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Published byAlberto Kenerson Modified over 10 years ago
Excellence in HR Company Name : Plant Location: 2014-15 Category : Large ACMA Awards
Index S. No.AreaPage no.Total Marks Actual Marks 1Leadership200 2HR Strategy & Structure150 3HR Practice & Policies250 4Shop Floor Management250 5Industrial Climate and Profile150 Total1000 ACMA Centre for Technology (ACT) ( A Division of ACMA ) Godrej Eternia-C, ‘B’ Wing, '10th Floor, Office No.- C, Old Mumbai Pune Highway Wakdewadi, Shivaji Nagar, Pune – 411005, India. MSME, Export, Technology, Q & P and Manufacturing Awards Excellence in HR For Administrative Queries: Mr. Jitender Rana Email- Mobile- 09873369699 Ms. Ecktta Email- Mobile- 09953330046 Ms. Sakshi Karkamkar Email- Mobile- 07387002181 Mr. Binny Tomy Email- Mobile- 9711138869 For Technical Queries: Mr. V K Sharma Email- Mobile- 09811392068 Mr. Rajul Mathur Email- Mobile- 09818358688 Ms. Sapana M. Baravkar Email- Mobile- 07350703339 Mr. Agnivesh Singh Email- Mobile- 09718145705 (For Office Use only)
ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large) Letter for Submission of Award application for 2014-15 Company letterhead details ( Logo, Address ) To, The Secretariat ( ACMA Awards – HR Excellence) ACMA 6th Floor, The Capital Court Olof Palme Marg, Munirka, New Delhi – 110067 Mobile: Ecktta – +919953330046 We are pleased to submit the application for ACMA Award 2014-15 for Excellence in HR. All data submitted is duly verified and true to thebest ofourknowledge. With regards ( Name& Designation of the Plant CEO ) 3 Group Company Name Group company Turnover in INR Cr. For 2014-15 ACMA Awards Category (Excellence in HR) (For ACMA Award Process Team) Upto INR 20 CrMSME Category > INR 20 Cr to INR 150 Cr Small Category > INR 150 Cr to INR 500 Cr Large Category > INR 500 CrSpecial Category
Company’s Details 1.1.Name of the corporate group (if company is part of a corporate group): - ( Underline the plant for which application is sent ) Plant Address : 2.2.Name of the Chief executive of the corporate group- 3ChiefExecutive (Site) details : Name :Designation : Mobile :E-mail :E-mail : Land linewith extension :Fax No. Name :Designation : Mobile :E-mail :E-mail : Land linewith extension :Fax No. ( If Sr. No. 3 & 4 are same, then provide next level person No. 4 ) details at Sr. 4 4 Plant HR Head / Corporate HR Head details : ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
Company’s Details 5.5.Company turnover ( in Rs. Crore ) for Year 2014-15 : 6.6.Plant turnover ( in Rs, Crore ) for Year 2014-15 : 7.7.Year of Establishment : Company, Plant 9.9.Do you have a Joint Venture : ( If Yes, Mentionthepartnername )name ) 10.Company’s Key products : 11.11.Plant’s Key products : 12.Plant’s key manufacturing processes : 13.Plant’s Key competitors : 14.Plant’s Major Certifications : 5 8.8.Total Employees (Staff, Operators & Casuals all) : Company Plant ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
Customer Details AsAsa parta partof ACMA Awardprocess,feedbackfrom yourmajormajor customers will be obtained directly and will be provided to Jury as a part of Site diagnosis. The same will be report provided to you as a part of Site Diagnosis feedback Kindly provide 2namesperKeyCustomersforfortheplantplantforforwhich applicationisissentsent Note- In addition to application & sitediagnosis,Customer feedback will be also considered. 6 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large) S. NoCustomerLocation% Business share ( from the plant ) Key person name & Designation Mobile Number & E mail 1 2
Company / Plant Information Use this slide to brief about your company / Plant. ItincludesProduct names / photos, Plantfacilityphotographs, etc. 7 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
Route Map to reach your plant Provide diagnosis aroutemap toyouryourcompanycompanyfor sitefor sitediagnosis ) (SiteSite isiscarried outififyourapplication isshortlisted Contact person name & Designation: Name :Name : Designation : E-Mail : Mobile : Landline : ( STD Code ) ( Number ) :Ext. ( if any ) 8 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
( For office use only ) Company performance at a glance Following radar chart shows the scores for each main area as per questionnaire, scores are converted to % ) ( RADAR Chart LeadershipLeadership 100 75 50 HR Strategy & Structure 25 0 S. No.AreaTotal Marks Marks Obtained % 1 Leadership200 2 HR Strategy & Structure150 3 HR Practice & Policies250 4 Shop Floor Management250 5 Industrial Climate and Profile150 Total1000 HR Practices & Policies Shop Floor Management Industrial Climate and Profile 9 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
10 (For Office Use Only) Section 1 Leadership Total marks = 200 S. No. Sub Topic Total Marks Marks Obtained % 1.AVision, Mission and Values40 1.BBusiness orientation towards HR4040 1.CCommunication40 1.DInvolvement and Approachability40 1.ECapability of 2 nd line Leadership40 Total200 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(1.A) Vision, Mission and ValuesTotal = 40 1. Kindly enclose your Statements of vision and mission & dates of when these were Formed and Revised. (10) VISION : ( Formed on //, Revised on ://) MISSION : ( Formed on//, Revised on ://) 11 1. Leadership ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
