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Commercialization Snapshot and Revisions Proposed to Faculty Manual Royalty Distributions.

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Presentation on theme: "Commercialization Snapshot and Revisions Proposed to Faculty Manual Royalty Distributions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commercialization Snapshot and Revisions Proposed to Faculty Manual Royalty Distributions

2 Concerns from last senate discussion Concern By SenateProposed revision IP Committee Roster, CommunicationOC Website, Faculty Senate website Many technologies produce $10K or under Preserving Tier 1 structure (Upto $10K: Faculty 100%) Enforcement FundCapped at $100k Royalty Waiver in favor of ProgramGift back to Program; Short term (5 year, renewable) waivers signed by all heirs Definition of Adjusted Income under equity (8d) Revised to be in line with the rest of the sections

3 IP Committee Membership Roster Don Bender, VCEA - ChairGary Pollack, Pharmacy, WSUS Katrina Mealey, CVMMichael Trevisan, Education Rick Knowles, CAHNRSEx-Officio Greg Yasinitsky, CASAnson Fatland, AVP, EcoDevo Sue Clark, CASDan Nordquist, Director, OGRD Hakan Gurocak, VCEA, WSUVSita Pappu, Director, OC

4 Commercialization Statistics  Technologies Disclosed: >1500  Number of Patents/Patent Applications: ~2000  Typical Cost to file and get a US patent issued: ~$25-$30 K  Cost similar for each additional country  Legal Expenses for past 5 fiscal years: >$3 million  University investment (unreimbursed legal expenses): >$1.91 million  Number technologies that generated:  >$10K: 92  $5K-$10K: 30  $1K-$5K: 51  <$1K: 33

5 Revisions Proposed  Simplify royalty distribution table from 3 tiers to two tiers –  eliminate the third tier that reduces faculty portion to 25% from 50%  Only two tiers: $1-$10K: 100% to faculty; >$10K: 50-50 split  Allow for marketing and promotion expenses to increase the success for licensing and revenue generation  Allow for university portion to fund research projects on commercialization proof of concept  Allow for university portion to be used for enforcement of patent  Patent troll law suits  Protecting our patents in light of new case law (gene markers and method patents)  Plant varietal infringement matters

6 Royalty Comparison current vs. proposed distributions Tier $ 1-10K ( eg.,$10K ) $ 10K-200K ( eg., $200K ) $ 200,001- Up ( eg., $500K) Current $10K $100K $125K Proposed $10K $100K $250K

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