No transnationality requirement PIs ideally located in the same place for significant periods of the project Time commitment of all PIs to project: at least 30% working time on project and 50% in an EU Member State or associated country PIs with excellent track records of independent creative thinking, regardless of career stage : groups can be from same country, city, campus or institution
ERC Synergy: proposal PART A – online forms
European Research Council PART A – online forms A1 Proposal and PI info A2 Host institution info A3 Budget PART B1 – submitted as .pdf Section 1 Scientific proposal 15 p. Annexes – submitted as .pdf - Statement of support by HI - If applicable: explanatory information on ethical issues PART B2 – submitted as .pdf Section 2 Track Record of all PIs Extended synopsis p. CV (including “funding ID”) 2 p./PI track record p./PI 37 37 37
Step 2 Panel meeting and interviews
ERC Synergy: evaluation European Research Council STEP 1 (5 panels) STEP 2 (new panel) Remote evaluation of full proposals by panel members and external referees Panel members meet and examine retained proposals and their reports Upto 2 times panel’s Indicative budget Select proposals for interview Step 1 Panel meeting Step 2 Panel meeting and interviews Proposals retained for step 2 Select proposals up to available budget Upto 2.5 times panel’s Indicative budget Feedback to applicants Feedback to applicants
Support ERC website:
European Research Council ERC website: Documents to read twice (with highlighter pen in hand!!!) ERC Work Programme for the considered call Guide for Applicants Help ERC National Contact Points ERC Helpdesk EPSS helpdesk (electronic proposal submission)
European Research Council
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