1. Leadership Total = 40 12 (1.A) Vision, Mission and Values 2. Kindly list the shared values of the organization. (10) photo 3. Attach photographs of Vision, Mission and Value statements displayed in the company premises. (20) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(1.B) Business Orientation towards HRTotal = 40 1313 1. Leadership 1. What is the role that CEO wants HR to perform in your company ? Please elaborate (10) 3. How much time leadership / CEO devote on HR Issues in a month ? What forums are there for HR team to meet the leadership/ CEO ? 2. What is the manpower cost % to Sales ? Please give details for last three years? (10) (20) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
1414 2. In a typical leadership communication, what would be the various topics that would be covered? Kindly list them below : (10) 1. Leadership 1. How often does the Leadership team communicate with the employees ? (10) (1.C) Communication Total = 40 N. S. Communication Daily Monthly Quarterly Half Forum on by Yearly 123123 Yearly ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
Sr.No. 1 photoSr.No. 2 photo Sr.No. 3 photo 1. Leadership 3. Attach any photographs available for the above mentioned communications (20) (1.C) Communication Total = 40 1515 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
1 (D) Involvement and Approachability 1. How often does MD/CEO visit the Shop floor/ Plant ? Give details of such visits detailing his interaction with the workers ? (15) 2. How often does the MD/CEO take part in worker related matters directly. Kindly provide two such instances in support of the statement. (15) 3. How approachable is the MD/CEO for employees ? Is there any direct method of contact accessible for all employees? i.e. –mobile no., email ID etc. (10) 1. Leadership Total Marks = 40 1616 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
1E. Capability of 2 nd line Leadership 1. Leadership Total Marks = 40 2. Enlist initiatives taken by your organization in the recent past to develop capabilities of the 2 nd line Leadership. (20) 1717 1. Kindly explain leadership involvement in developing capability in the Organisation, identifying new leaders and creating a leadership pipeline (20) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(For Office Use Only) Section 2 HR Strategy and Structure S. No. Sub Topic Total Marks Marks Obtained % 2.A HR plan, budget and alignment with business goal 50 2.B HR department structure and capability 50 2.CRespect of HR leadership50 Total150 Total marks = 150 1818 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(2.A) HR Plan, Budget and Alignment with Business Goal 1919 2. HR Strategy & Structure 1. Does the company have an annual HR Plan / targets? Please attach the same (20) 2. Please list any new HR initiative that have been successfully implemented in the organization in the last 3 years? (15) Total Marks = 50 3. How do you ensure alignment of HR plan with short term and long term organization strategy? kindly provide evidence (15) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
1. Please provide the Structure of HR department of your organization. 2. Kindly list any initiatives that have been taken in the last one year to improve the skill capability of the HR department? For E.g.. Workshops, Training, Mentorship, etc. (2.B) HR Department Structure and Capability 2. HR Strategy & Structure 3. Kindly list any initiatives that have been taken in the last three years to improve the infrastructure capability of the HR department? For E.g.. Use of IT / Technology or Smart tools / SAP etc. (15) Total Marks = 50 20 (15) (20) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(2.C) Respect of HR Leadership 2. HR Strategy & Structure Total Marks = 50 2. In case of issues faced by employees, would they approach their line managers of HR representatives first? (20) 1. Provide an instance where a business decision was changed post intervention by HR? (15) 3. How often would the HR leadership interact with workmen, supervisors and manager and in what forum (15) 21 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(For Office Use Only) Section 3 HR Practice and Policies S. N.Sub Topic Total Marks Marks Obtained % 3.ARecruitment and Induction40 3.B Performance Management System 40 3.CCompensation and Benefits40 3.DRewards & Recognition30 3.EEmployee Satisfaction30 3.FLearning and Development40 3.GStatutory Compliance30 Total250 Total marks = 250 22 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(3.A) Recruitment and Induction 3. HR Practice and Policies 1. What are the policies designed and implemented to ensure hiring the right number of people in the right positions at the right time? (15) Total Marks = 40 2. How do you evaluate the success of your recruitment process? What % of your new recruits stay in the organization at the end of 1 year.. (10) 3. How many days of induction training is held across grades of employees recruited ? How do you measure success of the induction program conducted ?.. (15) 23 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(3.B) Performance Management System 3. HR Practice and Policies Total Marks = 40 2. Kindly elaborate on the following aspects of the PMS ? (10) Who all provide the input to ratings (Manager, Plant Head, etc..) What is the procedure of finalizing the Rating Is the final rating shared with employee or the employee comes to know about the ratings through increments 1. Does your company have a defined Performance Management System ? Is the PMS based on responsibilities, KPI, competencies, behaviors, etc. - kindly provide details. When was it reviewed last time ? 3. Is performance management linked to the annual increment and appraisal ? Have increments been given consistent in last three years? Provide details in support of your answer ? (10) (20) 24 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
