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16/12/2003. Different Scenarios CapacityQuality Developed Economies Developing Economies.

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Presentation on theme: "16/12/2003. Different Scenarios CapacityQuality Developed Economies Developing Economies."— Presentation transcript:

1 16/12/2003

2 Different Scenarios CapacityQuality Developed Economies Developing Economies

3 Operators Strategies & Targets INCUBENT OR TRADITIONAL (I.L.E.C.) NEW PRIVATE FIXED ACCESS (C.L.E.C.) MOBILE I.S.P. Broadband Services Quality Strategic Alliances & Acquisitions Network Development (Capacity) Subscribers (revenues)

4 A Puzzle of Technologies L M D S H D S L Wireless Access A T M IP/MPLSIP/MPLS I S D N F T T x W L L A D S L

5 Two Contenders: Wireless vs. Wireline Future-proof Flexibility Capacity Time to Service Infrastructure Cost Equipment Cost WIRELESSWIRELINE HIGH LOW HIGH LOW SLOW FAST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH


7 nxE1 IMA uptomultipleSTM-1 mini DSLAM or IBAS POTS/ISDN ATM/IP PSTN Splitter CPERouter/Bridge In-Line Filter USB 10/100 BaseT 4-port HUB ADSL over POTS or over ISDN IBAS ADSL Technology mini DSLAM jetSpeed IBAS with the potential capacity of a Multiservice Access Platform (upto 512 ADSL lines per DSLAM) mini DSLAMs (small CO, MTUs, ONUs) jetSpeed ADSL NT Family Access Network Products

8 INDOOR/OUTDOORCABINET ΝΤ1 ΝΤ1 ΝΤU NTU xDSLNTU BRA xDSL xDSL Vxx / X.21 10BT Nx64kb/s 2Mb/s EXCHANGE EXCHANGESIDE DATA HUB SDH Ring elegant synergy O N U IAS-F: Fiber-In-The-Loop System Access Network Products

9 higher multi-access IAS-W: Point-to-Multipoint Radio Subscriber Access System Wireless Central Node Terminal Node Remote Node Wireless Terminal Adaptor P-to-mP TDMA microwave link DECT common air interface WCN:TN:RN:WTA: WCNWTAWTA TN+DECTRN TN TN TN TN RN RN I A S - W A r c h i t e c t u r e Access Network Products

10 IAS-W: Wireless Central Node AnalogueInterfaces(optional) CentralNode ETSI RACK 1440 subscribers (103 Erlangs)  256 remote nodes  2.6 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 10.5 GHz Capacity 2200 x 300 x 600 mm

11 Access Network Products IAS-W: Remote Nodes Terminal Node - 120 PSTN subscribers - Extension up to 180 subscribers - 20 simultaneous RLL (DECT) calls Repeater Node - 30 PSTN subscribers - Extension up to 120 subscribers - 20 simultaneous RLL (DECT) calls DECT WTA DECT WTA (2 subscribers)

12 Access Network Products IAS-W: System Components – Interfaces & Services

13 Access Network Products... IASW PtMP FIBER OPT. INTRALINK PtP IDR FQUAD IAS-W WCN IAS-W Remote Radio Unit IAS-W WCN WCN for remote Radio IAS-W network SDH 4 x POTS or Payphones ONU Local Exchang e ΟCN LOCAL EXCHANG E Local Exchange IAS-W network RSS Mixed IAS-F / IAS-W Deployment

14 CTN CTN CTN CN-RU CN-NIU Access Network Products IAS-Wd: Point-to-Multipoint Radio Network for Data Applications  Sectorized configuration 4 Mb/s or 8 Mb/s per sector  Available frequencies: 2.6 / 3.5 / 10.5 GHz  Symmetrical traffic for n x 64 Kb/s data services: - Feeding Cellular or WLL BS - Leased Lines - LAN-to-LAN

15 Multimedia Service on Demand and Datacasting Audio Broadcasting and Multicasting VoIP Telephony T.V. Broadcasting and Multicasting Video Conferencing and Distance Learning WEB Browsing Surveillance and Monitoring Internet Service Provision and E-Commerce Telecommuting, Virtual Private Networking and LAN-to-LAN Access Network Products i-BRAIN: Broadband Wireless IP Network A p p l i c a t i o n s  IP based services, data, video and voice  Sectorized config/tion: 25 Mb/s downlink per sector upto 10 Mb/s uplink  Available frequencies: 3.5 GHz, 10.5 GHz, 26 GHz (in future)

16 Access Network Products i-BRAIN: System Architecture RBS RT NT RBS : Radio Base StationANTS : Access Network Termination SystemRT : Radio Terminal TN : Network Terminal RT NT ANTS


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