1. Does the company release Salary and Wages on time every month along with salary slips ? If not, please elaborate (20) (3.C) Compensation & Benefit 3. HR Practice and Policies Total Marks = 40 3. Does the company have a production incentive policy for workers? If yes what is the max % paid as a % of monthly salary (10) 25 2. What is the Overtime Policy in your organization? What is the % of OT hours and OT amount of total monthly wage ? Is the OT allowance paid on time ? (10) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(3.D) Rewards and Recognition 3. HR Practice and Policies 1. What are the policies of rewards and recognition in your organization? Please provide details of monetary and non-monetary policies implemented in the organisation. (10) 2. Provide evidence to support that your organization promotes fairness and equality with its rewards and recognition policy. How do you recognize employees who demonstrate initiative to go beyond their line of responsibility? (10) Total Marks = 30 26 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(3.D) Rewards and Recognition 3. HR Practice and Policies Total Marks = 30 4. Do you have a variable pay policy? If yes then what % of compensation as variable pay for Senior leadership, Mid management and junior management (10) 27 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(3.E) Employee Satisfaction 3. HR Practice and Policies 2. What is the trend of Employee Satisfaction by level / grade as per last survey ? (Illustrate the last survey’ trend in the bar graph, along with your internal Target line ) (10) 3. Provide details of the average attrition data over the last three years ? YearWhite collar %Blue collar % 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Total Marks = 30 1. Do you conduct employee satisfaction survey ? Is it done internally or externally? What are the parameters considered for measuring Employees Satisfaction (10) 28 (10) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(3.F) Learning and Development 3. HR Practice and Policies 1. What is the trend of the training hours / employee over the years? (show last three year trend in bar graph, illustrate it with your internal Target line ) (10) FormulaFormula Total training man-hours for all employees for year =---------------------------------------- --------------------- Total employees Training hours/employee / year Training hrs/emp/year 60 55 50 40 30 25 20 10 0 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2. How you Identify training needs for your employees ? List top 10 training programs conducted in last one year ( 10 ) Training Areas : 4. Please give success stories as evidence? (10) Total Marks = 40 3. What is the %of manpower cost spent on training annually? Please give data of last three years. (10) 29 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(3.F) Statutory Compliance 3. HR Practice and Policies Please verify whether the following statutory policies are implemented in your organisation or not. S. No. Compliance Policy Implemented (Yes/No) Remark 1PF 2ESI 3Gratuity 4Child Labor 5Standing orders 6Minimum wage 7 Works / Grievance committee 8Fire NOC 9Factory license 10Contractor license 11 Consent under air and water pollution 12 HSD Storage license 13 Boiler/ Pressure vessel test certificate 14 Safety officer / Welfare office 15 Lift / Fork Lift License Total Marks = 30 30 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(For Office Use Only) Section 4 Shop Floor Management S. N.Sub TopicTotal Marks Actual Marks % 4.ALeadership of shop floor40 4.BRespect of shop floor leadership 30 4.CKaizen / 5S / TQM / TPM / SS50 4.DProduction flexibility and leverage 30 4.EHealth, Safety, Environment and welfare 100 Total250 Total marks = 250 31 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(4.A) Leadership of Shop Floor 4. Shop Floor Management Total Marks = 40 1. How do shop floor leaders encourage and enable subordinates/ operators to initiate and implement improvement activities at shop floor? (15) 2. What is the level of PPE compliance at Shop floor? Who needs more motivation to comply – the workmen, the supervisors or the Managers? 3. Kindly illustrate some instances of excellence in shop floor leadership with the help of photographs ? (10) Photo (15) 32 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(4.B) Respect of Shop Floor Leadership 4. Shop Floor Management Total Marks = 30 1.Are operators / workers allowed to raise their concerns if not satisfied with the decision of shop floor leadership ? How often does the HR intervene in shop floor related disputes / issues? Kindly provide and approximate of no. of issues per month (15) 2. Is shop floor leader usually the final authority to grant leave to operators / workers? Detail other similar authorities of the shop floor leader ? (15) 33 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(4.C) Kaizen / 5S / TQM / TPM / SS 4. Shop Floor Management 1. Does the company have a list of Do’s and Don’ts for employees displayed at shop floor especially with regard to safety / quality / manufacturing practices /environment care etc.? (15) Photo 3. Please attach photographs of shop floor as evidence of above (15) Total Marks = 50 2. Kindly list the improvement suggestions with benefits to the organization in the last 1 year on account of Kaizen, 5S, QC, CFT, etc.. 34 (20) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(4.C) Production Flexibility 4. Shop Floor Management Total Marks = 30 2. In cases when there is excess demand versus planned production, how has the shop floor managed such a situation ? ( 10) 3. In cases when there is decreased demand versus planned production, how has the shop floor resolved issues of underutilization of workers ? (10 ) 1. What is the average utilization of the plant capacity in your company ? (10 ) 35 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(4.E) Health, Safety, Environment and Welfare 4. Shop Floor Management 1. Does the factory have sufficient security arrangements such as CCTV covering boundary wall etc.? Support with photographs (10) Photo 2. Please list various machine safety measures taken in your organization ? Support with photographs (10) Photo Total Marks = 100 36 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
4. Shop Floor Management 3. Does the company provide Personal Protective Equipment's (PPE) to all employees ? Please list all PPE’s and training imparted for use of PPE’s. Support with photographs (10) 4. Does your company provide sufficient and clean Drinking water, washing, toilet etc.? Support with photographs (10) Washing/ ToiletDrinking water Rest room Total Marks = 100 Photo 37 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large) (4.E) Health, Safety, Environment and Welfare
4. Shop Floor Management 5. What are the current accident levels? (Illustrate previous one year data in line graph) A) Frequency (nos.) in PPM Minor + Major both (5) B) Severity (man hrs. lost) in PPM (5) Formula No. of accidents Frequency rate =------------------------ X 10 6 Total man hours Formula Total man-days lost Severity rate =------------------------------- X 10 6 Total man hours Total Marks = 100 38 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large) (4.E) Health, Safety, Environment and Welfare
4. Shop Floor Management 7. Does your facility have appropriate fire fighting equipment placed at accessible locations? Support with photos (10) 8. Does the company organize events to celebrate various festivals, occasion, competition with employees? Please elaborate on the same and also provide photographs (05) Total Marks = 100 6. Does the company provide for sufficient no of first aid boxes and maintains them regularly ? Please list the locations of such first aid boxes. (05) 39 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large) (4.E) Health, Safety, Environment and Welfare
4. Shop Floor Management Total Marks = 100 10. How does your organization support employees at times of significant life events – employee’s marriage, marriage of children, family illness, new born in the family (10) 9. Please list various welfare activities for employees in your company. 11. How does your organization help employees to maintain work-life balance? (10) 40 (10) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large) (4.E) Health, Safety, Environment and Welfare
(For Office Use Only) Section 5 Industrial Climate and Profile S. No. Sub TopicTotal Marks Marks Obtaine d % 5.AOrganization Manpower Profile 50 5.BIndustrial Relation & Trade Union 50 5.CCorporate Social Responsibility 50 Total150 Total marks = 150 41 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(5.A) Organization Manpower Profile 5. Industrial Climate and Profile Please describe the status of Manpower profile as per follows Total Marks = 50 S. No. Profile criteriaWhite Collar Company worker Contractual worker Total 1 No of Employees / Worker 2 Age profile (no of employees) Less than 25 years 25-35 years 35 years and above 3 Education profile (Min Qualification) 4 Tenure (number of employees) Less then 1 year 1-2 year 2-5 year More then 5 years 5 No of Direct vs Indirect employees 6 Number of employees Local Outsiders 7 Numbers as Male Female 42 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(5.B) Industrial Relation and Trade Union 5. Industrial Climate and Profile 3. Does your company have a proper discipline procedure ? Is this communicated to all employees ? (10) 4. Please provide and approximation of the total production hour / day lost due to unrest or dispute with workman, if any? (10) 5. What are the unique practices being followed by your organization with regard to IR and how do you measure the effectiveness of these practices (10) Total Marks = 50 2. Is there a forum (as well as an escalation process) for employees to raise issues / concerns etc..--- shop floor / HR / personal etc.. If yes, please provide details of the same. ( 10) 43 1. Is there a Union(s) in the organization? Are these internal or external? If external Union then they are affiliated to? (10) ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
(5.C) Corporate Social Responsibility 5. Industrial Climate and Profile Photo 2. How do you ensure that employees also participate in these initiatives ? (15) 1. Briefly describe the initiatives taken towards corporate social responsibility. (15) Total Marks = 50 3.. Share some initiatives of social commitment with the help of photos (20) 44 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
( Company has to fill up ) Summary of Achievements for the year 2014-15 45 ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
For Company: Provide an excellent photo of your company ACMA Awards 2014-15 : HR Excellence (Large)
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